Urgent you absolutely must read the bottom authors note when about to click off if you don't I will kill you!!!!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto what no it's the end of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Summary: Once 6 girls get expelled they go to Konoha high with their brothers in tow. As soon as they arrive they catch the eye of the hottest boys in school. Too bad they can't have them. They were Total bad girls.

Thinking Inner Lyrics Flashback



We hopped out of the car and started towards the office. Before I get you all confused. I am Sakura Haruno and I am with my friends Yuki, Temari, Tenten, Hinata, and Ino. (A/N I feel really lazy so I am not gonna put what they look like hopefully you already know!). We got expelled from our old school all six of us, and it just so happened that we are all best friends. My major BFF is Ino while for Yuki it's Hinata and Tenten and Temari are really tight. Ino has an older brother Deidara and I have an older brother to Sasori. Our parents forced those idiots to live with us because they couldn't come themselves. They were senior while we were juniors. So got all the stats?

" Yo hag ugly! Are you freakin stocking me?" a voice asked. I spun on my heel it was none other than Sai. I smiled and jumped on him, While Yuki ran to him and stood by his side.

" Asswhole I should be asking you the same thing!" I said. Yuki smiled

" Long time no see gay ass." She winked at him and the rest of the girls walked over to us reluctantly.

" Hey saku-chan why don't you ask where the office is." Ino said.

" Ino-pig you just did that yourself." I said. She laughed nervously, he pointed in the direction of the office and with that I jumped off Sai and slapped him.

" What the fuck was that for!?" he yelled. I smiled innocently while Yuki just went up to him up to him hugged him and slapped him on the other side of his face. We all started cracking up and we started walking towards the office.


When Sai would actually hold girls like that they would usually try to kiss him not slap him. I smirked.

" So asswhole or should I say gay ass who were the hotties. He growled at the nickname.

" I only know two of them, the two that came up to me, the one who jumped on me was Sakura Haruno and the other one is Yukihiro Haruno but she likes to be called Yuki." He said. I nodded.

" Well who ever they are every single one of them is fuking hot." Naruto said. We all nodded in agreement.


We all got the same schedules thank god. We walked to our fist class English with Kakashi. We walked into the class and found the teacher face practically buried in his book icha icha paradise talk about disgusting! I cleared my throat a bit and he looked my way.

" Oh, you must be the new students. Introduce yourself by saying your name, hobbies, and dislikes. Also you may give some tips if you want" He said. We nodded and I started first.

" I am Yuki Haruno. I dance hip-hop, play volleyball, and skateboard. I dislike people who diss my sister, people who diss my friends, and sluts." I said. Next up was Hinata.

" I am Hinata Hyuuga. I play volleyball dance hip-hop and skateboard. I dislike people who diss my friends, sluts and perverts." She said. Then Temari I spoke up .

" I am Temari. I play basketball, dance hip-hop, and skateboard. I dislike everything that Hinata said." She said. Tenten spoke this time. " My name is Tenten. I dance hip-hop, play volleyball, and skateboard. I dislike anyone who messes with me or my friends, and perverts. Oh and a tip I have an obsession with sharp things so get on my bad side and be sure to find something sharp stuck up your ass." She said. We all let out a small laugh. Finally Sakura was up.

" My name is Sakura Haruno. I play basketball, skateboard and dance hip-hop. I dislike everything that Yuki said on her list. Another tip get on my bad side and well lets just say I know how to fight." She said. We looked at each other and nodded.

" Mess with us and lets just say you'll have a very uh discrete funeral." We said in unison smirking. There faces were so freaking scared it wasn't even funny, well actuall it was funny very funny actually. Kakashi wasn't really paying attention to what we saying so he told us to go grab seats in the back and then he announce to the class free period. We got to the back of the classroom and every one started cracking up. All of a sudden a girl tapped Sakura's shoulder.

" So your Sakura Haruno I just wanted to say well you diss me and I will make your life a living hell also. Not to mention stay away from the those guys over there." A girl with red hair and glasses said as she pointed to where Sai and some other guys were chillin. A blonde guy over there started having a panic attack, and then I heard Sai say just relax and watch the catfight. I snickered and turned my attention back to my sister.

" Is that so, well you little slut I don't really give a damn about what you say." Sakura said.

" Why you little!" the girl screamed she raised her hand to slap Sakura. I jumped up and held the girls arm and growled dangerously.

" You hurt my sister in any way and I swear to god that I will send you to your grave right here and right now you little bitch." Then Hinata spoke.

" Also don't forget you mess with Yuki then you'll have all of us out to beat your ass up to our heart's content and send you back to your plastic surgeon to get you fixed then do it again and again and again." She snapped. The other girls just nodded while they glared. Sakura starred at the girl with hate in her eyes. The girl raised her other hand trying to hit me this time but Tenten got up and grabbed it.

" Now what are you gonna do? Back off or go down the hard way you little slut." Sakura snapped. It was totally true also. The red headed girl was wearing her uniform button up shirt so that you could see her bra clearly and it was totally obvious that she cut her skirt. You could almost see her undies by just glancing at her. The girl just glared at us.

" The hard way? Okay fine with us we get some fun out of this." Sakura said. She raised her hand and slapped the girl on the cheek real hard. You could practically hear the echo she hit her so hard. Tenten and I released her the girl and she turned around walking away from us.

" The names Karin don't forget it. Well you won't cuz I won't let you." She said. We just shook our heads, not noticing the boys coming up behind us.

" Making enemies already ugly? You guys weren't even in here for five minutes. Any ways good luck cuz your gonna need it with that bitch floatin around." Sai said.

" Thanks asswhole, I think." Sakura said. We all laughed.

" You know we weren't properly introduced we weren't really listening when you guys were up there. Thanks to someone." He said looking at the blonde idiot, A guy with spiky raven hair said. All us girls smiled at him.

" I'm Temari." Temari said.

" I'm Hinata."

" I'm Ino.

" I'm Tenten."

" Last but not least you two are?" the guy said. We smirked.

" Were twins." We said in unison. He looked taking aback not expecting that answer.

" Really. Are you fraternal our identical." He asked.

" Identical" we answered.

" You two don't have the same hair color." He said in a matter-a-fact tone that I hated. I snickered.

" I was tired of people calling me Sakura instead of Yuki so I cut and died my hair black and got a red streak. Helps bring out my rebellious side if I say so myself." I said smirking. (A/N Rihanna cut with red highlight on the longest part) He nodded.

" So your Sakura." He said pointing to my sister. " and your Yuki." I nodded. Then as we were about to talk more the bell rang. We said goodbye and went our separate ways.

SakuraPOV LUNCH . . .

I walked out of the class with my girls beside me when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Sai.

" Want to eat lunch with us?" he asked. I looked at the girls and they just shrugged.

" Sure why not." I said. We followed him to a table and sat down. Out of no where I heard Ino screaming Aniki. I turned around And there was Deidara and Sasori with a guy that looked just like Sasuke but hotter.

" Hey aniki what's up?" I asked.

" Nothing. I see you six met some guys." He said.

" Sai's here you dummy! I said. He smiled.

" Hey shit head where is your brother?" Sasori asked. He shook his head and pointed to a table where Suigetsu was. I heard Sasuke mutter something about nicknames with all the Haruno's. They were about to leave when my sister stopped them.

" Sasori, Deidara shame on you. Your not going to introduce your sisters and her friends to this um, delectable hottie?" she said. They boys chuckled while the hottie smirked.

" Girls this is Itachi Uchiha. Sasuke's older brother." Deidara said. We nodded and politely said hi.

" Oh yeah, we just wanted to remind you that the akatsuki is coming over today for a party. They can come to if they want." Sasori said nodding toward the guys and we groaned.

They left and went over to Suigetsu who started yelling when he saw them. Our attitude changed quick when we saw Suigetsu's face we started cracking up so bad we couldn't stop laughing. When we finally stopped laughing, a girl tapped my sisters shoulder. We turned around it was Ami. We knew her from grade school. Damn was she a bitch to.

" Well look what the cat dragged in." Ami said.

" Look what the cat threw up." Yuki said smirking. We started laughing and Ami growled.

" Look just wanted to see if it was you. Now that I know it is though, stay away from Itachi Uchiha got it? He's mine although he doesn't know it yet." She said. Yuki snickered.

" What if I don't want to stay away? Cuz damn is he hot." Yuki said. Ami growled again.

" Well then I'll just have to force you." Ami said.

" Please just try it little miss prissy." She challenged.

" Yuki don't start this again." Sai said.

" Too late." I whispered to him. Ami lunged at Yuki and she dogged her. Hinata stood up to help her.

" Sit your ass down. This is a battle I want to fight on my own." She snapped. Hinata sighed but did as told. She was so stubborn. Yuki got back up and punched her in the face. Ami winced in pain then lunged at her but this time she got her. They rolled on the ground for a little getting on top now and then and slapping or socking each other. A crowd started to form and in front was Sasori, Deidara, and Itachi. Not to mention us still sitting at the table. Yuki kneed Ami in her stomach using the small gap between them to her advantage. Ami rolled off of her and both of them stood up. Ami lunged at Yuki again only to have my sisters foot meet her stomach. She landed on the floor and Yuki grabbed Ami's collar And was about to knock her out when Sasori grabbed her arm and pulled her back. Yuki turned around and was surprised to see that her brother had pulled her off.

" Sasori what the hell are you doing? You know what she did to me, to sakura!" she snapped.

" Yuki do you really think I want to be relocated again. This is part of the reason you got expelled from your old school!" he snapped back at her. He pushed towards us and she fell onto the lunch bench next to Hinata. We calmed her down, but she still wasn't in a good mood. The boys smirked.

" Nice show." They all said. She frowned and looked like she was about to kill them but she held back.

" Whatever." She snapped. This was not good. Hinata had to practically drag Yuki to the gym. We walked in quickly found our lockers and opened it. Who ever created the gym uniform must have been a pervert (A/N The frog sannin made them. I don't know how to spell his name so yeah.) The shorts were small and fit tight but I realized it gave a lot of freedom so we can move easier the top was a regular spaghetti strap top. I slipped on the shorts and right when I was gonna pull on the shirt, someone grabbed my hair and gave it a hard yang. I yelleped in pain and turn to see who the attacker was. It was Karin, and boy was she in for it. I was red hot from anger.

" Karin-whore!" I growled and socked her in her nose. I smirked she was bleeding. " Now go to your little surgeon and fix it up quick so I can break the rest of you." I said threateningly. " Actually no, I think that I should break all of you and then send you to get fixed sounds more appropriate." I said. She screamed and ran out of the locker room. I ran after her forgetting that I had on the spankies with my pink laced bra on with no shirt. I heard my all the girls scream but I ignored it. Karin ran straight to Sasuke. They were the only guys out except for a couple over there doing god knows what. (A/N they were gawking at her body and desperately trying to stop their nose bleed) " Karin you no good whore get your fuking girlie girl ass over here now so I can finally send you back to that fake of a plastic surgeon you use!" I screamed at her.

" Sasuke-kun that freak with a large forehead is trying to attack me. You heard her and when she punched me she made my nose bleed." She said in that high-pitched annoying voice that I loathe so much.

"Hn, Get off me Karin I don't want blood on my shirt." Sasuke said pushing her away. I was about to smack Karin when something that was cloth hit my face. I took it of my face and I glared at Ino the alleged smotherer.

" Girl, put on your shirt before you makes those guys over there die from blood loss." Ino said. All I could say was wah? I looked down and all I had on was my bra. I quickly slipped on the tank top and said I'm going to get the other girls.

" Too late already here chika." Yuki said. I nodded and walked off with the girls' embarrassed a little but I didn't show it till I was far enough from the guys. But right before I walked away I heard Sasuke mutter something I wasn't supposed to hear.

" Damn that was hot." He said. All the guys agreed.

" Looks like both Haruno's know how to put on a show without even trying." Sai said. Once again they agreed. I sighed in relief when the teacher walked in.

Hey guys it's me. I kinda adopted the idea from the author who wrote Rebel girls but I put more of my own stuff in there. To the author who wrote rebel girls if you are made I will stop writing and delete the story immediately just tell me okay! Sorry if I offended you or if you feel like I stole, but I really want to go on with this I have so many ideas for it. I hope you approve. Once again sorry if you don't approve of me writing this. R&R please I will be sure to give warning before I delete it if the author of rebel girls doesn't approve. ;-) ! Remember I luvs you all!!!

- Anari H.