Disclaimer: No I don't own Naruto numbskull

Disclaimer: No I don't own Naruto numbskull! Are you crazy?! ( JK bout the numb skull!)



" Inner"

(Authoress note)

Hey guys I some of you wanted me to post because of you so here it is! You'll be seeing chapters more often now because I got my baby (laptop) back okay! R&R suggestions and constructive criticism welcomed but no flames srry! And if your thinking that I won't use your idea if you give it to me then just send it to me and I'll tell you what I think okay! Now on with the story.


" You're not getting away. Unfortunately I'm stuck with you so lets go." I saw her roll her eyes and started walking. It was getting late so I decided that we should set up camp.

I waited till he was asleep to sneak out and head to shadow alone. I crept past his sleeping bag and cast him one last glance before I head out. I sprinted all the way to the village gates. The guards stared at me.

" We have been expecting you." He said.

I gave them a smile. They let me thru the gates and the other guard – the girl who asked me for an autograph – spoke,

" Miss Haruno just go to the center of town and you will meet your "team", they will be your body gaurds" she said much more calm and collected now. I gave a curt nod and went in the direction she told me. In the middle of the town I saw a red headed boy and black headed boy. Well I shouldn't say boy considering that they were around my age based off of looks. I liked the one with jet black hair, he was kind of cute.

' he looks yummy.' I thought

' Cute what are you doing calling him CUTE he is so note cute! He's like rivaling the Uchiha brothers sexy!' Inner Sakura chimed. I agreed silently seeing that I reached the pair. I gave them a whole-hearted smile. The red head looked at me and smiled back while the other one gave me a half smirk.

" Hi my name is Kinahowa Satoshi and this is my best friend Hawasaga Kyo." He said gesturing toward his black haired compainion.

'Kyo, what a yummy name for a yummy person.' I thought I broke out of my thoughts to introduce myself but as soon as I opened my mouth I was cut off.

" We know who you are Haruno Sakura." Satoshi said. I loved the sound of his voice it was alluring. I gave them a coy smile.

" Studying up on your charges I see." Taichi gave another smirk.

" So we are suppose to escort you to the hokage tower. Follow me." Satoshi said. (A/n I have no clue what their leader is called so just tell me and I'll change it ok! Thanx!) I gave a curt nod and followed the pair into the tall building before me. We aoroached a desk and a lady a couple of years older than me turned to me and smiled.

" Hello Imatou." She said and I let out a gasp.


I woke up and looked for Sakura only to find her gone. I growled, the old lady was going to have my head if she found out. I sighed and would just wait out for a few days and come back to fool the hogake into thinking I dropped her off.


I smiled at Sakura's shocked face.

" Now,now Sakura chan you didn't think that I would die that easily did you?" I asked with all sorts of amusment floating in my voice.

' 3 . . . 2 . . . 1.' I thought. And boy was I right. Sakura attacked me in a hug and finally let the tears out. Then she got slightly pised.

" Five years, five fuking years you were alive and I didn't know what the hell happened how are you alive. Am I dreaming?" she said her vice softening slightly at the end.

" Your not dreaming Saku-chan. It's me I'm real and I am the ruler of the village hidden in the shadows and I am the real deal! I'll explain later." I chirped slightly. She smiled once again and then whispered.

" Itachi-nii misses you onee-chan." She whispered sadly. I nodded,

" I'll visit him when I take you back personally. In five years. Can you stick it that long here?" I asked. She nodded.

" Good, as you know this is Kyo and Satoshi your Body guards/teammates okay. Now get out I have to finish this god damned paper work but as soon as I'm done I'll visit the you." I said then I turned my attention to the men in the room.

" Kyo, Satoshi please escort my sister to her house. Anything that she complains about and I will personally kick your ass get it got it good." Then they disappeared out the door.

'it feels good to have her home doesn't it.'

' Unbelievably.' Inner Hikari replied. I smiled to my self and then scowled at the paper work and started on it hastily


Satoshi and I took Sakura back to her mansion and we started explaining details.

" Alright now, we will be living with you just in case, and when the children are old enough to hold a kunai you need to train them. Lightly of corse but if they want to survive I sudgest that you take percations and try to teach them everything you can before they turn five and you have to leave. Mkay." Satoshi said. I saw her give a grudging nod. So after we all got settled in it was about tweleve so we went to sleep. Satoshi was already knocked out in his room but before I went to bed I passed by her room.

" Goodnight Sakura-chan." I said barely a whisper. She smiled in her sleep and I went over to mine and fell asleep almost immediately.


I stepped thru the door of the Hokage tower and greeted Tsunade with a curt nod. She pored some sake into a cup and downed it.

" So you dropped her off." She asked.

" Hn." I hned. She nodded.

" Oh, Kakashi wanted me to remind you that you have training today at . . ." she trailed off looking at the clock. " Right now actually to get accommodated with your replacement teammate."

" Aa." I said. I used a transportation jutsu and appeared at the bridge. Naruto was already there and so was what's-her-face.

" Teme, your back. I feel bad for you. You had to stick it with that whore for how long? Whatever good to have you back." Naruto said cheerily. Anger bubbled inside me for some reason but I pushed it ot of my head. I gave a smirk,

" Tch. Dobe" I said. Then Kakashi appeared.

" Okay I want Sasuke to spar with Mika and Naruto your with me." He said. We all nodded and I went over to Mika. We headed to the training grounds and we got in or stances.

" You ready?" I asked cockily. She ust gave me a smirk of her own.

" You don't know how much."


I woke up and headed over to the kitchen only to be greated by my overly hyper sister. I grinned at her,

" So ready to start explaining miss ruler of the world, or more like here?" I said. She grinned back at me,

" Nah, I don't think so I just wanted to freeload." She said sarcastically. I gave her a playful glare and sat on the couch.

" Alright," I said turning serious. " Why are you alive. I could have sworn I saw you die." I said. She gave me a sad smile.

" Hai. I did die but I was saved at the last possible moment by Satoshi-kun and Kyo-kun. So after I was taken home and treated fully by the last hogake of the village. He trusted me enough by the time to give me future head and here I am." She finished but I still had questions.

" What do you mean hometown?" I asked. She smiled,

" I knew I would get this q. Alright the Haruno clan orginates from this land we grew up here but we moved to Konoha for safety of our clan. I don't know what endangered us but well we moved to Konoha. So when we were kids those two." She said guesting to Satoshi and Kyo, " were our best friends. If you haven't noticed shadow looks extremely similar to Konoha so you might have forgotten." She finished. I nodded and so after she left mutering about some 'damned paperwork' as she had put it, I started talking to the guys more seeing if we could once again be best friends and what do you know it was like we've known each other forever.

SasukePOV 5 years later

(a/n I really don't have energy to type their spar okay so just make it up but they tie mkay cause right now I'm living off of coke so I probably won't post till morning) I woke up and looked Mika and gave a small smirk. In the time that Sakura was gone, Mika and I have gotten together and today will be our 4 year anniversary.

" Mika. Wake up." I said as I gently shook her. I on't know why but she brought out another side of me and now that I am forced not to kill Itachi I can basically let emotions free. She woke up grogilly and gave me a tired smile.

" Ohayo Sasuke-kun." She mumbled. I gave her a ghost of a smile then Neji appeared in front of us leaning on the doorframe.

" The Hokage wants to see you both by the gates NOW." He said. I heard Mika sigh and we both got dressed and headed out her clinging to my side. We arrived at the gates and saw all of Konoha 11 there with their former senseis. Tsunade was also among us.

I watched as 4 people and 2 kids walked towards the gates.

'who are we waiting for?' I asked myself.


We walked to the gates of Konoha and I looked around the group. Uncle Satoshi, Uncle Kyo, kaa-chan, and Auntie Hikari was their not to mention my sister Amaya. We walked past the gates and I heard a silver headed man gasp and point at auntie Hikari.

" How the hell are you alive?!" he snapped. Auntie glared pushing her hair out of her face.

" That is no way to talk in front of children so drop dead you muther fucker!" she snapped. I heard kaa-chan snicker.

" Tch. Great example Kari-chan." Then a blonde woman glared at the silver headed man.

" Kakashi that is no way to speak of to the hokage of the land hidden in the shadows!" she snapped while the man now known as Kakashi gaped. Then she turned to us, " How have you been? I missed you girls."

I feel like ending it there because I'm currently in excrutiating pain so yeah R&R thank you for everything! Remember I take Ideas! I luvs you all!- Raina-hime