Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto! Get it through ur thick heads gawd!

Flashback/thoughts Inners

Normal talking

SakuraPOV Flashback

"Who are you?" I asked.

"That's what I'm trying to find out but I do know my name's Hikari." The girl said.

" Well follow me Kari. I'll take you to the hokage." I replied

" I got nicknames already?" she said with a hint of a laugh.

" Sorry Hikari but I . . . Well I had this big sister named Hikari and I used to always call her that. She looks just like you! But we um well we think she dead. Oh yeah my name's Sakura." I said sadly.

"Sakura" she repeated my name and her eyes widen. " Sakura Haruno my little sister!" she runned up and hugged. " I lost my memory but its slowly coming back."

" Oh my god it is you Kari!" I screamed

End flashback

That the day my sister and I was reunited and the rest was history she gives me courage when I need it that's why I love her.

" Come on Saku-chan lets go Naruto gonna beat us up if were late!" Hikari yelled. I shut my diary and jumped up and went to the bridge.

" You gonna pay for that teme!" Naruto screamed.

" I'd like to see you try dobe!" Sasuke said throwing some shuriken at him. We ran to the boys trying to stop them.

" What the hell are you doing you idiots" I yelled.

" Guys please stop this won't be helping anybody!" said Hikari trying to reason with them. They just kept at it ignoring us till Kakashi showed up and broke up the fight.

" What's going on here." He asked

" This son of a bitch wuz talking about them!" Naruto said well more like screamed. Kakashi had forced both of them to sit on the ground. Hikari and I walked over and sat down by him. Hikari sighed her eyes were asking the questions without saying a word. So I decided to voice that question. I put my hand on his back.

" What did he say Naruto?" I said soothingly. I saw Sasuke's eyes widen a fraction. I wonder why.


I shot him a glare and if looks can kill he would be in a torture chamber dying painfully and slowly. " He said what now!?" I said

" He said" Hikari bonked Naruto in the head shutting him up.

" She heard you dork and don't you dare say another word Naruto." She said

" Yes ma'am" Naruto said then he slapped his hands over his outh and ran for his life because he talked again. We started cracking up but then we turned our attention to Sasuke.

" I'll let you handle this imatou. Kakashi can you come take a walk with me? Hikari said/Asked. He nodded and followed her out of the area.

" You know Sasuke he was right. He was totally right when he said you were a pathetic loser and you don't deserve the name of the Uchiha clan." I said with no emotion. He grabbed my wrist and slammed my back into a nearby tree.

" Want to say that again miss prissy?" he growled.

" kay. You're a pathetic loser and you don't deserve the name of the Uchiha clan." I chirped. In less than a second I found a kunai pressed against my throat. He brought his lips to my ear and whispered " Since when do you talk to me like that? Take it back Sakura!"

" 1 since I was reunited with my sister.2 NO." I said with a smirk. He pressed the kunai harder.

" Okay fine next time I see you you'll be in for it I promise you that Sakura." He let me go and walked away and I sank to my knees. After a while I went home.

The next day he became a missing-nin.


Dear Diary,

Everyone hates me now that they found out that I drove their precious Sasuke away. Everything's falling apart. I'm strong but I no longer have the strength that I once did my confidence is 0. I don't know what to do. I need Hikari but I know she cant help me now that she's dead. I'm gonna have a talk with Kakashi today. I wonder how it will go



I closed the diary and walked out of my single apartment.

" What do want?" Kakashi said. I could hear the disgust ion in his voice.

" To talk. Kakashi one day you claim your like my father and the next day tou turn on me and shut me out?"

" Listen it's not like that." Kakashi said.

" That's bull Kakashi! You know god damn well what you did. If your like a father to me then where were you when my real parents died. Where were you when my sister died? Where were you when I was dying in the hospital.I may not know exactly where but you made sure to steer clear of me when I needed people most. None of you care any more not any of my ex-friends not you not Tsunade-sama not even anyone in the goddamn village. My dead parents didn't even care the only one who cared was Hikari and he killed her. Sasuke killed her and your still on his side! All of you" I screamed showing my ex-friends I knew they were there.

" Damnit Sakura just shut up Sasuke didn't kill her or your parents we did!

" Wha-what." I stuttered my eyes watering up

" We killed your parents because you neglected them. So we took them away. Your sister was giving you to much confidence to much power we had to stop it."

" So you killed her! She was the only reason I was stable after Sasuke left and you took her away!?" I screamed I shook my head and started backing away I had never seen this side of Kakashi before. " I don't know you any more any of you." Then I turn and ran. I shot past the gates to a little river that I buried my sister by it was beautiful. Well at least that was my goal to get to it. Closing my eyes to get rid of my tears.


" Oh sorry I wasn't looking." I was in someone's arms.

" Watch where your going next time Sakura" the person said. My head shot up and I tried to get out of his grasp but he wouldn't let me. I knew that voice all to well. Everyday I prayed he would stay away. It was Sasuke. He was smirking " What not happy to see me or something. Oh and don't you think I forgot about our little promise." I finally got out of his grasp.

"Go to hell Uchiha" I spat.

" Now, now, be nice like I' trying to be I'm pretty sure you don't want to see my other side.

I just ran back to the village and got to the my apartment and collapsed on the couch and just cried completely oblivious to the eyes watching me.

Two Days till the Cherry Blossom festival and I would be performing that only thought comforted me. I got up and went to the hokage tower.

Sasuke POV

"So you've come back. You're on probation for 2 months Uchiha.

" Don't get to caught up Tsunade I'm just hear because of rumors saying that Itachi is living here." I said smoothly.

" Those rumors are true but you are not allowed to touch him got it?"

" Hai." I said.

Sakura POV

Today was finally the Cherry Blossom festival. And I was onstage to preform with everybody there all my ex-friends and important people in front.

" Now is Sakura Haruno performing Because of You! An announcer said. There was no applause no anything. I sighed and walked on stage.

I will not make the same mistakes that you did and I

I will no t let myself cause my heart so much misery

I will not break the way you did you fell so hard

I learned the hard way to never let it get that far

Because of you I never stray to far from the sidewalk

Because of you

I learned to play it on the safe side so I don't get hurt

Because of you

I find it hard to trust not only me but everyone around me

Because of you I am afraid

I lose my way

And its not to long before you point it out

I cannot cry

Because know that weakness in your eyes

I'm forced to fake a smile, a laugh everyday of my life

My heart cant possibly break

When it wasn't even whole to start with

Because of you

I never stray to far from the walk

Because of you

I learned to play it on the safe side so I don't get hurt

Because of you

I find it hard to trust not only me

But everyone around me because of you

I am afraid

I watched you die

I heard you cry every night in your sleep

I was so young

You should have know better than to lean on me

You never thought of any one else you just saw you pain

And now I cry in the middle of the night for the same damn thing

Because of you I never stray to far from the sidewalk

Because of you

I learned to play it on the safe side so I don't get hurt

Because of you

I try my hardest just to flunk in everything

Because of you

I dont know how to let anyone else in

Because of you Im ashamed of my life because it's empty

Because of you I am afraid

Because of you hhhmmmm

Because Yo hhhmmmm

I gasped from the lack of air that song took and the whole crowd burst into applause. I smiled and bowed going off stage to watch the other performers. After the show I ran into the one and only Itachi. "hey aniki wuz up?" I said

" I saw you singing, you have a beautiful voice. I just starred at him.

"Hn?" he well hned I guess

"You said more than 3 words in a sentence without using one of your signature words and to top it all of it was a compliment! Who are you and what have you done with my aniki? " I said dramatically. He just rolled his eyes. "Well I gotta go Tachi it's the anniversary tonight. Want to come?"


"You know Itachi everyone could tell you loved her. That day was brutal very brutal." I said. The flashback of the day that she died ran through my head and I couldn't shut it out.


She was bleeding heavy and all my chakura was used so I couldn't help her one bit.

" I am so sorry imatou. Please forgive me." Hikari said. Then it all happened in a flash Sasuke charged at her with chidori and plunged it through her stoach making sure she was dead he made a deep cut on important organiss then finnaly stabbed her in her heart.

" Reember when I said that you'll be in for it when I saw you again? Well since I got your sister we'll see how you manage and then decide if you need more torture" he said then disappeare. I rushed to my sister's side I grabbed her hand whispering please don't leave me your forgiven just don't leave.

" You know I have-" she cut off her eyes slowly closing and her body got limp.

" NO Hikari!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I sceaed.

End Flashback

Before I knew it I was crying I ran to the little area where I buried her Itachi right behind me. Then I came to see a strange sight all of rookie nine was there staring at her grave sadly like they had absolutely no part in the murder.

" Leave now you filthy murders I don't know why I even associate with you. Get out of here and don't act like you didn't kill her especially you Kakashi LEAVE!" I screamed. Everyone did as I said even Itachi but there was one slacker that I didn't notice apparently. Once I was sure everyone was gone I broke down crying on my hands and knees but then I felt strong ars around me holding from behind who ever it was turned me around and I cried into their chest. From the feel of the body it was a guy. We were there for what seeed hours he was rubbing my back gently trying to calm me down. Finnally I looked to see who it was (A/N can you guess who?) Sasuke. After I found out who it was I started squring trying to get out of his grasp

" Sasuke let go of me!" I deanded He just pinned me on the ground and said no.

" Why is everyboy hating on you?"

" Because they think I drove you away."

"listen I gotta go Sasuke please let me go?"

" Under one condition I get to crash at your house if I stay another night in the same house as Itachi I might frame him for suicide ." I giggled

" Okay just don't bug me you annoying brat." He raised an eyebrow at my choice of words and then we went home.

So you like????? Hope you do!