(Chapter 1) The Question

Jan 12th

Dear Diary,

Today something that I have been waiting for, for the longest time finally happened. Naruto-Kun noticed me he actually noticed ME. I can't believe it. …………

Earlier that day…

'Its been so long since I have seen him. I wonder if I'll be able to tell him today.' thought a girl with blue hair and lavender eyes. It had been three years since uzamaki naruto and sasuke uchiha had left to train together to fight Orochimaru, Itachi, and Akatski. He was supposed to arrive soon and not a minute too soon for Hinata. If you were observant at all you could notice her always looking towards the main gate where the love of her life was supposed to be headed. Unknown to her though he was right behind her. "OHIYO Hinata-chan", yelled a certain blonde. Luckily kiba was there to catch Hinata before she feinted (a habit she couldn't get rid of around naruto it seemed) "Baka" yelled kiba just as loudly. " Gomen, naruto-kun" said Hinata 'seems she got over her stuttering while I was gone that's good she's cute without it' 'is the kit getting feelings for a special girl?' said the kyuubi mockingly. ' so what if I am' naruto replied just as mockingly.'it'd be a first, but not surprising' 'what if I am fox-teme?' naruto asked seriously and just as the fox was about to answer naruto was awoken from his dream by a hand waving in front of him, along with a shout from the man connected to it. "NARUTO-BAKA you there?!" (naruto's comeback) "Don't call me baka dog-lover" "Naruto" kiba spat out and was about to charge when a hand stopped him. "Yo" "Kakashi-sensei what are you doing here?" asked naruto while scratching his head. "I'm here to remind you to see the hokage

Before too late." and with that he left with a poof of smoke Icha Icha Paradise in hand and all. "kiba?" asked naruto completely forgetting that he was arguing with kiba a few minutes ago. "Hai naruto" kiba seemed to have forgotten also. Hinata sweat dropped. "where is akamaru?" "he's getting shino. AKAMARU(whistles)"kiba shouted out. ' I wonder what naruto will do when he sees akamaru for the first time.' as kiba pondered this the dog in question showed up managing to tackle both naruto and kiba at the same time. "akamaru you have gotten big since I last saw you." kiba face faulted 'that's it?! that's all he's going to say about it?!!!' "well I gotta go see Baa-chan. See ya later Hinata-chan, dog lover. We should all get together soon." he said while flashing one his patented smiles. "bye naruto-kun. Hai." Hinata left after that watching naruto and kiba with her byakugan the whole time. "see ya naruto-baka" kiba said while jumping on akamaru and heading towards the training grounds. 'back to me kit' 'huh, what was that fox-teme?' 'oh nothing just the demon trapped inside your head trying to answer your question. that's all nothing much' 'go ahead and answer the question if your going to I don't have time for nonsense today' ' that comes from the idiot that invented nonsense' 'whatever just answer the question kyuubi' 'you must be serious you haven't called me kyuubi in a year ever since THAT incident. I can't answer your question even if I wanted too. Love is a human emotion almost impossible for demons to have it.' 'well thanks for wasting a good 3 minutes of my life' naruto said mockingly ' your welcome. Oh and your about to run into a tree.''wha…' (BONK).


(a.n.) ok, first of sorry its short its my first fanfic so tell me if it sucked or not. criticism is highly suggested. and saying it was awesome is highly appreciated,but not expected. if people say they like it i will continue.its as simple as that.

well besides that there is not much to say. So here it goes…….



day of black rain