DISLAIMER: ... No I do not own Death Note. If I did Matt and Mello would have been the main people in the manga and anime. And they would have been in the movies.

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Mello crashed around the nice-sized but messy room; a regular occurrence with the chocolate-addict and the gamer. "He beat me again!" Mello complained as he continued to search for his release in the trashed room.

"Only by one point though." Matt said calmly, trying to hold in his laughter as Mello only succeeded in making the room worse.

As those words became vocal the blond turned, glared at his best friend, and stormed out of the room. Brown eyes followed the path of the all black wearing boy who could only be second best to Near.

A smile curved its way around Matt's mouth as he pulled the chocolate bar from behind his back. He loved to annoy Mello. To watch the blond get frustrated. And then to wait till Mello realized Matt had the sweets he craved.

There was always evidence of Matt's stealing the precious cocoa candy from the blonde's stash in the kitchen. Well, that and the fact that Matt always wound up telling Mello he had it and he'd return it for a price. A relatively small one, but a personal and treasured one all the same.

In walked to now calm boy. "Give me it." He said softly, a edge to his voice.

"And what do I get in return?" Matt asked happily.

Sharp blue eye's turned and peered into Matt's chocolate ones. "What do you want?" Said boy already knew what the game-addict wanted in return. He simply liked to hear those words from Matt's mouth.

"A kiss." He said, pre-teen voice cracking slightly. A light blush making its way on the striped boy's pale face.

Mello smirked. A simple upturning of the lips was Matt's answer. An answer that made him smile, cheeks turning even redder.

The blond walked over, hips sashaying towards the bed where the auburn haired boy sat, the smirk still on his face. "Okay." He whispered next to Matt ear causing the boy to shiver slightly.

Brown and blue eyes closed slowly. A soft pressure placed itself on the video gamers slightly chapped lips. Lips that curved into a smile as they responded with equal pressure.

One set pulled back and brown eyes opened to stare into shockingly blue eyes.

"Now, where's my chocolate?"

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A/N: ...That was definatly not what I had expected to type... I had planned on a songfic and this came out. A short but sweet MattXMello oneshot. The song I had PLANNED to do this with was My Hero by: Paramore.

Well, reviews are welcome! AndIm already working on another songfic/one shot... After this one Im not sure if its gonna stay a songfic o.0
