I woke up with a start at the sound of my alarm, and I reached over blindly to shut it off.
Today was the day I had been dreading since the beginning of the summer.
My wedding day.
Alice had slept over, though 'slept' is a rather loose term. She had spent the entire night more or less 'proof reading' my vows, though I knew that as soon as I saw her editing, they would be completely rewritten.
I looked across the room at Alice, who was practically bouncing up and down in the rocking chair in my room. As soon as she saw that my eyes were open, she bounded over to my bed and pulled me into a tight embrace.
"Today's the big day, Bella! Oh, hurry and get showered. We have to be at my house in half an hour where we'll meet Rosalie and Esme. We'll do you hair, your makeup.."
"You know, Alice," I said, cutting her off, "I think you're more excited for this wedding than I am." I looked up, and she almost looked hurt until she saw the smile slowly spread across my face.
"Well...yeah." She agreed with a grin. "Now, hurry up and get showered. Don't bother with makeup or anything. Us girls have everything covered." And with that, she went downstairs, probably thinking that would make me go faster.
I went into the shower, only rubbing a small amount of shampoo and conditioner into my hair. I knew that Alice would soon be drowning it in all of her hair products she had lined up for me, so I kept it simple.
After washing my body and shaving, I got out and wrapped a towel around myself. Not surprisingly, Alice was waiting outside my bathroom with her arms crossed.
"Bella!", she scolded, "I hope you realize your wedding is at one o'clock. We have to get to my house soon, they're wondering what the holdup is."
I hope she realized that it was only nine-thirty in the morning.
With that, I walked into my room, pulling on jeans and a t-shirt, then ran a brush through my hair and brushed my teeth.
I walked downstairs to see a plate filled with eggs, bacon, pancakes, sausage, toast, and a mug of coffee beside it. I opened my mouth to explain that the huge breakfast was more than necessary, that I was so nervous I probably wouldn't be able to eat anything anyway.
"Don't say anything, Bells. Just finish up and meet me in the car.", Alice demanded and walked outside.
I chewed quickly, not realizing how hungry I was until I looked down to see the whole plate empty. Surprised, I pulled on my boots and jacked, then walked into the car where Alice was humming, (what else), the wedding march.
We sped, faster than necessary, to the huge Cullen mansion. I walked inside only to be bombarded by Esme and Rosalie, and then got dragged upstairs into the giant bathroom that easily fit all four of us.
The once-breathable air was now a giant cloud of hair spray, gel, creams, and whatever else they were using. While Rosalie worked on curling my hair, (I wished her luck- I couldn't remember the last time my hair had held its curl for more than an hour other than prom), Alice applied more makeup onto my face than would have fit into my entire makeup bag, and Esme went to fix my dress, along with Alice, Rosalie, and Angela's bridesmaid ones.
While they were working, I could only think of one thing- Edward. I hadn't talked him for what seemed like forever... he insisted that if we were going to get married anyway, we should do it right... which apparently meant I couldn't see him for two days before it.
"..right, Bella?" Alice was waiting for my answer to a question I hadn't heard.
"...Okay..." Was all I was able to manage.
She smiled, and they all started having a conversation that didn't involve me, so I assumed it wasn't an important question anyway.
When they finally decided I was decent from the neck up, we walked into Alice's closet to see my wedding dress. She retrieved it , and laid it on the bed. We all stared, waiting for someone to pick it up. When I saw that no one was moving, I delicately picked it up and everyone silently left so I could change.
I unzipped the back on the dress, and a corset was folded into the inside. Nice one, Alice, I though to myself as I slipped it on. I realized that slipping into a corset was a 2-man job, so I peeked out the door to see Rosalie standing there.
"Need a little help?", She asked, a small smile appearing. I gave a her a questioning look, but she ushered me back into the room and turned me around to start lacing it up.
(Sorry about the short chapter, guys. Please review!! I have written more of the story, but I'm not going to post more unless you guys tell me to. Tell me if you like it! Thanks everyone! xoxo- L.)