Danny Messer looked up from his work when the alarms went off. The containment alarms, he thought, Where's Lindsay? Unbeknownst to the team, he and his country girl had tied the knot three weeks ago in Montana, where they had been helping to solve a serial murder investigation. As if his very thoughts had summoned her, Lindsay appeared in the doorway.

"What did you do this time, Messer?" she asked, trying to alleviate some of the tension they had each felt. Danny chuckled.

"Shouldn't it be me asking you that question, Montana?" he drawled. She crossed over to his side and he pulled her into a comforting hug. She latched onto him for a moment, before turning to follow him to Mac's office.

In the supervisor's office, Danny and Lindsay found Mac talking on the phone with the rest of their team gathered, waiting anxiously for news.

"Thank you," he said, hanging up the phone. The team waited with baited breath as Mac collected his thoughts.

"The good news is that it's just an electrical short, so we're not in any immediate danger. There is, however, a problem with the mechanism which has caused the building to seal itself and not allow us out. Tech is working on it, but it will be at least morning before we get out of here." Danny and Lindsay let out identical groans of frustration. They had reservations at an exclusive restaurant for that night. While the team seemed suspicious , they too were disappointed and didn't think too much of it.


Sleeping arrangements were made for the whole lab, so living bodies were draped everywhere. Lindsay and Stella had claimed Mac's office and now Lindsay was regretting it. A strong summer thunderstorm had settled in over the city and was currently bombarding the building. Lindsay's Midwestern upbringing had instilled her with a pathological fear of storms that she found hard to shake, even as an adult. After a time, she gave up trying to sleep and sought out a quieter place more toward the center of the building, away from the outward facing windows of Mac's office. She eventually settled on the office she shared with Danny, as it was the most central. She tiptoed around a snoring Flack and settled into her office chair, pulling her Mp3 player from her desk drawer.

"Montana," she heard Danny whisper, "Can't sleep?" Lindsay looked over to see her husband sprawled on their office floor, propped up on one arm.

"Storm," was all she had to say. Danny was off the floor and at her side in a mere second, pulling her into his arms. Lindsay rested against her husband, finding comfort in his strength. He pulled her back to the floor where he unzipped the sleeping bag so it would fit both of them.

"Wait here," he ordered. He left the office and returned a few minutes later with Lindsay's sleeping bag and pillow. He handed her the pillow and unzipped the sleeping bag to cover them both. It wasn't the comfortable bed they'd had in mind, but at least post-9-11 preparedness had made it bearable.

"Danny, what about Flack?"

"Shh, forget Flack, forget Stella and Mac and Peyton and Adam," Danny whispered against Lindsay's hair. "You need to sleep." Lindsay murmured her agreement as her head came to rest on his chest. Moments later, she was soundly sleeping. Danny followed not long after, sleeping more soundly than before with his Montana in his arms.


Stella woke and stretched out, reveling in the bright morning sunlight. She was surprised that not a trace remained of her roommate. Stella saw signs of life in the lab and decided to rise as well. She rolled up her sleeping bag and left the room.

Most of those who were awake were lab techs, not the CSI's who had responded to a 3 am call the night before. Stella thought she saw Mac and Peyton head into the break room, but couldn't be sure. She passed Danny and Lindsay's office and laughed at the sight of Flack trying to escape the sleeping bag tangled around his feet.

"It's not funny, Bonasera," Flack exclaimed. Stella just watched as he finally pulled himself free of the bag.

"Come on, let's go find some coffee," she said. Flack shook his head.

"Not before you see this," he insisted. Stella stepped into the room and smiled as she recognized the sleeping form of her missing roommate.

"Wonder when this happened," she muttered.

"That's the thing," Flack said, "from what I overheard last night, I'm not sure it has. You know Lindsay's afraid of thunderstorms, and last night's was a doozy."

"So you're saying this was a way to get her to calm down?" Stella asked. Flack shrugged.

"Let's go find that coffee."