I own nothing.

Instant Star is owned by ….uh….let me get back to you about that.


I sat in the back row of the court room, picking at my newly painted bright pink finger nails. Tears were pooling in my eyes but no one could see them, thanks partly to my oversized glasses and the fact that the room was still half empty. As the paint started to give way, it landed on my new black suit pants and I mechanically wiped the chips away. Yes, I was not dressed in traditional Jude Harrison Fashion of ripped jeans and vintage tee, but in a suit with blazer and white blouse. I was even wearing a large black floppy hat that could shield me from almost everything. This new identity is that of Maryse Dutois. The only way to try and fix this problem was for me to stay low for a while, so the name changed, the clothes disappeared, the polish went from black to pink, the hair from blonde to chocolate brown. Even my star ring was gone, replaced by an engagement-looking ring on my ring finger. To be Maryse Dutois, I had to become her.

I noticed movement to my right, where people were starting to file into the court room. I watched as both my parents walked by, although divorced, they have managed to become united during this "humiliating" time for them, followed by Sadie and my recent ex, Spiedermen. Strange they were walking together, but I figured Tommy and I really screwed them over royally and they were able to find solace in each other. Next came Jamie, Wally, and Kyle, who were only there to support Speid. Kwest walked in, in his own tailored suit, and just as I suspected, he sat on my side of the court room, while the rest of the group choose to sit at the front of the prosecuting side. I was thankful someone was on my side.

I knew my choice of clothing would be perfect. This was the final day in court and the jurors were to make their decision. Everyone was dressed to the nines. The rows were starting to fill fast as an older looking man sat next to me. He was another reporter trying to get the final verdict along with the rest of us. I am sure if I counted there would be more than 30 different reporters, journalists or paparazzi in this crowed room. Once everyone had found a spot to sit or a wall to lean against, people started whispering and hushing, wanting for the defendant to enter. The door opened, and the defending counselor, Mr.Patterson, stepped into the room, followed by Tom, who was dressed as he had been everyday in court for the last three months, in a pristine suit with a tie that matched his electric blue eyes. I will have to thank Portia for that. He quickly looked over in my direction knowing where to find me. He did and gave a slight smile, but he continued to look around, not wanting to draw attention to me. I fought my own smile and slowly exhaled, trying to remind myself that we would survive this.

Tom stood up, ready to hear the reading of the verdict.

"Mr. Thomas Quincy, the jurors have finally come to the decision that, in the case of the statutory rape of one Miss. Jude Harrison, you are found……

So this is my first fan fiction and I am beyond nervous. Hopefully at least one person likes it.

Also, If anyone is interested, I'm looking for someone to spell check and make sure it all makes sense.

Constructive Critisim is always appreciated.