Sorry guys. I will never update this again. When I look back into it my writings are crap, plus, PoT is not that popular anymore.

I hope this compensates a little.


Vampire Colors Trilogy - notes

This is a note I gave to my coauthor, I know I won't touch it again, and pot being dead, I doubt anyone else will…

Colors of Blood is actually intended to be a trilogy. (I never dared to tell anyone else but my editor because I had a high suspicion that I would never finish it…) You don't have to do it like that, and just end it with CoB and leave the questions hanging but if you want to finish the entire set… well good luck.

As all my fics, I did not really have a complete plan when I started out and it sort of builds as I let my imagination make its own world. The first two chapters were actually not planned, just the chase, and it just basically built on that.

The setting is 17th century France… with a lot of inconsistency. (I'm not a history or geography major! T.T)

Vampires are set to be more modern, because we are familiar with our lifestyle XD. You should do some background reading too, for old Europe and their cultures.

The setting is very much shrouded in secrets and it will get clearer as it go. I debated whether to reveal the whole thing now but since you are taking over as the main writer, (and you may want to share this with your beta) but I'll give you everything to avoid possible inconsistency.

Since ch 5, it kind of gotten messy because it was my other ex-editor who filled for me and I didn't give as a detailed plan to her as this one. Write down any questions you have once you read through the entire thing once ^^

Basic story sequence

Colors of Blood

(color theme red)

The first installment is where Ryoma learns to accept Fuji. And reviewing of the theme 'good and evil', convincing him that vampires are not necessarily evil. Readers and Ryoma will only get hints for the big picture. In the end Ryoma decides to stay.

Characters for this stage; Fuji, Ryoma, Darkmoon (horse)

DarkmoonGets more use to livingRyoma escapes again - attacked by a vampire - saved by Fuji (after putting up a fight) - decides to stay.

Colors of His Eyes

(tentative title; color theme blue)

(Two years later)

At this stage, Ryoma is firmly attached to Fuji (not yet romantic) but he has no background of Fuji, vampires, or himself. He will learn more about Vampires, and slightly about hunters in this installment. He learns he indeed is a hunter's child by the end (but only got a hint that he is special). He does not recover his memories yet. In the climax, Ryoma confronts the murderer of his parents (or rather, he comes hunting for Ryoma), kills him, but in return he suffers a mortal wound. Fuji makes the decision to give Ryoma his blood, therefore turning him into a vampire.

Tezuka's first appearance. (first chapter)Inui, & summon A chapter where Ryoma appears as Fuji's 'bodyguard'(Ryoma has to cross dress to protect Fuji from a rage of females XD … with the promise of a horse) + SasabeRyoma's horse (Yakult, Pocari, Ramune? Named after Japanese soft drinks? XD) Snow or chestnut, your pick (but not black, since Darkmoon is black)Fuji's main houseOther vampires appear.

o Issue of purebloods

o Fuji + Yuuta (their past)

o Ryuuzaki

o Ryoma

Ryoma turned. (climax)

Colors of Holiness

(tentative title; color theme yellow)

(ten or more years after Blue)

The timeline of this story is not consistent and could jump all over the place… to a degree. The beginning is when Ryoma gets caught, and the end is when he escapes (secretly freed). In-between is where many parts are covered. The theme of good and evil will be a key element in this story as well, with Ryoga and the hunters bent on thinking all vampires are evil. Themselves not knowing the corruption that occurs in the church nor the history of their own origin. The entire background of this story must be covered. In the end, Tezuka and Ryoga free Ryoma.

Ryoma captured by the hunters, one of them being his elder half-brother, Ryoga.

Various stages of flashbacks and out of order story sequence that jumps to and fro present and past:

Ryoma locked up. Will recover his memory of his childhood. Declines to stay in church, despite Ryoga's , at that time will attempt to recover Ryoma from the hunter society. (hunting for information.)The corruption in the hunter's society will be origin of hunters and church knows about Ryoma and wants to exploit himVarious flashbacks of the last ten years;

o Fuji teaches Ryoma about being a vampire

o They are officially 'paired'

o Stigma follows Ryoma for being previously 'human'

o Hunters (Ryoga and Tezuka) searching for Ryoma

o Meets Momoshiro again. Ryoma frozen in time, while Momo is grown up.

o (Tentative: Kintarou as a werewolf?)

Ryoga sets Ryoma free.

Epilogue: In the modern days, or several hundred years later in an AU setting. (My really light idea is Fuji's fascinations for cameras. And Ryoma is the unwilling victim. It is his true hobby after all.) You could talk about the church's diminishing in power (since that issue was not solved within the storyline)


17th century France. Based on Ryoma's age

9 years old. Echizen family attacked.

12-13 Colors of Blood

15-16 Blue (at 16, Ryoma stops aging)

26 (or older) + Gold



Race is a key element in this fic as well as AC.


Vampires, are blood suckers, but in reality, they don't need to eat, they could draw whatever energy they need from the environment. Food and blood do not nurture them and they consume them only for the taste or amusement. (but Blood is their preferred food since they ARE vampires) They are extremely beautiful, powerful, and intelligent creatures, especially the purebloods, and they naturally attract preys and the like. The purebloods stand on top of the vampire hierarchy, with the Yukimura family on top. There are magicks and secrets that are only passed on to the pureblood family.

Vampires do not possess any fatal weakness such as from garlic, sunlight, or fire and the like and cannot die naturally (immortal). They could die if their head is cut off from the body or their heart is damaged beyond repair. The only weakness they have is from hunter magick, whose weapons and spells are meant specially to take out Vampires.

Vampires, in this story, are descendants of Elves. Elves and humans use to exist in the long past, with elves dominating the woods. Many humans do not know about elves since they live deep in the woods and do not like to be seen. They are beautiful, graceful, and intelligent, and non-violent. They are very much connected to the environment; with plants and animals. But as humans abused the earth with their greed; cutting down woods for resources and captivating animals for their own purposes, the elves were heavily affected and many died to illness, loss of sanity (hearing the screams of woods etc). The humans are able to reproduce at a rapid rate (like rabbits, and their population exponentially multiplied) but elves (and vampires) could only rarely have offspring.

As the elvish population dwindled, a mutation in their race, the vampires, who are rejected by nature started to increase via natural selection (since it is a mutation, pureblood families are rare). They prey only on humans because of their ancient hatred for them for destroying their race. But they could breed with humans to give birth to mixed blood vampires. Mixed blood vampires are much inferior to purebloods in terms of their ability. Humans who drink vampire blood is inferior to mixed blood child. The more pure the blood they drank (amount wise as well), the more powerful they are.

They are feared by nature because they are almost completely different from the old elvish race they knew and they are independent of nature in terms of survival.

Note that some animals could mutate as well by drinking vampire blood. Darkmoon, for example is a pure vampire horse. His ancestors were elvish horses.

Vampires read and write in elvish, as well as other languages. Only the purebloods know what they refer to as the Old Tongue, which is a form of elvish used by upper elves.

Their culture is dark and heavy gothic like, with elvish and modern elements mixed (Elvish is more celtic like? Refer to Lord of the Rings XD). Fuji is an exception with modern and elvish lifestyle. He prefers brighter, lighter decorations for his manor.

Purebloods are to marry purebloods to make sure the future generation stays pure and the power preserved. Recent generations are not gender balanced (lmao, blame PoT), you could mention about that too.

Ryuuzaki, the only bachelorette pureblood was rejected by Atobe and Syuusuke. Despite being a pureblood, she has a mice-like personality. Because of the desire to pass down power, in this series, Yumiko and Yukimura have to be together. You could pair Ryuuzaki with Yuuta if you want to (mention it extremely subtly in Gold?), or not.

The council is especially interested in passing down older Fuji's abilities since he is much powerful of the two brothers (Although that is not voiced, it is common knowledge). Ryoma, before he recognizes his own feelings, is pissed. (Gold) The council frowns that Fuji chose Ryoma, who is male and non-vampire origin (the elvish blood makes up a bit). Insists that Syuusuke takes Sakuno (Ryoma not happy). Fuji smiles in a special way that makes them gulp. He declares that as long as both of them stay alive, there is no need for procreation.

Lovers of pureblood could get near pure if they constantly drank their blood. Ryoma eventually gets almost as powerful as pureblood but due to his lack of knowledge of the powers, it will be much later before he could control it well.


Hunters are the only existing race that could conflict with vampires. They are not normal humans to be able to take down vampires. Their ancestors are Witches and wizards whose ancestors learned the elvish ways by befriending them in the long past and were blessed with their abilities. Their magic deviated from the elvish ones after generations. They strived to make their abilities more powerful. Since they are generally more powerful and strange to the general human population, they were feared and eventually tried to round them up and kill them. (So in the end, the witches prosecution hinted in ch1 actually occurred) Most were murdered by the people. However, unbeknown to the public, the church kept some of their young children and bred them as hunters to combat the vampires. All hunters were taught the catholic religion, and imprinted into them their life purpose to exterminate 'evil' and do 'justice'. The theme of human morals, the effect of education (nurture), should definitively be explored in this fic.

They are cursed on their 10th birthday by burning a tattoo, a curse, the shape of a cross on their backs. Most think this is an honor to serve 'God' their entire life since they were the 'chosen children of God'. This prevents them from running away, consuming Vampire blood (and vice versa), silences them on confidential information, and could be killed at will by the church. The entire hunter population is in the hands of the church and many hunters obey them without a second thought.

Hunters do not fully know elvish, though they have been attempting to decode it for the longest time therefore can use a little. The Old Tongue is unknown to them. But they have their own codes and language they use for communication (the church knows them too).

They lead a life that is a cross between church members and real hunter.


Humans are generally ignorant of the existence of any humanoids beside themselves. Refer to our own history for their cultures and behaviors. Much of their life is ruled by the king and the church. Back then, they didn't have anything but the bible. You know how thick minded believers are.

Esa (JP translation for feed)

Tentative name. They are humans cursed by vampires to do their biddings. They are marked by a symbol on their neck (I'm thinking of a three vine spiral) and that is passed on to their offspring. The only function it has is that it silences them from releasing information (since vampires are powerful enough, they don't need other abilities on the tattoo to bind these humans). Many, especially their later generations, serve them willingly. They are few that runaway from their jobs but vampires are usually too lazy/ arrogant to chase after them when they could look for more.

The special ones are marked with a permanent bite mark on their neck and a tattoo. The bite marks that he personally belongs to a master (for whatever the master wants to do with them) and is hands off for other vampires. The bitten ones are more socially powerful and important than 'just a servant'. (It is really tempting to, and it culturally fits but I don't want to bring in anything explicitly sexual with this sort of slave-master relations)

(Ryoma will be bitten in the end of part 1 (but no tattoo) – and is unhappy about it)


I actually haven't thought of anything for this yet, and I don't want to make another race tangled into this mess. I just thought that Kintarou, if I use him, has to be a werewolf because he is so wild XD

Character placing

Note that the given name is placed first, unlike AC, since it is set in Europe. By no means, is this list complete, but note that too many characters will lessen the focus on Fuji and Ryoma


In AC, it's done the Japanese (Asian) way with naming. When mentioning a full name, the family name comes before the given name (ie. Echizen Ryoma). Since in COB it's set in France, it's done the European way (Ryoma Echizen).


Syuusuke Fuji (red for purebloods)



Yukimura (leader)

Ryuuzaki Sakuno









Akutsu (The evil in this story)


Tezuka (childhood friend of Echizens)



Shiraishi (bible addict, duh! XD)




Mizuki (dead)

Shinji/ Akira

Echizen Nanjirou






? The trio, Tomoka (Ryuuzaki's servant), Kaidou, Kawamura




Ryoma (part)


Character profiles

Incorporate it into the fic later? XD To get an idea of their personalities, backgrounds, and what's going to happen and whatnot. Just trying to keep them in character with the original is fine. Don't try to pair anyone else except for the main FujiRyo (I've included a bit of YukimuraxYumiko for both but whatever XD). Probably only important characters are covered. Has similarities (personality wise) with AC.


The main character. Ryoma is part elvish. Although he is only part elvish, the old blood in him mixed very well with Fuji's blood, (and combination of Hunter's blood from his father's side) magnifying his power. In the end, makes him almost as powerful as purebloods.

Love of animals, partially due to his elvish blood


She is the last of the original elvish race. She was hidden deep in the woods so her family survived. Killed


The ace hunter


Son of Nanjirou's first wife and Ryoma's half brother.


An oddity among vampires. Powerful. Oddly, a morning vampire.


(The more sensible of the bunch. Knows of corruption but powerless to stop it. Remains silent)

Chapter Outline

1. Fuchsia The chase

2. Sangria The chase II

3. Burgundy Dream sequence

4. Vermilion House of a noble

5. Chestnut First run

6. Persimmon Flashback: Momoshiro. New determination

(Ch7 survived the reboot but everything else has been lost.

7. Orange Red Is the only partly written one. see the other attachment

I usually decide on the color of each chapter after it is written. Each color technically has a meaning but I'm no colorist, so I'll have to make do with Wikipedia ^^. I'm hoping that it won't span for too long, or else I'll run out.

Snippets The Mizuki incident

50 years ago, (or longer) Mizuki is a skilled hunter.

Manipulated the fact that Yuuta was weaker than Syuusuke, and rubbed in Yuuta's disgrace as a pureblood and his restrictions living as one. He tried to trick Yuuta into submitting to the church, reveal secrets "You could be stronger…" Mizuki would bait him.

Before anything dangerous could happen, the ploy was discovered by the older Fuji. He made an example out of Mizuki (who will be remembered in history to not mess with a pureblood) and severely impaled the hunter population. He killed all those related to the incident, made no exception, and killed more in his anger. He destroyed much of the hunters single handedly and stole much information (aka. Made them pay). The peace treaty was hastily reinforced b/w hunters and vampires.

Syuusuke disappeared by choice, saying that if Yuuta feels he is shadowed by him then he would leave. Only two vampires knew about Fuji's general whereabouts – Yumiko and Yukimura (occasionally keeps in contact). This was a huge relief for the hunters. The incident strengthened the fear for the Fuji family especially.

Fuji spent those times exploring, doing his hobbies. He was summoned at the beginning of Blue. Yuuta regretted his actions and is training and studying to be stronger.

Ryoma's past

CoH (blue) 1st chapter

Tezuka's POV

Port, southern France.

Spots Darkmoon. Recognizes it as a vampire horse. Sees that the vampire is not nearby. Few men trying to steal the beautiful horse. Sees that Darkmoon is getting ready to retaliate should the men move. Tezuka takes out his gun in case the horse kills the men. Just as the horse got on his hind legs and neighed, sees a boy, 15 years old jump in front of the horse to calm it down. Wearing noble ranked clothes, still human. Extremely surprised that a vampire horse calmed under the human's touch. Ryoma called 'Darkmoon' which Tezuka recognize as Fuji's. The boy turns to glare condescendingly at the men, the men insults him saying that a kid like him cannot possibly own such stallion. The boy (or teen now?) is unmoved. Green tined hair, sharp golden eyes, challenging attitude… reminds Tezuka of his 'dead' friend.

After the men leaves, an old shop owner (the one Ryoma came out from) and they have brief conversation. The old man calls the boy Francis (a fake name).

Ryoma leaves and Tezuka follows to a place where they are alone. Tezuka stops Ryoma from leaving by pointing the gun at Darkmoon. Ryoma initially surprised, is not amused.

Tezuka demands about Fuji. Ryoma, curious for information, they begin to talk, weary of one another.

Ryoma never met any vampire of noble family except Fuji. Here is where pureblood is first mentioned. Of course, Ryoma knows nothing.

Tezuka learns that although Ryoma is not silenced, he isn't told much about anything. Tezuka offers Ryoma help, so he could be freed. (Although Tezuka thinks he should not mess with Fuji's property, the boy reminds him his dear friend.) Ryoma declines, says it's too late, and if the offer had made earlier he would have taken it.

Just as Ryoma leaves on Darkmoon, Tezuka calls him Francis. Ryoma tells him his real name and left before Tezuka could react and stop him.

CoH (blue) 2nd chapter

Inui enters Fuji manor with a summon. Fuji reads the summon from Yukimura. Inui mentions that he has been running away long enough, and it is time to go back to the society. Fuji inclines. Inui senses a human approaching.

Inui shocked that Darkmoon, who doesn't obey anyone but Fuji is ridden by a human. Inui inquires about Ryoma, with a calculating look. Fuji only smiles.

Ryoma enters, weary of Inui. Inui leaves.

Ryoma thrusts a package at Fuji, complains that Fuji made him go across France for a tube of paint (vermillion).

Ryoma inquires about vampires. Fuji sharply notices that Ryoma is suddenly asking about a lot. He admits that he met a hunter. Fuji is extremely vague about his answers, if he answered at all. Ryoma frowns. In the end, Fuji tells Ryoma to see for himself.

Ch3 and beyondThe end?


That's it? Probably? Sometimes the notes make sense to me but not to you. Just resend this document back with notes/ comments etc and I'll find it using the compare function. If there is anything else, I can't remember any more… or didn't write it.
