A/N This is a quick story I wrote between two cats (it'll become obvious who they are at the end) and about how the she-cat is talking to her former lover's memory in letter form. Please R&R and tell me what you think!

Dear Memory:

I miss you. I miss who you used to be. Please come home?

With Hope,

Your Hopeful Dreamer

P.S. I still care.

Dear Dreamer:

That's all you are. A dreamer. But I miss you, even if I'm just a figment of your imagination.

With Love,


P.S. I hate you.

Dear Memory:

But what about everything we shared?

With Hope,


P.S. I don't love you.

P.P.S. I don't think or want to hate you either.

Dear Dreamer:

You should still love me as a memory. If I'm not who you want me to be in the real world you can always find me. I'm never that far away.

With Love,


P.S. I still love you, and you still love me. Why say you hate me?

Dear Memory:

Remember when we first fell in love? I mean... well when the real you and I fell in love? I remember. I still miss you so much. What about our kits? They'll grow up with no father now. I know you miss them too. But I know that the real you only wants them for his blood. One already left for him. My Memory, what should I do?

With Hope,


P.S. Even if I did love you, you're not real. You're a character in my imaginative world. Why won't you stop bothering me?

P.P.S. I still hate you.

Dear Dreamer:

Because I love you, and you love the real me too.

With Love,


P.S. I still care.

Dear Memory:

Should I talk to him?

With Hope,


Dear Dreamer:

Talk to him, and then maybe you won't have to talk to me anymore?

With Love,


P.S. I still care for you.

Dear Memory:

Thank you, and I will.

With Hope,


P.S. I love you, my memory. If only he could be like that...

Dear Tigerstar:

I hate you. I love your memory. Stay away from me, and never haunt me again. You left me hanging with nothing to wring my claws around. You pretended to accept me, and now I just want to snap your neck. Too bad Scourge got there first. I hope you and Tawnypaw knows better now than to trust filthy traitors like you. Now that Bramblepaw is close to warriorship, I hope he disappoints you. No one deserves the pain that I feel. No one.

Go rot in the Place of No Stars where you belong.

Never again,


P.S. I hate you.


To Goldenflower:

You wouldn't have come with me even if I asked. You had our kits to care for. You had everything in ThunderClan accept a good leader. You're insane for thinking I never loved you. You're just too blind to see that you still love me.

Sent with no hope,


P.S. I still care.

That was really bad... oh well. Please review, I would really like to know what you think!