A story of two lovers one was sixteen -year old Cagalli Hibbiki and the other was twenty year- old Athrun Zala. Both have deep feeling for each other but however there is a problem their sibling stepsibling to be precise. Cagalli doesn't want anything to happen and she doesn't want wreck their sibling relationship or their family. Since her older brother Kira and him had been close to just like sibling to each other, and her father Ullen had treated Athrun like another son. And well he had also adopted Athrun and Lenore her stepmother adopted her and her brother. It didn't feel right but her stepbrother Athrun thinks otherwise and doesn't see a problem with it and want to do what he can to be with Cagalli so what will happen to them.

Hey every one It me Cagallixathrunzala again and I have once again written another fanfic along with my other two. But I will only continued to write this if my fellow readers like it I am hoping a least receive 10 reviews for this story to get it started but only if you want me to though.

I am very sorry for bad grammar and spelling I am slowly trying to do my best in writting hopefully I get better and well I hope you enjoy please review and let me know what you all think.

Temptation Chapter One Complication

"It dinnertime Cagalli" A female voice shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

The said girl Cagalli Hibbiki a 16 year old girl with golden hair and brown Orbs that shone a golden colour when lights hits her Orbs.

Cagalli made her way out of her room and downstairs long winding staircase to make her way to the dinning area.

One there she sat herself in her usual seat and greeted her father and mother her step mother to precise.

Her father had remarried just six months ago with the woman sat next to her father Ullen. The woman name was Lenore Zala. She had also been married to a man named Patrick Zala who was no longer around he had pasted away from a sudden heart attack just two years ago. Like her mother Via as well who had pasted away from cervical cancer just few months before Patrick had.

Lenore wasn't what you call an evil stepmother actually she was a very nice and Cagalli respected her like a mature adult. Lenore also had a son named Athrun Zala who also was Cagalli older brother best friend not mentions their stepbrother or now adopted brother. Since her father had adopted him and Lenore had adopted her and her brother so it make them a proper family.

Cagalli brother Kira had moved away a few months ago to University since he wanted to live somewhere near to the university and his girlfriend Lacus Clyne.

Kira and Athrun had been friends ever since they where little and both parents where friends with each other before Patrick and Via had pasted away. A year after that was when Cagalli, Kira and Athrun had discovered their parents where dating each other.

Athrun Zala had blue hair like the midnight sky and green Orbs that shone like emerald well to Cagalli that is. Yes she admits she finds him handsome and she did have a small crush on him when they where younger. But still he was now her brother and well it was wrong if they where to even try to be together wasn't it and she told her self-countless times that.

Cagalli sat her self silently eating her dinner while her father and stepmother quietly chatted. While they where chatting Cagalli thoughts suddenly wondered to an incident that happen just last night.

Flash back

Cagalli was stood leaning her back on a wall in her home while her step; adoptive brother leaned over her one hand on each side of her.

Her orbs where widen in shock at how close he was near to her "I like you Cagalli I like you a lot that I am unable to control my self " The 20 year old whispered in her ear Suddenly planting a kiss upon her lips his hands travelled to her waist.

Cagalli tried to push him away using her hand that was place on his chest when she had fallen.

Noticing this Athrun broke the kiss he glanced down at the girl her Orbs where glazed with tears.

"This is wrong Athrun we can't do this," she said gazing up at him tears ran down her cheeks.

The boy gazed back at her "Why not it not like where blood related Cagalli I am your step brother and by marriage and adoption not you biological brother like Kira" he replied gazing at the girl with want in his eyes.

The girl looked up at him "But still weather you're my step brother or my actual brother it still the same feeling that we are related and I don't want to hurt my father" The girl spoke softly looking down at the floor.

Athrun placed his hand under her chin and lifted her head up so she was gazing at him "Cagalli" he said as he was about to placed another kiss on lips again.

But before he could "NO IT CAN'T HAPPEN ATHRUN I CANT LET IT" Cagalli yelled back pushing him away harder she then sprinted away from him making her way out of her family home into the quiet night.

End Flashback

After the incident Cagalli made sure to stay well clear from her stepbrother all day but then she had to sit with the whole family when they had dinner like just right now.

Athrun was actually sat right next on her left making her feel very uncomfortable. While sitting there all she could do was keep silent and play with her food while looking at it, while her free hand was under the table on her lap playing with the material of her trousers.

Suddenly she felt her hand been taken she new very well it belong to Athrun making her drop her folk that was firmly held in her hand earlier.

Suddenly retreating her hand out of his quickly she stood up rapidly "Please excuse me I am not feeling very well," She said quickly before running out of the dinning room and before her father was about to say something.

Cagalli ran to her room and closed her door placing her self on the bed. She had really needed to get out of the room before Athrun could talk to her or even ask her anything. Even stopping him from suggesting they go for walk because she new him well and new that her father and stepmother would agree after all she wasn't her happy self.

Just then she heard a knock on the door she quickly got underneath her duvet and pretended to be asleep on her side as the door opened

"Cagalli" she heard her father call out.

She kept quiet and her eyes closed until she heard the door closed she then turned on her back and looked at her room ceiling.

She had no idea when the incident happened it came quiet quickly one minute she and Athrun had just gotten back from a movie. And where talking like a big brother and little sister while entering the living area, and the next minute she had tripped over the carpet and nearly landed her self in hospital almost hitting her head on the wall.

But Athrun had stopped her from hitting her head by embracing her with one hand, while the other hand was leaned on the wall preventing her from hitting her head and them both falling.

And from then Cagalli was lifted up so she was leaning on the wall and Athrun was looking at her no wait gazing at her. Then he had whispered something and had placed his lips on hers.

At the time Cagalli did not expected that and she never thought Athrun would do anything like after he was well a gentleman and well they where sibling.

Laying in the bed Cagalli abruptly touched her lips that was her actual first kiss to and to received from someone as handsome as him made her feel all fuzzy inside. She wasn't going to deny her feeling for him to her self. But she was going to try a deny her feeling for him to him to Athrun since he was stepbrother she didn't want do ruin their proper family bond or loose any of her family for something. She didn't know weather it was going to even work out and she wasn't willing to ruin it because of a crush. When he had kissed her it made her feel good of course but it still felt wrong and it had now complicated their sibling relationship. Which Cagalli did not want to add more complication to it so Cagalli had made sure she gotten out of the room, and will continued to stay away from him until everything blew over for them.

Flipping from her back to her front she al sudden stuffed her face into her pillow and slowly tried to sleep. So she could forget about it for a few hours like she did last night when she came back here after the incident.

Well that was chapter one of temptation hope you enjoy and review after.

Well I see you until next time see ya.