I don't known Naruto, and never will. The only characters I own in this story are my original characters (who won't really appear for a few chapters yet)

This is my first attempt at a chapter fic, so if it seems disjointed and a bit stunted that's because I'm not used to putting chapter markers in the stories I write (I want to be a published author one day)

BTW: if my spelling and grammar seems weird to you, it might be because I'm Australian and using Australian English.

Please note: I have been forced repost of the original due to a formatting error. There are no changes to the story otherwise. Sorry about that. Proper re-editing will be done later on, when I have more time.

(Excerpt from the journal of Umino Iruka during the tenth year the Godaime Hokage's leadership)

It's that day again.

Naruto said he'll be staying home today. I'm going to see him after lunch.

I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees the gift I got him this year. I know he'll like it. He's always liked toads and ramen, so he'll like the ramen bowl I had made when I was in Wave Country. A ramen bowl with toads painted on it…It's made for Naruto.

(End excerpt)


"Naruto, are you home? I've got something for you. Naruto? Naruto? Are you still in bed, Naruto? Time to get…Naruto!"


Hey, kid…You still out there somewhere? I found the others, and we're going into hiding for now. I'll see you again someday, I'm sure. Next time, maybe things will be different. Maybe…Hopefully…


"It would seem that things did not go as we hoped." the blindfolded woman said.

"Indeed not." the black-caped figure agreed.

"Where did we go wrong?" asked the cherub of the old man holding him.

"I know not, little one." the old man replied.

"We cannot change what has happened." the caped figure said.

"No, we cannot." the woman agreed mournfully, "Such is the way of the world. A clock cannot turn backwards."

"But the clock hands return to the beginning twice a day." the cherub pointed out, then stuck his thumb into his mouth.

"That is true." the old man said, "However, can we do it? Will your assistant let the man's soul go, old friend?"

The caped figure turned to the monstrous creature behind him and said, "This time, yes. But not again."

"Then," the woman said, "we shall let them try again and hope that this time goes better than last time."

Sound interesting? Wait and see what's to come.

I got the idea for this story from reading Artistic Differences, so that might give you a clue as to what's coming. Not the same, but a similar premise.

For the record, the four people (the baby, the blindfolded woman, the black-caped figure and the old man) are supposed to be Future, Fate, Death and Old Man Time, just to make that clear