Everyone then had their chance to go in and see Jean. They all came back out with the same saddened expressions on their faces.

Once they were all back in the waiting room Kris went and hugged Matt.

"Thank you all for being here but it's going to be a while before we know anymore so you should go home and rest and come back in the morning." Matt said to the group.

"Matt are you sure? We can stay if you need us too" said Kris the tiredness evident on her face.

"No right now there is nothing to be done. So go home and get some sleep and I'll call you with any news" said Matt.

"Okay" said Kris hesitant to leave but hugged him goodbye. Junior did the same and they headed out.

"I'll head home but call me with any news at all" said Ken Davis with stress in his voice.

"Of course" said Matt.

He then left. Pablo and Dani were the only ones left. "We're not leaving" said Dani and Pablo together.

"Guys.." said Matt exhausted emotionally and physically.

"Matt I'm staying here with you. I want to be here with you when you get the news" said Dani. Matt knew by the sound of her voice there was no changing her mind.

"I feel the same way. I'm staying no matter what now I'm going to go get us all a coffee" said Pablo his voice stern.

"Thank you" said Matt appreciative.

He and Dani sat back down as Pablo headed down to get them some coffee.

Dani kissed Matt's cheek softly before resting her head on his shoulder. He put his arm around her.


Back at Junior and Kris's apartment

Junior and Kris were now laying down in their bed. Junior had his arms wrapped around Kris. She was curled up against his chest.

"I'm so worried" said Kris.

"I know me too but I know Jean she's strong she'll make it through this" said Junior his arms tightening around Kris.

His words comforted Kris. She finally let herself drift off into a uneasy sleep. Junior soon fell asleep also.



Pablo came back with three coffees. He smiled slightly when he saw Dani and Matt curled up together sleeping. He set their coffees on the table beside them.

He would let them sleep. They sure needed it. Pablo took a sip of his coffee and he sat back down to wait for any news. He had confidence that Jean would make it through this.

She had to. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to live without her. She just had to make it through this.

Authors Note: Sorry for not updating in so long and sorry that this update is so short. I'm hoping I can update sooner now.