Dedicated to my five month old cousin, who I wish was here.

I had written this fan fiction in like October of last year and promised some people that I would put it up. Then I lost it. So now that I found it I decided to put it up as a pre-Baby Episode fic. I hope you like it. I'll try to get it all up before the episode airs, but I'm not promising anything.

Disclaimer: I own the baby, and I get to snuggle her while I lament the fact that I don't own Bones.

The sun streamed in on Brennan's face and she woke up, wondering why the curtains she paid so much money for had not stopped the sunlight from seeping in.

Then when she awoke fully she remembered. She was not home in D.C in her apartment, she was in Houston Texas in a hotel room, and today was the day she was to go home. Booth was going to stay an extra day to wrap up the case involving a rich oil tycoon whose remains were found in a well. It turned out his butler did it, surprisingly.

She got out of bed, had a shower and was in the process of getting dressed when there was a knock on the door.

"Room Service,"

"Just a minute," she put on her blouse and went to the door. A tall and handsome young man with broad shoulders and dark short curly hair came in. He was handsome, she couldn't help but notice.

"Your breakfast," he said, and she found herself disappointed that he didn't have a Texas drawl. He flashed a big smile, which she took as her recompense.

"Hold on, let me get my bag," she turned and went back to her bed, rummaging through her bag for a bill. She finally returned to where the young man had been standing, but he was gone.

A bassinette was in the spot he previously occupied.

She went up to it and peeked inside only to confirm her fear. A little fist greeted her. Followed by a little face and body.

He had left a baby at her doorstep.


At her shout, the young man ran faster down the hallway. She chased him, but by the time she got around the corner he was nowhere in sight. She ran further down the hallway, hoping she would spot him but to no avail.

She stopped and caught her breath. He was fast. She had no idea what to do now. She had to make her flight today. She had no time to take care of a baby!

What was she going to do?

She went back to her room and on the phone, reported the incident and described the man. The person on the phone assured her they would look for the man and send someone up to help her with the baby.

Brennan chanced a look back in the basket. The baby was stirring, her little face contorting at the sunlight. Her little eyes opened and she let out an unworldly yell.

" Wow!" was all Brennan could say before she took up the infant and hush her. She was almost certain it was a girl, judging from the fact that her facial features leaned towards the feminine. And the fact that her clothes were all pink really helped. She was wailing for dear life, even as Brennan hushed her with all her might. In the process she checked the baby's diaper and found out two things. Number one, her hunch about this being a girl was right. Number two, before she did anything, she had to call the concierge to get her some diapers.

"Come on, baby, stop yelling," she said in a soothing voice. The infant was calming down slowly but surely. She was small, about five months old and smelled of baby products and wet diaper. Brennan hoped that the person would come quickly to help her. She had a flight to make in an hour.

She calmed down in a while and Brennan had a chance to call the concierge for the diapers. As she put the baby in her bassinette, Brennan saw an envelope in the bottom. She took it out, watching the baby as she stared wide eyed at her surroundings. She opened the envelope, took out what seemed to be a letter and read.


I'm guessing you're the person who I just left my baby with. Her name is Barbara-Dale Brooke Maxine Miller. Before you start laughing, she was named after her grandmothers. I called her Barbie.

I am sure you would like to know why I would give up a beautiful precious baby like the one you see there. The thing is, it's not her, it's me. Her mother died shortly after she was born and I was left to raise her by myself. Me, who can't boil a pot of water! She has suffered greatly under my lack of parenting skills. I can't do it on my own anymore. So please, I ask you to give her a better life than I can. And if you won't keep her, please don't put her in Foster care. Or don't raise her Catholic. My mother would roll in her grave.

So bye. Tell her when she's old enough that Daddy loved her.

Brennan read it again. This man was unreal. He would rather to push his responsibility on a stranger, not knowing whether or not the person was trustworthy with his child. She looked at the infant, who was watching her intently with big chocolate brown eyes.

"Your father must think I'm insane to keep you."

Barbie looked up at her as if to say, Hey, I didn't ask for this either.

She had no choice.

She had to remind herself that she had no choice.

She had to make her flight. The Jeffersonian needed her back urgently. There was no way she could stay in Houston to take care of baby business.

She had to take the baby with her.

She looked over at her new charge. Barbie was fully occupied with playing with the tiny soft teddy that Brennan had bought her in the gift shop on their way to catch the plane. She shook it violently, listening to the rattling inside.

How was she going to take care of a baby on top of all the things she had to do? She couldn't take a baby to the conference she had to give a speech at later that week. She couldn't carry a baby to the ball she had to attend on behalf of the Jeffersonian next week.

But she was getting ahead of herself. That all depended on whether or not she was keeping Barbie for that long. But however long she was keeping her for, she was sure to get hungry. And she would need a change of diaper. Brennan knew who would help her with all that. She called Angela.


"Hey Ange, it's me."

"Wait. Am I supposed to pick you up already?"

"No. I just need you to do me a small favour. It may sound odd, but it's important. I want you to get some baby formula for me."

"Huh? Is there something you have to tell me, Bren?"

She didn't expect that answer from her best friend. She expected her to interject Booth into-

"Did you and Booth just decide to say what the heck and start a family?"

Ah. There was the Angela she knew.

"No, Angela. I need it for a baby that I'm responsible for for a while. She's about five months old. I'll explain it to you..."

"Does she need clothes too? And cute little blankets? And a crib? And..." Brennan could feel Angela's excitement through the phone.

"Wait. Angela, remember I'll only have her for a while, so don't buy a lot of unnecessary things."

"Yeah, yeah. If I'm gonna be doing baby shopping, I gotta get ready! See you later, Bren! Kiss the baby for me!"

"Wait! Ange!"

The line died. Angela would buy the entire stock of a baby store if Brennan wasn't there to stop her. She sighed. Barbie made a sound of amusement.

"Oh. My. Gosh."

Brennan looked up to see a young woman with bottle blonde hair gawking at her. She had a dog-eared copy of one of her early books clutched in her hands.

"You're Dr. Temperance Brennan aren't you?"

"Yes I am," the lady was obviously a fan of her books. She was cradling the volume to her chest.

"Oh, my gosh! I love your books! They are so so good! I'm Yana Ingram by the way. It is so good to finally meet you!"

Yana held out her hand and Brennan took it.

"I'm glad you like them," she replied.

"I've wanted to go to one of your books signings so much, but I can't seem to get any time off! You're an excellent writer. If it isn't too much trouble, could you please sign this for me? I know it looks bad but my husband, you know; he can't take care of anything."

Brennan took the book from her and signed it, trying to ignore what she suspected was a sauce stain. While she wrote the dedication out to Yana and Nathan Ingram she heard Yana say, "Is this your baby? What's her name?"

"Barbie," Brennan said distractedly.

"Oh she looks a little like you. But not much. I bet she looks a lot like her father."

Brennan made to hand back the book and was surprised to see Yana holding Barbie in her arms.

"Oh my gosh! She is so babylicious. All soft and sweet-smelling. She doesn't give a lot of trouble does she? I don't think so, right Barbie?"

Why was she talking to the baby as if she could talk back? "Can I have her back please?"

"Oh, yeah. Sure."

The baby/book exchange took place and Yana gushed her thanks and went back to her seat. Brennan looked at Barbie, who gave her a look that seemed to say, That was weird.

I share your sentiments, baby, said Brennan's look.

"Where's the baby?"

"Wow, Angela. Not even a hello?"

"Gimme the baby!"

Brennan surrendered Barbie over to Angela and almost felt sorry for her as Angela cooed and kissed and squeezed and hugged the infant. Barbie looked slightly uncomfortable.

"How did you get to take care of such a delicious baby?" she asked, leaving Brennan to struggle with her bag as she carried Barbie.

"Her father left her on my doorstep this morning. He dressed as a handsome waiter and left as I was getting his tip."

"Well that sucks," said Angela. They got into the open air, and Angela led the way to her car. The back seat was full of brightly coloured plastic things that looked like baby furniture.

"Angela! I will only be keeping her for a while!" said Brennan, eyeing a walker, which Barbie was too young to use, "She will definitely not be needing a walker!"

"Sorry, Bren. I couldn't resist. They were having a sale. I bought her some little cute rock T-shirts too. One has the name of that Foreigner song you like on it. And some with cute captions on them like 'My mommy's rich and my daddy's good looking'. He is good looking, right?" Angela sent her a dish- girlfriend-dish smile.

"He had a very favourable structure, yes. She has his eyes," said Brennan, surprised she picked that up so fast. She loaded her bag into Angela's car, while Angela and Barbie supervised.

"You know whose eyes they remind me of too?"


Angela looked at Barbie closely, "Booth's"

What? That wasn't possible. Brennan looked at Barbie for herself.

"You're grasping at straws, Angela. She can't look like Booth. He has no relation to her."

"I'm just saying he has big brown eyes, she has big brown eyes...its jut a cowinkydink." Angela handed Barbie back over, "Put her in her new car seat,"

"Car Seat!"

"What? Road safety is important. The car seat was necessary, you gotta admit. So were the clothes. And...Wow."


Angela looked at the two of them like they were naked aliens.

"She kinda has your nose! And your hair is the same colour as hers! This is creepy..."

"Stop it!" Angela was creeping her out.

"I'm serious! Bren, it's almost like she's yours and Booth's daughter!"

Now Brennan rolled her eyes, "That is highly improbable. In fact it's impossible."

Angela muttered as Brennan secured Barbie in her car seat, "I'm just saying..."

So strange, right?

I just really like the idea of Barbie looking like BB. Then people will be like, "You're daughter looks so much like you!" and they would like, "She's not our daughter" in their little "We're just partners" voices. Ha ha!

I know I'll take a few liberties with this one. But bear with me, please? I have an untamed imagination.

Please review. They're like Inbox candy.