As the sun rose behind the horizon, its orange and yellow rays shone over the town, Konoha a large town in the southern part of Japan. Just 2 hours away from Tokyo. (a/n. I'm not sure where konoha will fit but just imagine). It was a new day, but not just an ordinary day it was the start of school for all students in Japan. Of course it is unavoidable to miss school, all the students excited to see their friends and finding out there classes.

In an apartment near konoha junior high school, was sakura haruno, a 15 year old pink haired girl starting her third year in junior high. What she doesn't know she will see someone that had been missing for 2 years.


"FINE!!" sakura replied in a grumpy voice. This wasn't the best ways to wake up from your slumber.

Sakura stepped into the shower washed her hair and she was revitalised from it. She got into her school uniform (a/n remember that uniform from the shippuden ending! Thanks) and got her backpack on.

"Breakfast is ready go wake up your father!!" ordered sakura's mother.

"Ok kaasan!" replied sakura "tousan! Wake up its 7:15"

"arhh right.. give me a minute" grumbled the unhappy man. And he continued to mutted while heading into the bathroom.

"ITADAKIMASU!" the family cheered while starting there meal. Which was rice, miso soup, and some vegetable and yoghurt.

"GOOCHISOUSAMA!" sakura placed her clean out bowl into the sink. 'time for school, OH GOD ITS 7:30 AHH INO IS WAITING FOR ME'

"ITTEKIMASU! I'M GOING TO SCHOOL" sakura cried before waving goodbye. 'damn erggh ino is going to kill me now for being late.. sigh oh well.. I'll just hope for the best'

"ITTERASHAI! Remember you have cramp school with tusnade today!" sakura's mother cried.

"that girl is going to make me worry." Her mother sighed.

"don't worry kaasan its going to be fine. She is 15 now." Advised sakura's father.

Sakura lived on the 6th floor of the apartment building so she has to take the elevator down. "hmm wonder which teacher I have this year, naruto is supposed to come back this year, " naruto was a close classmate of sakura they were in the same class for everything in elementary school. "thinking bout naruto seriously is weird that dobe". "I should stop talking to myself as well I'm going to look insane"


Sakura left from the elevator, and started her walk to school which was only a 10minute walk. 'oh damn where was I supposed to meet ino was it the ramen store or by the train station.. arggh'


"hey ino!!"

"hey forehead remember to meet me at…"


"yeah ino see you tomorrow! I need to clean up! Byes!"


"arggh why did I have to be a clutz then now I'll never know where to meet up with ino." sigh


"hey I'm sorry" sakura giggled

"I know you too well I knew you would forget where to meet up and you are always here when your lost" ino stated.

"what I'm not always here.. and I'm sorry" sakura gave in.

"you are soo cute when you forget. Come on we need to get to school, hey do you know what class you're in?" ino questioned

"umm,, let me check.." sakura took out her sheet " oh I'm in 3-2, noo I'm stuck with kakashi in homeroom.."

"HA HA HA HA oh well I'm in 3-1 I got asuma, oh well you know its only homeroom its going to be fine.. you want to take purikura after school1?" ino questioned

"haha sorry I got afterschool activity, I got medical science with tsunade-sensei"

"ehh? You still got that class, you've been doing that class since elementary school, but you already soo good you don't need to take it."

Sakura and ino continued walking their way to school about their holidays and school friends.

"HEY SAKURA! INO! OVER HERE!" a familiar voice and could only be one other person.

"Tenten-senpai! Aww your in high school now, what's the new uniform like?" ino asked.

"ha ha ha hey well its nice to see you too, and well I guess the uniform is alright, but don't worry bout me I still have neji and lee looking after me, you girls better look after yourself too. Ha ha ha" tenten answered.

"hey its hinata" sakura realised.

"hey sakura-chan, ino-chan. Tenten-senpai, how has your holidays been!?" hinata greeted.

The girls all caught up with each other and laughed their way to school, once in the genkan they put on their slippers and got onto the 2nd floor of the building.

"hinata where's your homeroom?"

"ahh I'm in 3-3.. I got kurenai as homeroom teacher."

"aww we are all separated.."

"sakura don't get down its only homeroom we are all in the same pe, art and technology class." Ino said cheery.


"ahh I need to get to class see you at pe!"

Sakura scurried along to see her class, 3-2. she got to her seat which was by the window, the best place to daydream and it has the best view to see the school ground and she could see the high school, 'wonder how tenten-senpai is going…'

"attention students we have a new student this year or should I say we have a old student back!" kakashi announced. This caught sakura's attention, but she saw someone towering next to her. She gazed up to see the familiar face.

"NARUTO! YOU'RE BACK.." sakura forced herself to say without herself crying.

"sakura you've grown!" naruto said with his famous smile. Sakura couldn't take it and hugged him. Naruto was shocked but overcomed that feeling and returned the favour.

"okay okay lets start rollcall. ….SAKURA HARUNO!"

"HAI" sakura replied


"HAI" naruto replied

"SASUKE UCHIHA!..." no one replied. "ha ha I'm sorry I forgot sasuke transferred to another school, jeez why is his name still here after 3 years."

Sakura and naruto quivered. Kakashi noticed this and decided to be quiet.

Sasuke uchiha, a child prodigy, the uchiha was a family name of a highly known wealthy family, there was an incident many years before, their eldest son ITACHI committed mass murder to his whole family and only left one survivor being sasuke. Sasuke transferred to orochimaru's school to seek power.

"Don't worry sakura I'll bring our old friend back, it's a promise!" naruto shouted in his one of his famous speeches. Sakura has always trusted him.

"I believe in you naruto. So whats your next class." Sakura asked

"hahaha I think its pe with anko"

"yeah I'm in that class too, and so is the rest of the girls I'm not sure bout the guys though. I better go change meet you there"

"sakura got her pe uniform and went towards the toilets to change, but Sasuke was still in her mind. He was her crush, she remembers the day he left he left her crying on a bench.

whistle blow

"attention you kids, It's the first day of school does not mean I'm letting any one of you slack off. I don't care if you hate me. Today's lesson is volleyball, its boys verses girls. No complaint set up the nets!" order anko.

whistle blow

"anko is so harsh.." whined a student..

"I heard that!" anko scared..

"ok I think we should start setting up the net." Suggested ino.

"I think that's a great idea" agreed sakura.

"aye!" the girls turned around to see all their friends were in their pe class.

"oh my god I don't believe you all are in our class, jeez this is really hard to believe. Ha ha ha." Naruto stated. "its like a dream come true!"

"dobe.. so troublesome.. why me.." sighed shikamaru.

SHIKARMARU NARA- a lazy guy which has an iq over 200 he has been cursed to be in the same class as ino and choji since elementary, ponytail brown hair.

CHOJI AKIMICHI- a hungry guy, some would say he is large. Best friends with shikamaru since forever!

"hahaha you're still the lazy guy. You haven't changed a bit over the holidays.. HAHAHA" laughed kiba.

KIBA INUZUKA- a guy which is simply obsessed with dogs, best friends with shino and has been in the same class with shino and hinata since junior high school started.

SHINO ABURAME – a mysterious glasses teen. Fascinated by bugs and is in the science club.

"its great to see you naruto" said shino in his monotonic voice.

crunch "mhmm.. I think they game is starting" choji caught everyone attention with that.

"hah! You boys are going down!" the girls shouted!

"so troublesome"

"DON'T WORRY YOU WILL REGRETT VERSING THE BOYS!" naruto cried as if he was at war!

whistle blow

"start!" anko cried.. 'hmm now for some dangos. Yumm!

After a long hour battle the girls were victorious.

"so the girls are the winner and the boys must now clean up the hall"

"WHAT1?" the boys shouted

"oh didn't I mention the losers cleans the hall.." 'hehehe suckers.. sorry tsunade I would clean up the hall but the boys are such suckers.."

"girls anko has that creepy smile again" whispered ino to the rest of the girls.


"hey I got art next..! yeah!" the girls cheered finding they were in the same art class.

"hey naruto what do you have?!" questioned anko.

"ahh I think the guys and me have wood technology.."

"hey I don't think so! You haven't finished cleaning the hall! "

"Arrrgghh" groaned the boys..

"shika this is all your fault if you actually tried in the game we wouldn't be here cleaning this mess!" argued the not so happy naruto.. while they were all complaining the girls were all happily settled at their art class doing ceramics! (I love ceramics)

"okay students.. umm where are the boys!? Oh well who cares.. this would be less frustrating for me anyway. Your task is to use this clay and mould it to something that shows your inner self. Don't do anything stupid or I won't let you girls do anything like this again!" after that speech the teacher went back to her desk reading something out of view from the students.

"yesh sensei" the girls replied harmoniously.. and quickly went to the planning of what they were going to mould.. all was in thought while some rushed to get the clay.. sakura, ino, and hinata decided to discuss it with each other first.

"I think .. I am going to mould up a dove on a branch.." stuttered hinata

"OH OH I KNOW.. you know that goddess venus in that clam thing I'm totally going to make that..! it would totally suit me.. you know since I am like the goddess of this world." Ino praising herself.

"right ino, I'm not sure what I'm going to make.. my innerself.. hmm.. help me! Hinata I love your idea.. but what should I be.." the confused continued to question to her friends..

"well, you are strong inside and delicate.. I am saying how you are.." hinata told..

"hinata is right, you are strong as steel inside but you are my oh so cute friend.. but what is delicate outside and brave inside" now ino was now stumbled in the quarrel.

"maybe there is nothing that shows me.. maybe I'm just a weird freak of nature.. I might as well give up on this task." Sakura gave in, she gave up, without a question now she feels like a failure, she made that face which both her friends knew sakura is trying to cover up. They need a plan..

"SAKURA!? Are you stupid. Mould up a sakura tree, ha ha ha why didn't we think of that? Its so obvious.. the sakura is a delicate and beautiful tree but it is sturdy.. even when its winter and it is down it stays strong THAT'S PERFECTLY YOU!" this sudden suggestion was caught on sakura's mind. And as she thought about she realised how stupid she was, and how perfect the idea was.

"oh my god! Ino you are so cool I love you guys" sakura got hold of both her friends giving them a long hug.

Half way through moulding the guys finally arrived..

"AHH JEEZ!" kiba complained, after doing the work and cleaning all the boys look like they have been through some crazy wind storm, they were all messing and cleaning the hall it was a smelly job so the boys ending up smelling too..

"oh great god! Where have you boys been your 20minutes late! Detention after school! All of you!" order their teacher. As the boys were about to give their reasoning "NO BUTS!" and that was the end.. she wasn't going to let the boys escape the teachers wrath..

As all the boys were complaining before they settled into their seats all the girls could do was giggle at the boys misfortunes, and especially naruto's it was his first day back from his home school with jiraya. He also was sulking

"Attention ohok boys get some clay and you are going to mould something to show your inner self. Got that?! Good!" she went back to her desk reading another book which was out of from the students..

"hahahaha that's just the guys luck anywho I wonder how I buddies are doing in wood.. hope they didn't get detention too, hey hinata busy this arvo1?" ino asked, hoping for a no.

"nope I don't think soo what did you have in plan?!" only giving another question back to ino.

"ahh I was planning to get everyone to go take purikura this arvo. We can invite everyone sides miss no show forehead!" ino sarcasticly whined..

"hey its not my fault anyway its my last lesson with tsunade, she says I know everything I can now." Sakura stated. Sighing afterwards.

"ahh really well that's good so we can go out more now .. your always soo busy um hey you guys!?" hinata went down to a whisper.

"mhmm" was the only reply from sakura and ino as they were waiting for hinata to finish her sentence.

"are you guys still going to ninja school on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday afternoon?" now her voice a very small whisper but audioable enough for sakura and ino to hear. Hinata was signalled with a nod from each.

Ninja school – a secret organisation for young youths to train their skills, only way to get accepted in was if your family had a past of being a ninja. But the deal is not to tell anyone who isn't. All their friends are secretly ninjas and they must not use their skills unless it is needed for an emergency. The leader of the organisation was tsunade-sama. Do you remember Sasuke he decided to join the evil side of ninja using their skills for their own gain.

School went passed as usual and now was lunch!

Everyone went back to their homerooms. Sakura taking a seat next to naruto.

"naruto guess what we are having today for a special treat from tsunade-sama?" sakura puzzled naruto with her grin.

"aaaa I dunno you tell me.. ha ha ha" naruto laughed his way out of sakura's question.

"WE ARE ALL HAVING RAMEN TODAY!" sakura stood up telling the whole class.

"WOO! GREAT!" hearing this great news, naruto jumped out of his seat laughing and running through the halls, which then made sakura think 'was that a good idea' so she decided to chase naruto back. While chasing after him she only giggled at how much she had missed naruto.

"naruto come back its getting served now" after calling that back she heard a 'vrrroooooooooom' and she was standing anymore naruto was holding her over his shoulder. Sakura then woken up from the shock ' ahh wait a minute!'

"NARUTO PUT ME DOWN!! BAKA!" sakura shouted now that she was angry giving him a slap on the back of his head. Naruto definitely doesn't know about personally space.

"ahh gomen sorry.. you know me and what happens when ramen is here hahahaha" naruto quickly apologized and sakura remembered she can't be angry at this idiot for he is just how he is she lifted up a tightened fist. Naruto saw this and thought he was going to die but nothing happened. Sakura just gave him a fake punch on the arm.

"ha ha ha you always think the worst of me ha ha aha" sakura laughed and walked herself back to homeroom. Naruto soon followed. Giggling at how much of an idiot he was and he put his hand behind his head like it was his move only.

"ITADAKIMASU!" the whole class cheered in unison! "kenpai!" gluggling down their milk down.

Naruto how ever had not only seconds he had 4ths as well, ramen being his favourite food he had 4 bowls of the stuff while sakura only had one. "GOOCHISOOSAMA!" after the meal was done everything was packed away.

"oh hey naruto did you get detention this arvo cos the guys from my art class did" sakura just looking at him while he rested his head on his desk.

"ahh yerhh.. the whole gang does. Ahh its sucks we got detention with some guys,, and stuff.. but I'll see you tomorrow arvo right same like old times right!?" naruto said trying to cheer himself up.

"of course. He he he. Well that would be its only hinata, ino, tenten and maybe neji and lee going to the mall this arvo." Sakura stated while pointing a finger at herself.

"eh!? Whats this?! Where is everyone going!? Aww. Damn1? I'm stuck with kiba, shino, chouji and shika.. none of them are interesting and shino has his bugs and stuff!" naruto whined like a small child giving a tantrum.

"don't worry naruto theres still Wednesdays.! Stay positive." Sakura said with a smile suggesting to stay positive.

After the final classes it was clean up time! Time to change. All the girls packed the toilets to change into pe. While the guys didn't give a damn so they changed in their homerooms. Some gave up walking around shirtless which was absolutely normal! (yeah abss drools) sakura having the job to sweep outside the class, naruto being unlucky had to clean the toilets(poor naruto)

This was the best time to have a chat with friends and run round the school.

"ino.. pshhh ino" sakura whispered slowly sneaking over to inos class.

"what forehead I have to finish this…" ino said really grumpy.

"I guess its only you and hinata going this arvo, the boys all got detention ha ha ha" even though sakura was laughing she was laughing while whispering..

"aww damn well I heard from shika, and btw try and meet me at the mall after tsunade kay?" ino suggested.

"fine" sakura said.

"HARUNO! GET BACK HERE!" Kakashi said, he would clean it himself sides he was a lazy man.

"ahh! Yesh sensei!" sakura agreed now knowing she got in trouble. She waved to ino before running back to her cleaning duties.

When everything was clean, and all the students pushed the tables back to their original places, They were satisfied all they must do now is wait for the bell and get to their proper homes or wherever else they go to. Some were staring into the clock waiting for when the clock's long hand hits 4. they wouldn't be disappointed when the bell rings at the exact time.


"sayonara class!" Kakashi said.

"sayonara Kakashi-sensei" they replied as they hurried to meet up with their friends.

"well I'll see ya tomorrow sakura-chan!" naruto said before dashing to his detention, everyone knows if you're late you get another detention.

"bye naruto!" she shouted before she lost sight of him.

As she walked along the halls towards the principal office there was a hidden room inside there which is where tsunade-sama taught her students medical-science. As she walked in she noticed tsunade's pet pig was outside, which was alone which meant tsunade was very busy.

"ahh I guess she's busy.. I'll see her tomorrow afternoon anyway" sakura said as a mutter to herself.

"sakura I'll see you tomorrow!" tsunade said through the door, sakura understood, sometimes tsunade does this.

'hey wait I don't have anything to do now. I'll go meet up with ino and hinata!' sakura thought while running out of the school grounds. She closed her eyes for a single second and OW!

"aye watch where you're going" a male voice warned the pink haired teen.

"ahh gomen!" she looked up to see a boy round her age, 'he looks like Sasuke ahh nahh.. oh damn need to get to ino'

She went off with a dash to the mall.

She knew the meeting place 2nd floor arcade. She went on the escalator running up and towards the arcade. Running at full speed it scared the living daylight out of her friends, the problem with sakura she doesn't brake as first, so it always leads to crashing into something or someone.

"ahh!!" all the girls scream til. BOOM!!!

The girls were all on top of each other and sakura's books were scattered everywhere. All had dizzy heads, this accident caught a lot of people's attention but the girls didn't care so after a few minutes everyone around them went back to their normal ways.

"sakura! Learn how to brake! And I thought you had to be with tsunade" ino screeched! Causin the poor pink-haired girl to get a headache.

"ahh gomen.. I'm sorry, and tsunade-sama is busy, which is kinda odd, anyway I'm here aren't I? is tenten coming!?" sakura asked.. ignoring what she said about tsunade she continued to think positive.

"ahh well tenten and neji is coming but lee has a class with gai" she said the last part about lee quietly.

"that's it I guess. Oh theirs my cousin and tenten! NEJI-KUN NEJI-KUN!!" hinata called, which only embarrassed her cousin.

"oh why must my cousin call me I can see her" he whispered to tenten.

"hey be nice she's your cousin.. I haven't seen her call out your name before" tenten replied while giggling. Once tenten and neji were 1 meter away from the girls hw quickly realised something. 'wait a minute were are the guys!? Omg I probably look gay!'. To find out his answer he asked.

"hey! Wait a minute where are the rest of the guys!? Don't tell me I'm the only to show.. damn those guys."neji was very unhappy that he was the only boy. The girls could only giggly at his comment.

"Come on there's an empty booth there!" tenten said and pointed in the direction of the booth.

"Ahh come-on hurry before someone else its is. Neji hurry up" sakura order the poor guy, who was still muttering curse words at himself but of course not audible to the girls ears.

After a hour using the booth they took 2 lots of them only wasting 800yen which was split by the four of them, neji of course didn't pay because he hardly was in any of them.

"Hahah look at hinata! Omg I look like an idiot" sakura said.

"Hahah well I don't know what I'm doing but you can see neji's hair there!" hinata laughed at what she noticed.

"Aye! Your right. Oh look on the fourth one, you can see neji is smiling! With my help!" tenten continued laughing.

"Aww don't I look like a total godess!?" ino was praising herself.

"Oh I'm going to kill the guys after this! Oh my god did you put a pink ribbon in my hair and why are they all pink1?" neji complained.

"AWW BEJI YOU LOOKS SOO KAWWAIIII!" the girls said in unison, which only caused Neji to sweat drop, which caught a lot of the shoppers attention 'a guy with 4 girls, he must be gay' thought some of the people around him.

"Aww geez. You show anyone at school I'm not going easy on you" Neji said without any hesitation. The girls knew exactly what he meant. But that was what tenten wanted so she had a freakishly scary look on her face. Which frightened Neji but it didn't show on his face. It was nearing 5:15pm.

"ah that's it lunch! I'm starving!" ino suggested, which the group just gave a nod, and followed her to the food court.

"I'll shout!" hinata cheered, Which gave everyone happy grins. But Neji only just smirked.

"mcdonalds?! I'll get chicken burgers!? Smal1?" hinata cheered and everyone just nodding.

After they had their lunch it was time to go home, its was already getting dark, sakura realised its going to be 10minute walk which would be alright, she would be walking with the group.

They were happily talking while walking where tenten dropped off first, then hinata and neji, and ino was only 5 minutes from sakura. Sakura continued to walk home practically normal, when she remembered something 'ahh I should go visit naruto hmm I got time, where does he live? Oh I remember'. Sakura was walking in the direction of his home but before that she got out her pink Motorola and called home.

"oh hey kaasan I'll be late I'm going to visit a friends house.. yerp. Ahuh I got it! Don't worry bout me…. Oh tsunade was busy so I went to the mall with tenten, hinata, ino and neji. ….. yeshh I know.. bye!" sakura walked towards his home.

Ding dong!

"I'm coming! Wait!!" sakura could recognise that voice from anywhere it was naruto. She only giggled at hearing him rush.

"hey!? Sakura?! Hahaha why are you here??" naruto asked, sakura could clearly see he was eating instant ramen with the look of seeing some narutos stuck in his messy hair..

"ahh naruto I was just checking up on you since your back we can catch up on stuff" sakura said cheery. (btw there are no pairings yet!)

Somewhere by someone was listening in on there conversation until sakura entered narutos apartment.

"ah so this are my new friends.." a mysterious voice was heard.

"soo sakura what has been happening in konoha while I was gone.." naruto asked.

"ahh well if you wanted updates from the ninja school, everyone are chunnins now besides neji who is a jounin now and gaara became kage in his school in suna. Konohamaru and his friends are all genins now. Don't worry naruto you will pass the chunin exams soon." Sakura tried to say in a cheery voice.

"ohh … oh well I'll become chunin soon! You want some ramen?!" naruto asked. But sakura smile said she was fine, and naruto finished his and they spoke bout what had happened and how much had changed. Naruto was sharing his stories about the old man jiraya. They laughed all the way til it was 8:30pm.

"ohh geez! My parents are going to go ballistic! I better go naruto see you tomorrow!" sakura said her farewells as she left his apartment.

"see ya sakura!" naruto said with a mouthful of ramen in his mouth, now he was alone again and he switched on the television, and soon fell asleep. Sakura walked home thinking about the future, then of course her thoughts soon went on Sasuke which brought a tear to her eye which she wiped off with a finger, she arrived home.

"TADAIMA" sakura said while taking off her shoes.

"OKAERI NASAI!" her parents replied. Sakura soon took a shower and got into the tub to warm herself up after a day of school. After she got into her pjs she joined her family in front of the tv, about some reports about a group robbing and killing some people. The group called akatsuki, the ninjas all know this and hide the truth from the real world.

"sakura how is school1?" her father asked..

"ah its all right.. I guess the girls won the match in volleyball." Sakura replied still glued to the tv.

"not that school the other school." Her father hinted, which sakura understood right away.

"well we are still fine we are still solving some stuff but sadly we havent' been able to catch up with the akatsuki yet tousan." Sakura said.

Her parents were also ninjas, her father being at jounin level and her mother was at jounin level but specialises in genjutsu and her father in ninjutsu. Sakura got hold of more of the genjutsu then ninjutsu but she studied both. But sakura had perfect chakra control which was why she was taught by tsunade to help her friends in the battle field.

"OYASUMI" sakura stated before heading to her room towards her computer. She signed on her e-mail. 'hmm I wonder whos' online.. ahh no one.. oh well wait an e-mail.' She rolled her cursor over the e-mail and opened it. It was from tsunade-sama.


Meet me in my office tomorrow morning.



5th hokage

After reading this e-mail sakura couldn't help but feel tensed, I wonder what this would mean. 'hmm maybe a mission then why during school, or a warning I'll find out tomorrow.' She turned off the computer and slid into her bed as much as she would like a futon she prefers a bed. As she closed her eyes and waited for slumber to past she was already having sweet dreams.




I hope you liked my first fanfics. I'm sorry if there are a lot of mistakes.. I thank some of the people who inspired me.. which are no one so far.. please read and review. P.s my identity shall be kept a secret.. if you know who I am then message me. Lol. Btw I have accounts on deviantart, so you could start searchin there