A/N: Im back, and only after a day or so. XD. You guys will never rid of me now! Mwahaha! Aww, now it's time for pointless Tobi/Kagome fluff-stuff!

And I'm not grounded anymore! I hope you enjoy reading!

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Naruto. TT Any and all flames are -along with Axel- what warm my bed at night. ;3

Title: Saturday Mornings

Genre: Fluffy, Humor

Summery: Ever since meeting Tobi, Saturday morning has never been the same. Tobi/Kagome fluff

"Kagome-chan…...Kagome-chan!" Tobi shook the black-haired teen's shoulder impatiently. His pleas became louder and the shaking became harder. She growled animally, turning over in her bed, pulling her black satin sheets over her head.

The child-like man pouted, though you would never know for the mask covering his face. He walked to the end of the bed, and proceeded to rip the covers off Kagome's still form.

"Now get up Kagome-chan! It's almost 5:00!"

Said girl frowned, opening her eyes and sitting up. She knew Tobi would keep messing with her no matter what, so why bother staying in bed? Kagome slid from the mattress, and watched the pajama-clad boy jump around.

Tobi giggled happily, noticing she was wearing the pj's he got her last Christmas. They were orange (of course) with black swirls on the shorts and camisole. He was wearing the exact same thing, only his consisted of pants and a long sleeved shirt.

Shaking the sleep from her mind, Kagome let Tobi pull her out of her room. She didn't really want to be up at 5:00 with her self-proclaimed twin, but it was Saturday.

Cartoon marathon, from 5 o clock in the frickin' morning to 12 in the damn afternoon.

Kagome sighed in sorrow; the day she had been planning to spend outside was shot in the head with flaming-rainbow arrows of 'joy'.

Lost in thought, Kagome hadn't noticed they were in the TV room until the mask wearing boy pulled her down next to him. She looked around, everything seemed to be prepared.

Pillows of all shapes and sizes littered the ground around them, and snacks had been laid out in front of the pair. She almost laughed. How long had Tobi been up?

The brat had no doubt been up for hours, biding his time for the right moment to barge in and awake her from her slumber. Stupid cartoons. Kagome really didn't mean that, she just got mad thinking about it.

Still bouncing in excitement, Tobi's spiky black hair swished slightly. He wrapped an arm around the pouting girl's should. He turned the volume up as Courage the Cowardly Dog started.

"Kagome-chan looks so cute when she's mad!"

Hehe. xD I'm not to sure I like the ending, but ehh.. :33 Weeeell, please be a dear and reveiw? I'd love any constructive crit. if its needed.

LM Kitsune