A/N:Thanks for the reviews and for those that have stuck with the story so long.

Disclaimer: I do not own any Harry Potter characters (sadly), places, or anything else that you may have read about in the Harry Potter books; they all belong to J.K. Rowling.

Fenrir met with Luther in the living room after making sure Harry, who was drowsy from pain potions, was comfortably settled in their room. The other man's face and bare torso was littered with fresh bruises and open wounds, a sign that he had also succumbed to the need to dominate at least one other pack member. The need was like a fever that spread quickly through the pack near the night of the full moon; one fight always led to more.

"Have you checked on the guard? Can't allow them to grow lax just because it's the full moon."

"Of course I have, Alpha." Luther sounded genuinely affronted that Fenrir had felt the need to ask the question. "However, I think they will need to be replaced soon, their restless and I don't trust them to remain alert much longer."

Fenrir nodded in acceptance of Luther's observation. "Was it that far reaching then? The guard are usually able to ignore the few small scuffles, it's why I choose them on these days."

"It was more than a few scuffles." Luther shook his head in bemusement. "You're little mate set off a chain reaction; just about every pack member was fightin' for their position. I was challenged twice."

"It may happen again if the guard can't control that need to fight."

How do you remain so calm when this happens?"

"Who do I need to challenge to prove my strength to? I keep you all alive already; that takes more strength than fighting any pack member." Fenrir let out a hard laugh when he saw Luther's dark look at his words. "Did you feel the need to challenge me? Do you think you could possibly win a fight against me? Don't do it, boy."

Luther heard the warning; the alpha would kill any that threatened his position and the security of the pack. He lowered his head in submission. "Of course not alpha."

His head jerked up as he heard another approaching the room. It was Lupin, the traitor with too much authority. That was the man he had truly been aching to fight, but years of that poison kept the other man's wolf subdued and unable to fully feel the need to fight like the rest of them. Lupin was unnaturally calm at all times it seemed, it made him untrustworthy in Luther's mind.

Fenrir saw the suspiciousness fill Luther's eyes as Remus walked toward them and knew that their evening would only become less productive if the two stayed near each other. "Go and switch the guard out, Luther, but make sure they take their selves far from the pack. We don't need the pack distracted again."

Luther paused at the words of dismissal, before moving toward the doorway. "Of course, Alpha."

Fenrir waited until the sound of Luther's footsteps faded, indicating that he had left the tree house, before turning to Remus with a raised brow.

"It's Bella, she started this entire debacle." Remus gave a short version of the story he had heard from Rose as Fenrir's scowl grew fiercer with each word.

"That woman can't keep her mouth shut even when her life is on the line. She's a danger to this entire pack!" Fenrir began to pace restlessly as he thought. "I could kill her and no other pack would be any wiser. Hell, we don't even know that any other pack has lasted through this damned persecution! We could be keeping her alive for nothing!"

Remus wanted to agree that they could easily kill the woman and eliminate the danger to his cub, but he knew he had to keep Fenrir from making a decision that could harm the pack in the future.

"We can't kill her because you made an agreement with the other alpha's on what the laws would be for our new lives on the run. Protecting submissives, possible mates to strong weres, was one of the few specific laws you wrote. You agreed that we couldn't just kill submissive wolves for personal reasons; that they had to be considered a threat to the safety of their pack by at least two alphas before an alpha could put one down."

Fenrir ceased all movement as he remembered the laws he had helped create, that specific law had been meant to keep other alphas from abusing their powers, it had not been uncommon for alphas to try to take any submissive they wanted and kill anyone that protested before the law was created, but now the law that was supposed to protect the packs was putting his own mate at risk. Fenrir knew that protecting his mate was more important than honoring an agreement with wolves that may have been dead. "Doesn't matter. They'll never know what happened."

"Actually," Remus forged ahead even as he bowed his head under Fenrir's heavy glare. "You signed a magical contract with them, they would know the minute it was broken and where you are. They could swoop in and kill you without even thinking to ask a question first."

Fenrir resumed pacing in agitation. "She's a threat to this pack, to my mate! I should have put her down right after killing her blood crazy creator! "

"Perhaps, we could find another pack to send her to." Remus' softly spoken suggestion drew the alpha's incredulous gaze.

"Hell, where have you been the last few years? We don't even know if there is another pack to send the bitch to."

"That's why I decided it was time to talk to you." Remus could barely contain his excitement that came from imparting vital information to an alpha. "When I was in the muggle village a few men were telling tales about people seeing and hearing wolves at night."

Fenrir scoffed. "That means nothing, it could be a pack of actual wolves or maybe it's us they hear."

Remus shook his head in denial. "No, the village isn't close enough for them to hear us, it's at least a five hour walk. After listening to the men I decided to investigate the woods and I smelled unfamiliar weres; the scent was heavy on the opposite side of the village, so they've probably been staying there for a few weeks."

Fenrir quietly processed the information before smirking at the thought that he would be able to remove Bella from the pack soon. "You will take another male and me to this place as soon as the tension in the pack is settled and Harry is healed enough to protect himself should anything go wrong while we're gone."

"Yes, of course." Both men understood that no lone wolf approached an unknown pack unless he had a death wish and the alpha could not take a man that still carried the faint scent of wolfsbane, from his longtime consumption of the poison, as his only companion. They also worried that Bella would use their absence to harm the young boy, which was more likely to happen while he was vulnerable.


The pack gathered around the tables for dinner much earlier than normal, but the last few hours of daylight were reserved for celebration. They were going to experience the last full moon of the year and Bradley would go through his first change, as all born weres do on this special occasion of their third year of life.

Harry still felt the effects of the pain potion as he picked at his plate listlessly and could not decide if he really wanted to eat the almost raw steaks, green beans, or bread. It seemed like too much effort to chew, especially as he thought of the long night he would have to get through. Fenrir let out a low growl as he realized that Harry was only moving his food around his plate.

Fenrir waited until Harry looked at him. "Eat, mate, or I will feed you myself."

At those words and the thought of being fed like a toddler Harry began to cut his meat into small, manageable bites. Fenrir waited until Harry had eaten five pieces of meat before concentrating on his own meal. A few moments later a small noise of surprise drew his attention back to his mate, who was staring incredulously into his cup.

"Milk is good for the bones." Fenrir chuckled.

"I'm a werewolf." Harry mumbled; he had not been served milk with his dinner since he had been accepted as an adult within the pack.

Fenrir waited for more explanation and continued realized his mate thought that was sufficient explanation.

"Yes, one who obviously needs more milk. Drink it."

"I'll heal by tomorrow anyway." Harry grumbled.

"All the more reason to drink it while the bone is still growing strong."

Fenrir was sure that he heard his pouting mate mumble something about him being 'full of shit', but said nothing in return as the young man lifted the cup to his lips.


After finishing the meal the entire pack gathered in the living room to celebrate the upcoming change of three year old Bradley. The weres shifted restlessly in the confining space, but quickly grew quit as Fenrir started the ceremony.

Fenrir's tone was full of pride as he looked into the eyes of his pack and gave thanks to the mother moon for the safety they had experienced in their new home. "Though we are not an extremely religious pack we must remember to take time in these moments of peace and celebration to recognize the blessings offered by the mother moon. No matter if you wish to thank her under the goddess names of Hecate or Artemis they are one. Tonight we must remember the protection we have received here and even before when we were on the run, though we were attacked few of our pack members have been lost. May we continue to be blessed by her protection and the bountiful hunts we have experienced in these woods. We must also thank her for the blessing placed upon young Bradley that will come to fruition under her powerful glow tonight. Tonight he will become one with his wolf and run beneath the full moon beside his parents."

Fenrir motioned the small family to join him in front of the others and clapped Jonas' shoulder before ruffling Bradley's black hair and offering Layla a reassuring smile. Bradley stood between his parents enjoying the attention as the pack offered their thanks to mother moon and congratulations to the family, but unable to really concentrate on what was taking place. While Jonas proudly accepted the congratulations, Layla received sympathetic glances from the older mothers; they knew how hard the first change was, just the thought of the pain the young boy would first experience put the young mother on edge. As the noise died down the pack once again began to shift restlessly, ready to step outside and enjoy the setting of the sun. Fenrir stood silently, waiting until he had the pack's full focus, before speaking.

"I know that you are anxious to be out in the open, but we have a few other pack members that wish to announce their own news." Fenrir nodded to Nicole, who moved to stand before the group with her mate, Wolfe, and daughter, Cate.

Nicole took a deep breath and grabbed her mate's large, scarred, hands before speaking in a tear thickened voice. "As most of you know, before Wolfe turned me I was told by human doctors that I would most likely never have children. However, almost immediately after my first change I became pregnant with Branson and I was ecstatic. We never even expected one child, so when I had Cate six years ago I knew we had to honor the mother moon in some fashion for her blessings, for this miracle child she bestowed upon us. Her name is a reminder to us everyday to thank the goddess for what we have. Now, we are once again blessed, as I am pregnant with our third child."

As the pack once again grew loud with their shouts of good will, Harry was slowly processing the thought that the small woman standing before them was the mother to twenty year old Branson. She did not look any older than her son, her face had no lines, her curly blonde hair still had a youthful shine that could only be faked with products he knew Remus had not supplied since moving to the tree house, and she was so small it was hard to believe she had carried two children or that she was now carrying a third. Harry was dragged out of his musings as Blithe and Lyall stood before the group.

"It seems that this peaceful time has done more for us than we ever expected. After Grayson's change two years ago and watching Sinicae find his own mate, we did not even think to hope for more children, especially while we were on the run. Even after we found stability here we were unsure if we would be blessed with more children. However, Remus recently conducted a test that has assured us that I am pregnant and will be having our child in seven months!" Blithe's eyes glowed with happiness as she made her announcement and Lyall clasped his hand possessively over her belly as if he could already feel the life growing there.

Harry was shocked that he had not realized that Blithe was Sinicae's mother. While Harry had no need to focus on the youthful looks of the pack, it was important to know which pack members were related. Maybe it was the fact that he was focused on other aspects of pack life or that the majority of his time was spent studying magic, but to not know things like this was unacceptable. He now understood that he would have to start focusing more on pack life and less on magic, Remus was always saying he was ahead of Hogwart's curriculum anyway. Harry was pulled from his musings as the pack stood, submissives grabbed children, who had taken longer naps in order to experience the full moon with the pack, and made their way outside.

The sun had already fallen behind the tree line so the few weres that were wearing clothes stripped in anticipation of the change that would take place as soon as the moon's rays reached their clearing. The children quickly followed the example of the adults, but those that could not change were quickly chased down and put back into their clothes, which were spelled to keep their bodies at a safe temperature. While there was no bedtime when the full moon rose in the sky and rules would be forgotten as long as they stayed near the pack in the clearing, the younger children were unable to regulate their body heat like those that would turn. Harry followed behind the active group slowly, unable to shake the affects of the potions; even his wolf was more subdued. Fenrir placed his arm around his injured mate and gazed at him with concern. He did not like that he could not protect Harry from the pain he was going to experience when his mending bone shifted.

Harry looked up at the older man with a small smile. "I'll be fine, it's just one moon. I'll just lie around the clearing while you lead the hunt this time."

Fenrir ran his hand through his mate's silky hair as the he felt the tingling sensation of the change. He moved away from the boy as his claws lengthened and the change overtook them both. Harry let out a shout of pain as his arms changed and Fenrir wished his own form shift would speed up so he could comfort his mate. When Harry fell on his newly formed forepaws and let out another howl of pain Fenrir let out an answering noise of comfort. He knew that there would be no hunt for him this night; he would not leave his mate. The large silver wolf went to smell his small black mate, who collapsed on the ground with small whimpers of pain, he nuzzled the smaller head in comfort and cleaned his face until he had calmed. As his mate settled down comfortably on the snow covered ground and the small female child ran over to pet his soft black fur with happy giggles Fenrir turned to the new member of the pack. The cub was the same auburn color as the large male wolf that stood behind him, waiting for the alpha to accept his son into the pack. Fenrir stood tall over the small wolf, sniffing him, before letting out a growl that commanded submission. The cub let out a short whimper before flopping onto its back and baring its vulnerable belly and neck. Fenrir leaned closer to the immobile cub and grasped his neck between his sharp teeth before pulling back and letting out a satisfied growl and nuzzling the newest member of his pack. The other wolves gathered to scent the cub and welcome him to the pack. Fenrir shared a look with Luther before letting out a howl that sent most of the adults racing across the snow covered ground and into the tree line while Fenrir walked back to his injured mate.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed, if you hate it let me know in a constructive manner!