Practical Joke
Shikamaru had Temari pressed against the wall of an office in the Hokage building. While they were both filling out paper work Temari decided to initiate a small make out session. It was late so not many people were in the offices anymore, though they still locked the door, just to be safe. Temari wrapped her legs around Shikamaru to pull him close, running her hands up and down his back. She let out a moan as he nibbled up her neck. Their lips passionately met and Temari froze for a moment and began to chuckle softly into Shikamaru's mouth. She let his hands and his lips roam her a moment longer and when his kisses made his way up to her ear lobe she froze and roughly pushed Shikamaru away.
"Gaara! What are you doing here!?" She yelled as she eyed the space behind her. Shikamaru instantly dropped Temari like hot coals and turned around in a flash.
"Gaara I can explain! … Wait…" His shocked eyes thinned into a glare as the woman who was now sitting on the floor burst into laughing. Shikamaru glared at the locked door and the empty space between him and it. He then turned his hateful gaze to Temari who was now gripping her sides during a deep laughing fit.
"Feh." He said as he began to make his way back to the table that had their abandoned paper work scattered upon it. He sat down and lifted his pen to begin filling out reports, glaring harshly at the innocent paper.
"Oh come on!" Temari laughed from her current position. "It was just a joke!"
((Author's Note: Poor Shika! Temari's so mean. Giving you a heart attack like that! The next chapter will be up shortly since it's just as short!))