Mrs. Lovett eased herself into her tight cotton bodice. After Toby washed in the bathroom and left, she herself cleaned up, not bothering to dry off with a towel. The steam from the scorching water encased the room, giving it a dream-like feel. Water droplets clung between her impressive chest as she used her forearm to clear the clouded mirror that reflected her curvaceous figure, head to knee. She toyed her auburn hair into its usual fashion: a teased mass of kinks and spirals atop her head.

Meanwhile in the pie shop up front Mr. Todd sat across from Toby in a booth. Toby was enraptured munching on a French pastry. "Boy is the bathroom open yet?" Mr. Todd inquired in his usual monotone. Toby, his mouth filled with pastry replied in a muffled "Mmm mins mur!" Mr. Todd rose to his feet before proceeding down the hallway with a long stride.

Mrs. Lovett finished piling hair high on the crown of her head, giving a generous view of her full bosom. Mr. Todd opened the door with great stealth, leaving Mrs. Lovett oblivious. She winked at her reflection then spun, giving a confidence to her step. Her expression became shocked as a gaping Mr. Todd was revealed. He stood speechless as the sight of Mrs. Lovett's dewy body sent waves of forgotten feelings and emotions through his own body. He had never though he could love or make love to another woman after the loss of Lucy… or could he?

Mrs. Lovett had the undeniable gift to comfort him as she was a widow. She knew the feelings of loss and heartache as well as he. She looked at him nervously as he stared contently at her shapely form. An embarrassing blush childishly painted his cheeks in what might have been his first blush in over fifteen years. "She really is beautiful…" He thought. "Maybe I can love again," He said, plunging into a deep kiss.

Mrs. Lovett placed her delicate hands on Mr. Todd's broad shoulders as she pushed him away. "Mr. T!" She exclaimed. "Wot has gotten into you?" Mr. Todd pursed his lips in dissatisfaction. "I am a lady you know, and there'll be none of that!" Mrs. Lovett stormed past him, pleased with the way her game of hard-to-get was going. Mr. Todd remained in the washroom, letting the aromas of Mrs. Lovett's various perfumes and oils waft through his nostrils.

Toby sat idle in a dusty wicker chair as he listened to Mrs. Lovett stomp to her room, where she could dress in peace. She laced up the rest of her corset while pondering the recent occurrence. "Mmm… Mr. T's lips were quite warm against mine, weren't they…" Mrs. Lovett slid into her russet colored gown. "Flowers, pretty daisies," She sang, unaware of Mr. Todd's ear pressed to her door. He never could resist the ring of her breathy voice.