Chapter one
An exciting day
"Zac look over here."
"Monique over here."
The cast of High School Musical was at the premiere for the movie musical. They were all standing together as they got their pictures taken. When the doors finally opened to go in, the group walked in and sat down to watch the movie. Monique and Lucas were talking together and Corbin and Ashley were talking, leaving Zac and Vanessa to talk.
"I'm so excited, I can't believe we are actually at the premiere. It felt like yesterday we were auditioning." Said Vanessa as she looked around the room filled with people.
"I know! I hope everyone likes it." Zac answered right before the lights dimmed and the movie started.
The cast watched with excitement as all their hard work come together. When it came to the 'We're all in this together' scene Vanessa glanced at Zac and gave him a shy smile. She remembered when Corbin accidentally missed his Q and she ended up kissing Zac. He smiled too remembering the same thing. Vanessa thought about how she felt when they kissed. She could fell a rush of excitement and she knew something was there. Ever since that kiss Vanessa had a secret crush on Zac. She didn't want to tell him because she didn't think he felt the same way, but he did.
The movie ended and the room of people gave a roaring applause. Everyone stayed longer as they hung out and ate. They talked about when they were filming and about the memories they all shared. After a couple of laughs and a lot of fun everyone went home. They were still living in their High School Musical homes so they all went in the same limo. The girls and guys separated when they got up to their rooms. Zac, Corbin, and Lucas had their own room next to the girls.
"That was so much fun." Said Ashley as she put her hair in a messy bun.
"I know. I can't believe it's all over." Said Monique, who was already in bed.
"We have to leave each other after being together for so long." Said Vanessa as she came out of the bathroom.
"I'm going to miss seeing the guys play practical jokes on each other." Said Monique as she remembered the time Zac put caution tape all over Corbin's trailer.
"Yeah." Said Ashley as she crawled under her covers.
"Me too." Said Vanessa as she turned the lights off and then laid on her bed. "And Zac." She thought to herself.
"See you tomorrow."
The girls all fell asleep quickly.
"Dude where's my other sock?" Asked Corbin
"Probably under all of that." Said Lucas as he pointed to the mess on Corbin's bed. Corbin started pushing the stuff off, looking for his sock.
"Do you really need socks to go to sleep?" Asked Zac
"Yeah, my feet get cold."
"Whatever, man." Said Zac as he laid down and turned the lamp off by his bed.
"Go to sleep." Said Lucas as he put a pillow over his ears.
"Fine. Goodnight." Said Corbin
"Night." Said Zac. Lucas didn't say anything, he was already sleeping.
"Found it!" Said Corbin
"Your sock?" Asked Zac tiredly
"No, my shirt that I couldn't find yesterday. It was under my pillow."
"Maybe your sock's there too."
"Dude it is! YES!" Said Corbin. Zac heard Corbin put his sock on and then they all fell asleep.