What's in the past?

A/NThis is my first FF ever so plz don't go for my head if u hate it and tell me what was ok and what was horrible so I can work on that. Of course no character belongs to me (With the exception of Luthia Snape) it is all the wonderful work of JKR. Anyway I hope that you'll like it because all my friends do, but they're my friends and because of that I can't completely thrust what they tell me so I hope that you all will be honest with me and tell me what you think of this FF. And if I've kept repeating the same spelling mistakes plz let me know ( that includes misspelling of names). I hope it's good cause other wise I owe u minutes of you're life. So if it's bad I'm sorry.

How could they keep this from me... How darethey to keep this from me... Did they even think think that I'd ever find out... How come Snape never told me?...It's not like he ever made any hints... Although I would like to see someone make a hint saying "Hey you're adopted but you don't know that... Oh and by the way I'm you're uncle, you're biological mother is dying and only you're mother knows who you're biological father is and she won't tell anyone" ... I really can't believe that I'm related to that greasy haired git. Just the thought of that was enough to make Hermione Granger shiver as she ran up the stairs of her home.

"Hermione Jane Granger, get back here ri... Was all that she could hear before she slammed the door to her room shut.

Hermione's eyes searched across the yellow room which was perfectly organised. Her eyes fell onto the white letter lying on her perfectly made bed with maroon covers. She slowly approached the bed afraid of what she might read. Hermione took a deep breath and picked up the envelope. In perfect golden letters she read for the eleventh time that day.

ToMiss Hermione Granger

She shook of the fear of what she might read and opened the envelope quickly. Hermione wanted to close her eyes, throw the letter away and forget that it ever existed. But the Gryffindor inside her took control so she took a deep breath and started to read it.

My Dearest Daughter

When you read this you will probably know the truth about where you really came from. I know that you must be thinking… why? And I know that that word is probably in a lot of sentences right now and I am sorry that I'm not there to answer them but I can tell you why you didn't grow up with me. I met you're father on my 16th birthday and I had you 6 months after I turned 17. You're father…I am sorry for this but I will not tell you who he is and that is in no way something that I would not want to tell you. I really do but I don't want you to get hurt. You're father would have searched for you till he found you and I knew that I couldn't let you grow up with him. If he would have found us he would have looked after us. And now you must be wondering why I was so desperate not to let that happen. Well you would have grown up with a one of the higher ranking death eaters and I didn't want you to face death as an everyday thing but realise the importance of life and death but the main reason I gave you away was because I knew I would have to had to run from you're father for the rest of our lives. And I wanted you to know more of life then sorrow, fear, hatred, loss, pain and anger. And even more then anything I wanted you to be safe. And I knew that you probably never would be if I would have taken you with me. It was the only way to keep you safe and if you still hate me for giving you away I want you to know that there wasn't one day that went by without me wondering and worrying about how you were. Although my brother says that I don't have to. I heard that you've gotten sorted into Gryffindor, congratulations dear. You probably got that from my side since you're father was a Slytherin in almost every way possible except he had the knowledge of a Ravenclaw and the courage of a Gryffindor and even though you've got most of you're personality of me from what my dear brother has told me you can be a bit of a know-it-all that you've gotten from you're father. You will always be my darling little girl and if he knew you'd be your father's too. I give to you everything that I own, here is the keys to the Prince Manor and a key to the Prince family fortune at Gringotts and the third key the bronze-collared one it goes to a smaller chest that you'll find in my room if you ever chose to go to the Prince manor. I whish you all the luck in the world but I will admit that when you were born I did have three expectation of you. To fight for what you believe in and do whatever you think is right. But the only one that I really have is for you to be happy and to be honest that's all that I ever wanted for you.

P.S You must be wondering why you're uncle didn't get the manor and all that. You're great grandfather hated him with passion and put a curse on all of it so it cannot be owned by him unless you give it to him in person.

Love you're mother

Luthia Snape

Hermione felt overwhelmed she never thought that anybody but Viktor could love her more then themselves. And suddenly she realised that Luthia had been more of a mother for her just by sending that letter than what Amber ever had while razing her.

"tap…tap…tap…She looked at the owl outside her window and recognised the owl immediately.

Victor, she thought happily as she was running towards the window.

When she had gotten the letter from the owl it still stayed put. She looked at it oddly before she saw that it had something else attached to its leg so she loosened it. It was a small black jewellery box probably made for some small earrings or something like that. He had a habit of sending her jewelleries if he hadn't had time to write to her for awhile. She didn't really mind but if he was going to keep being so busy with practice she would need a bigger jewellery box.

The owl flew in through her window and settled on her desk. She sat down on the bed with a small smile on her face and begun to read it.

My darling Hermione

I have some very good news for booth of us. As you know my mother is English and to make a long story short. I've gotten a offer to join England's national quidditch team so I will be moving there by the end of this week. And I will of course be living in London so it won't be such a far distance between us anymore. I haven't heard from the love of my life (which is you in case you haven't picked up on that yet) in two whole days so I want a complete update of what's been going on in you're life during these past two days. I can't wait to hold you in my arms again. Don't open the box until I come there, and I do realise that it's quite cruel of me to do this to you but I couldn't risk this getting lost while I was moving out. I miss you like crazy My-My. I cannot write a longer letter because the other guy's on the team is already threatening to kill me if I don't turn of the lights. So write me back and don't ever forget that I love you Hermione.

Lot's of love

Victor Krum

Hermione's face light up in a smile for the first time in that day. She looked at the black box and agreed with Victor. It was indeed very cruel to send her a gift that she wasn't aloud to open.

Hermione heard somebody walking up the stairs, stopping outside her room and knocking on her door.

"Hermione I am going to go now if you ever need anything… or if just you want to talk you know where to get a hold of me. Ohh… and there's a minor glamour charm put on you. There's a note in the envelope in case you didn't notice that already and it describes how to reverse the spell… Bye Hermione, I'll see you when school starts again.

Hermione was fighting with all that she had to not let the tears fall from her eyes this was just too much for her too handle.

She sat down by her desk and begun to write to Victor.

Dear Victor

I know this will probably sound like a really bad joke but I can assure that it isn't, anyway it started this morning. When I was getting ready for breakfast there was a black owl knocking on my window. I took the letter and it was from Snape it said that he was going too come over this afternoon. And that he did, he gave me this letter that I've sent with this one. It will probably explain a fue things too you better then I can. (Read it before you continue reading this letter)But what I found out in that letter wasn't as bad as what professor Snape just told me apparently I don't even look like this, apparently there's a minor glamour charm put on me, so basically. I'm not me. I don't even know how I look, everyone seems too know more about me then I do, I feel so lost and I don't know what too do. I don't even know who I am anymore. The only thing that's been good about this day was the news that I got from you. Please write me back as soon as possible.

Love Always


She gave the owl the letters and watched it fly away.

5:30 am:

Hermione sat in her bed crying and hugging her pillow while waiting for Victor's response.

Suddenly she heard a slight 'pop' too her left. She turned her head towards the source of the sound too see Victor standing by her desk, looking like he came straight from bed. He quickly went and sat down by her side. He took her in his arms, gently stroke her back and mumbled softly into her hair.

"It's okay. It's going to be alright. I'm right here.

After about twenty minutes of crying Hermione was all out of tears and they broke apart.

"What would I do without you Victor?

"I do not knov My-My.

"What am I going too do next?

"Hov about finding out?

"Finding out what?

"Ven you vrote to me you said that you did not knov vho you vere anymore. So I vas thinking vhy not reverse the spell and go to your mothers house and find out. And then decide vot too do.

"I hate it when people are smarter then me.

"I knov My-My… But you still loff me right?

"Always." Hermione said with a smile.



"Do you vant me too be there ven you go to your mother's house?

"As long as it's not too much too ask?

"Not at all.

"What would I do without you?

"I don't knov.

"Neither do I.

He kissed the top of her head before she fell asleep in his arms.

12:00 AM:

"Hermione, sweetie, please open the door"

Hermione and Victor woke up as they heard Hermione's father (Mr Granger) plead for her to come out. Victor looked at her quizzically before she shook her head.

"Do you want me too reverse the charm?

"Yes… Hit me.

"vot? He asked looking shocked.

"It's a muggle expression it basically means go on do it´.

"Ohh, okay, ready?

"As ready as I'll ever be.

"Okay, Revursus cardem.

Hermione's hair grew a little longer and instead of being busy it settled down in gorgeous curls, her honey brown eyes turned into hazel ones with thin, almost yellow cracks in them making it look like thunderbolts were dancing in her eyes and her body grew much more curvatious.

Hermione was suddenly aware of that this shirt was too tight around her chest and that it had to be replaced because it now ended right over her bellybutton.

"How do I look? Hermione asked, afraid of his answer.

"Remember ven I said that nothing could ever be more beautiful then hov you looked at the Yule ball?


"Vell, I vas completely vrong. He said softly.

Hermione leaned forward, got out of her bed and looked her self in the mirror. And to her surprise Victor had told the truth, she did look quite good. And she was quite relieved when she realized that she wouldn't have to spend hours in the morning attempting to make her hair look presentable.

Victor came up from behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck tenderly.

"I loff you My-My. He said as he raised his head and went to stand in front of her.

"I love you too Victor. She replied before he raised her head so that he could look straight into her eyes.

He picked up the little black jewellery box from Hermione's desk and gave it to Hermione.

"Open it, he said with a little smile.

She opened it and as she saw what was in it she seemed unable to breath.

"Victor… I…, was all that she managed to say between attempts to catch her breath.

Victor was still looking down at her face, smiling a little nervously.

"Marry me? He asked softly.

Hermione looked up at him and when she looked into his eyes she found her self able to catch her breath. Hermione's eyes suddenly lit up and she couldn't help but to smile.

"Of course, Victor.

Victor began to smile widely as he threw his arms around Hermione, scooped her up and began to spin her around, making her smile just as widely as him. He gently put her down and kissed her as he put the ring on her finger before he kissed her again. It was a pretty simple silver ring but the diamond was absolutely huge.

"You are perfect My-My, Victor whispered into her ear.

"I am not perfect Victor.

"Okay, You might not knov that you are, but thrust me, you are. At least you'll alvays be to me no matter vot happens you'll alvays be my perfect My-My.

"Sounds good to me. I love you Victor.

"I loff you too, that's vhat get's me through, to think of you.

"Victor that was very sweet but also very, very corny.

"I just realised that, sorry.

Hermione just smiled and kissed him. But as soon as they broke apart Hermione spotted the little note on her bed making her smile disappear.

"So vhen do you vant to go to the manor? Victor asked calmly, he had obviously seen what was going on.

"When can you get out of work?

"Tomorrov's my last day.

"Then how about the day after tomorrow?

"Yeah, sounds good.

"I love you Victor, She said as her eyes filled up with tears.

"I loff you to My-My, he said as he once again pulled his fiancée into his strong embrace.

Two days later:

Victor apparated into her room whit a small pop´ and found her looking at her self in the mirror, he had a feeling that she still had some trouble adjusting to her new aperients. He how ever loved the way she looked, her gorgeous, soft, smooth brown curls shining like gold in the light streaming into the room from the window, her absolutely perfect brown eyes and those amazing curves that He would be the only person ever to touch. That thought made him grin like crazy.

He slowly walked towards her and slipped his arms around her petite waist.

"Hey, I didn't hear you sneak in.

"Vell my dear, sveet, loffly fiancée I did some magical sneaking. Did you tell your parents about our engagement?

"Which parents?

"My-My. He said in a low voice looking sternly at her.

"Fine, yes, I told Amber and Paul about our engagement.

"And?...Vot did they say?

"Paul thinks that I'm too young and that I have no idea of what I'm getting myself into and Amber thinks that I am making a rushed decision because just because I'm angry with them but she gave me her blessings so that I could get it all out.

"I loff you Herm-owe-ninny.

"I love you to Victor.

"You ready?

"Yeah, just let me get the keys. She ran to the other side of her room, took the envelope and got the keys from it before she ran into Victors arms.



And then with a slight pop´ they had gone off to the Prince Manor.

The Manor was huge, and looked as in very good shape. It was perfect, the front garden was big and beautiful and the manor was made of grey brick. She loved it.

Victor kissed her neck and let go of her waist and took her hand in his and they started walking towards the manor. She put the key into the lock and opened the door carefully.

Meanwhile at the Granger estate:

Voldemort's P.O.V

"She's not here my Lord. Anthoni Dohlov stated as he ran out of the Prince manor with a fue letters in his hands. He walked up to Voldemort and handed him the letters.

"You asked to see this Milord.

He opened the first letter.

It was the same letter that Severus had given Hermione from Luthia.

His body shook with fury and his eyes filled with pain as he remembered the first morning in months that he hadn't woken up with his the person who was the centre of his universe sleeping peacefully in his arms. Instead he just found a letter where Luthia should have been. He had known that she was pregnant and in that letter she didn't even mention that she was pregnant she just said that she was fine, that she loved him, that she was sorry that she had hurt him and that he shouldn't try to find her.

He quickly snapped back to reality, he was the bloody dark lord he couldn't show any type of emotion in front of any body other than Luthia. And he was determent to find her and their child. He would have his family back in his arms again and Merlin help anyone who tried to stop him.

Suddenly a muffled sound came from his left and he turned his head only to see the people who had raised his daughter, tied up and on their knees, their eyes filled with fear.

Sorry for making the first chapter a cliffy but at thirteen I kind of need at least three hours of sleep so if I am to have any chance to get it, I have to stop writing. And for me to keep updating it only takes one nice comment that says that there's one person that wants to read more and PLEASE don't flame me. Please rewiew