Author: me!

Fandom: Harry Potter

Title: Here comes the sun

Pairing/Characters: none/Harry

Rating: G

Category: mild angst

Summary: Harry couldn't sleep

A/N: Meant to be a missing scene after the events of DH but before the epilogue. OOC maybe?? Please be gentle, it's my first fic. Concrit is very welcome.

Harry couldn't sleep. He'd been having dreams about the final battle. Voldemort had been so confident and Harry had been so scared. He couldn't help reliving the sheer terror of having such a thing to kill. Kill or be killed. Wasn't that just the story of his life? Perhaps if there hadn't been a prophecy, things wouldn't have happened the way they did. Harry couldn't help being resentful of normal people like Seamus and Dean who'd had nothing more to worry about than Quidditch, whose turn it was to get the firewhisky for the after-party, and if there was enough time to frantically scribble an answer for a Transfiguration essay. Voldemort had been such a driving force in his life that there had been little time the think about the future.

Harry was stuck. He didn't know what he wanted to do anymore. Being an Auror didn't sound quite so appealing now. With the main event finished, Harry had no idea as to where his life was headed. He didn't know what to do with himself. The future looked so bleak. The only things keeping him sane were his friends. Now that they were moving on with their lives, he realised that he couldn't always live in the same House as them, eat at the Gryffindor table every morning with them, or huddle in front of the fire on a cold winter's night.

Harry stared out through the grubby window onto the grounds bathed in the half-moon's pale silvery light. In a couple of hours, the Hogwarts Express was going to take everyone home for the last time. Right now, Harry was ready to pack it in. With any luck, the morning would bring some peace and happiness to his chaotic life.