A/N: New story! Thanks to all the people who read, reviewed my stories! Aki really appreciates it! Hope you guys like this new story too! Hahaha!

Disclaimer: I do not own, if I did the whole of AA fans will surely have my head for it.

Your Guardian Angel (title may change...)

By Aki Eschirott


Natsume Hyuuga

Gorgeous crimson eyed prince with silky raven hair. Skin the smoothest you'll be able to feel in your whole life. A smile that can even make the demons melt in awe, fascination, happiness, and adoration, not that he smiles often though.

This person has all the things a person, please take note a normal one, would die for.

He's got the looks...

This is Kentaro Wakamatsu for today's evening report.

We have just received a letter from Bishounen Weekly 1 that Natsume Hyuuga has just won the title of hottest man in the world.

(Background: girls screaming)

The Brains...

And the winner in today's competition is Natsume Hyuuga!

(Background: more girls screaming)

And of course the GOODS...

Natsume Hyuuga has just bought another mansion for his loyal 'subjects'!

(Background: Wooohoo For us!)

Too bad at the age 18 he suddenly decided to commit...


Yes folks, Natsume Hyuuga is dead!

Died in cold blood, by his own hands!

His wrist bleeding, making the cause of his death to be blood loss!

(Interview with random people:

KW: Why do you think Hyuuga-san killed himself?

Girl 1:NO! My Natsume! Why does he have to die so young! (Hysterical woman)

KW: Yes, yes he died young. How about you Ma'am why do you think he killed himself?

Girl 2: To tell you the truth Kentaro-san I think he was insane..

KW: Really now?)

Truth be told Natsume Hyuuga wasn't insane. He was actually quite sane when he killed himself. Too bad for us though, we never knew what ran inside his head when he decided to kill himself.

Now lookie what happened now he's in...

"Heaven huh?" Natsume stated as he took in the immensely bright surroundings and a distinctively happy aura around the place.

"So this is where the dead go to when they die..." he mumbled to himself as he went up to a strange little ticket booth that suddenly stood before him.

"Not really..."

Natsume whipped his head to the source of the voice. Arching his eyebrow right away in question as he stared at the man with a gentle yet mysterious smile playing on his lips.

"and you are?" he asked

The man just smiled and gave a blunt reply "I am Kami...Nice to meet you Natsume Hyuuga"

"Uh...Pleasure..." He replied unsure of his answer.

"Welcome to Heaven!"


-End of Prologue-

Chapter 1 to be posted a few weeks(or months) from now...

A/N: Weee! Aki has been receiving random inspirations these days...wonder why? anyway...MDF will be updated soon! but MI will be updated first because...well because! anywho read and review people! Hope you like the start of YGA...yeah lame name...can't think of any original names...care to give me some suggestions...?
