Alright, well. Since I did Rob I figured I'd do Jason as well. I'm probably not going to do anybody else though . . .

Anyway, I hope it's up to snuff. It was kinda a spur of the moment thing.

Thanks to KNick for the review!



His blood contrasted darkly with the water surrounding him.

The brilliant ruby clouds obscured his vision of the surface. The light of his only savior was now tainted a forbidding scarlet.

He could literally see his life draining out of him.

His leg was gone. He couldn't see it, but he knew it wasn't there.

His arm was broken. It was bent at an impossible angle and floated, serenely, morbidly, in front of him.

His head hurt. He reached his hand up to feel and his fingers were met with a deep gash. The water was warmer there. Blood was flowing out of the affliction, and fast.

Too much pain to move.

He blinked sluggishly; half-watching the precious air bubbles that were escaping his lips.

There was no point in struggling anymore. Even the bodies beside him had ceased their desperate attempts to reach the surface. They all watched as the light moved farther away. As they moved farther away from the light.

It was a horrible feeling. Like time around you had stopped just so you could feel and grasp and ache in this one moment of hopelessness and pain.

His mind was whirling with unspoken thoughts, unspoken questions.

In his last minute of life he wondered if they had survived.

If Rob and Lily and Hud and . . . what was that girl? Marlena. If they had all survived.

Hell, he was wondering how Beth was doing.

And if they had survived . . .

Would they survive?

Could they survive?

Again, he blinked.

Except . . . when he opened his eyes the light was gone.


Was he dead?

No. Something else had fallen in the water.

A big kinda something.

He sighed. Letting the rest of his air escape.

The block of darkness closed in on him, swallowed him, pushed him deeper.

He closed his eyes. Feeling the rocky surface of the broken concrete with his only able hand.

I hope you make it, lil bro. Lily, Marlena . . . Beth. I hope you make it.

Love ya.



Well . . . I liked it . . .