A/N: OMG, you guys! I'm sooo sorry! I just realized that I put up the wrong version of chapter 12! Here's the correct one! SORRY!!!

I plan on 4 more chapters-ish for this story! Thanks for all the reviews! You guys rock! :) I'll try to update more quickly!

The following morning...

Jimmy's P.O.V.

A single patch of light managed to escape the window blind and wake me up. I groaned. I knew it was no use trying to get back asleep. I looked around the room, and geez it was a mess! There were clothes everywhere and… I felt something in my arms move. I looked down.




I stared in disbelief at Cindy. Okay, so maybe last night wasn't a dream after all. And suddenly, I felt a huge smile on my face. So! I laid back down, pulling her closer to me. She gave a light moan before burying her face into my chest. Gratified, I rested my head on top of hers.

How many times had I dreamed of doing this exact thing? Too many to count! I smiled happily. This was the best night of my life. I felt her move again, and leaned down and kissed along her throat until I found her lips. "Good morning." I whispered after I was done.

She giggled. Reaching up, she caressed my cheek. "Good morning to you as well!" She responded.

Suddenly, I wanted nothing more than to stay here and hold her all day. After all the wasted time…

"What are you thinking about?" She asked.

I sighed and kissed her again. "About…us. Actually."


I nodded. "Yeah, I was just thinking about the fact that it's been so long since… well, our fight…"


"Cindy! Cindy wait!" I shouted running after her.

She turned around and faced me, eyes ablaze. "What do you want?" She growled.

I stopped in my tracks. She was really pissed. "Cindy, I-"

"You what?" She snapped. "Done making out with Betty already?"

I glared back at her. What was her problem? She did get over protective sometimes! I could understand to an extent, I was usually the over-protective one. But this was just silly!

"Cindy!" I said in annoyance. "How many times do I have to tell you? I didn't kiss her! She kissed me! Honestly!"

"Yeah well, you looked like were enjoying it!"

"Cindy!" I shouted. "You know I don't like Betty! I like-hell, I love you!"

She snorted. But I saw that she was wrestling with two sides of her emotions. Her desperate want to believe me, but her stubborn side wouldn't give in. And it was that side that one.

She threw her hands in the air. "I'm so sick of this Jimmy! You always give more attention to her than to me!"

I frowned. "Cindy, please. You know I love you, and only you!"

She shook her head and walked away. "We're done."

It was the first and lasted time I ever dated. But Cindy was on my mind, constantly. Not long after the breakup, I discovered songwriting and the rest is history...

Nobody's P.O.V.

Cindy winced. She really didn't want to dwell on that particular memory.

"And now, after all these years to find out that we're still in love. And…" He shook his head in disbelief. Suddenly a new thought occurred to him. "Wait…"

"What?" She asked suspiciously.

"Well, what if I announce tomorrow on MusicToday! that you and are an item now?" He asked excitedly.

"Huh? Jimmy, wait..." As much as Cindy really did want to be "official" with him, she also didn't to be beaten up by a mob of angry women.

"Yes, of course!" He was talking to himself now, pacing across the floor in his boxers. "Unexpected, yes! But…"

Cindy only watched him, trying to sort out her own thoughts. "Jimmy… I don't!"

He shook his head, his eyes ablaze. "I'll make the call later! Now…" He turned to her naked form on the bed. "What do you say to a shower?"

Before she could say anything more, he picked her up and carried her to the bathroom.