SMST 5B: Journey to Adventure! – By DS Wynne

Disclaimer: SM, R1/2, ST and other genres belong to their respective owners.

Note: This is a multi-genre story.

Special Note: BONUS! I forgot to include the "Transformers" and "GI Joe" stuff for this story. C&C are welcomed.

Part 40: "Yo, Joe!"

Weeks later…

"Hmmmm," Usagi said, as she looked at work that consisted of a chemistry set and lots of colorful liquids…

"What are you looking at?" Taimu Kyaasaisha asked out of curiosity.

"One moment," Usagi said, as she mixed the liquids together…

"There," Usagi said triumphantly, as she presented a beaker filled with translucent, blue liquid. "You want to try it?"

"No," Taimu said. "I don't know what that is."

"Oh, suit yourself," Usagi said, as she took a sip. "Hmmm…good stuff."

"What the hell is that, anyway?"

"Romulan Ale," Usagi replied, as she sat the beaker down. "I wanted to make my own brand, so I can sell a case or two over the black market."

"I thought you were supposed to be a good guy?"

"Let's see. I save humanity a few times, so I think I am entitled to some graft now and then-"


Just then, a virtual screen pops up in front of Usagi.

"Well, still an alcoholic, I see," said a bald man, who appeared to be working for the US Army.

"How the hell did you get this channel, Colonel Campbell?" Usagi said.

"I did," said General Clayton "Hawk" Abernathy.

"Hawk?" Usagi said.

"You know these guys?" Taimu said, as he began to secretly trace the link…

"Yes, and tell your friend to not bother tracing this call," Hawk said. "It's specially encrypted."

"Okay, so, what do you want?"

Hawk begins to tell Usagi about the latest COBRA operation. Apparently, the arms dealer "Destro", using his research in advanced weaponry, has developed warheads that are capable of deploying a concentrated dosage of nanites that could destroy metal quickly. However, it is believed that COBRA had not yet weaponized the technology yet, which why the nanites were now in a COBRA facility somewhere in France, using the help of captured scientists…

"I thought that we already secured the nanite weapons when Commander Bond and I took down Diavolo's operations a few years back?" Usagi said. She was referring to the renegade KGB agent Nicolai Diavolo, who sought to destroy London while attempting to take over the Russian Federation with his private army…

"Apparently, Destro like the idea, and so he acquired a team who could replicate Dr. Kataya Nadanova's research," Hawk said. "It seems that he was successful after all…"

"Okay, so why me?" Usagi asked. "Why not get someone else to handle the field work?"

"Because of the captured scientists had this marker secretly spirited out," Hawk said, as he display a picture.

"What in the-?" Usagi said, as she puts on her glasses. The marks were in Gallifreyan, a powerful and ancient language, but it also contained the kanji for 'Moon Bunny' etched in the center.

"I know for a fact that you hang out with 'The Doctor', or whoever he is," Hawk said.

"Fine," Usagi said. "So, what's Campbell's involvement?"

"COBRA contracted Liquid Snake to protect the facility, and to make sure that the missiles are ready for release," Campbell said.

"We don't have much time. I know that a prototype will be tested in twelve hours, most likely in a major city. We don't know yet."

"So, how can I find out where I need to go?"

"We were able to zero in on increased activity in the south of France," Hawk said, as a secondary window pops up. "That's all we know. And we know that you have access to advance technology to help up pinpoint the exact location."

"Understood. So, Campbell, will-?"

"Solid Snake will meet you in Monaco," Campbell said. "I expect results."

"Technically, I rank YOU," Usagi said with a smirk.

"Fine," Campbell said through gritted teeth. "I expect results…ma'am."

"Thank you, Roy. I'll send regular updates."

"We expect no less, 'Moon Bunny'," Hawk said. "Hawk: out."


"So, what was that all about?" Taimu asked.

"We stop COBRA from launching its latest super weapon…and rescue Dr. Tempo and the other scientists."

"Oh. What?"

"Get ready," Usagi said, as she turns to take off her t-shirt. She didn't care for modesty when it comes to life-and-death situations.

"I got to get change, but we head on out in thirty minutes."


An hour later, somewhere in the south of France…

"This is going to be my operation," Solid Snake said. "You got me?"

"Whatever," Usagi said, as she looks at the old site of the Knights Templar, using her enhanced vision powers…

"The only thing I care about is stopping this project and getting my friend out-"


"The coast is clear," Taimu said, after using superspeed and stealth to scout along the parameter.

"Good," Solid Snake said. "Liquid Snake is MINE."

"Right," Usagi said. She turns towards Taimu.

"What's the seating arrangement on this little venture?"

"Well," Taimu said, as he takes out what appeared to be a piece of paper. However, it was really and advanced, micro-thin data unit.

"I was able to scout around to test the parameters of the security screen," Taimu said, as he brings up a screen showing the layout of the complex. "You see anything familiar?"

Usagi takes a look at the virtual layout…

"Yeah, apparently, they closed off sections here…and here," Usagi said, as she pointed out the areas of interests. "Probably wanted to consolidate their holdings…"

"Then, what are we waiting for?" Solid Snake said, as he clicked his weapon. "We have a job to do…"

"And off he goes," Usagi said, as Solid Snake moved on. "And people wonder why I don't like doing stuff like this…"

"What now, boss?" Taimu asked.

"We go…here," Usagi said, as she points to an area off the grid.

"But there's nothing there."

"There is," Usagi said. "Come…"

And, with that, Usagi and Taimu go into the opposite direction…

Soon, a mile away, they come to the foundation of what used to be a church.

"Stand back," Usagi said, as she lifts a meter-think stone block, revealing a well.

"Whoa," Taimu said, as Usagi slides the block away. "How did you know this was there?"

"That's because I was here, during the halcyon days of the Knights Templar," Usagi said. "Before the King Philip IV destroyed the Templars, we made many secret tunnels and passage ways. We even built an artificial underground stream that no one knows…until now, I guess. So, when Philip attacked, a number of the Templars managed to escape the carnage."

"Well, at least he paid the ultimate price for selling out the Templars," Taimu said.

"He did," Usagi said, as she developed a faraway look. "Normally, I'm not for assassinations, but causing him to have a stroke with a few well-placed pressure pokes was something that needed to be done."

"You mean-?"

"Yes, while he was on a hunt. Infiltrating a king's court as a courtesan is easy. And before you say anything else, consider this: Philip framed the Templars in order to get their money and power."

"I see. So, no regrets?"

"None," Usagi said, as she balanced the stone block on her head. Anyway, you ready for a swim?"

"Ready," Taimu said.


With that, Taimu jumps into the water.


Meanwhile, Usagi slowly lowers herself, so that the block could be refitted.


A short time later…

Using the radar system, Usagi and Taimu managed to enter the main corridor.

"You see anything?" Taimu said, as he kept a lookout for the guards.

Usagi's ears picked up some footsteps, being sensitive and all…

"Two people are on their way," Usagi said, as she kept her eyes closed. "One of them is limping…while the other is a guard."

"Okay," Taimu said, as he gets into position, so that the incoming guard will not see him.

As soon as the pair of walkers came into view, Taimu and Usagi sees that the person who was limping was a severely injured Dr. Tempo…

Usagi nods her head towards Taimu to act.

"Hey, buddy," Taimu said, as he steps out of the shadows.

"Huh?" the guard said, just as he was about to pull out his pistol to shoot Taimu. However, Usagi immediately applies the Vulcan Nerve Pinch on the guard.



"Well, it took you two long enough," Dr. Tempo said.

"Usagi was too busy with her distillery," Taimu said with a smirk.

"Hey!" Usagi said. "That's enough of THAT now…"

"But are you okay, Doc?" Taimu asked.

"I will be, once we shut down that lab, and free the kidnapped scientists," Dr. Tempo said. "So, are you alone?"

"No," Usagi said. "Our friend is somewhere around."

"Well, I hope that he gets here soon," Dr. Tempo said. "We can help free more of my colleagues. In the mean time, we can shut down the lab."

And, with that, Dr. Tempo and the others head for the lab…


"Alright, all we need to do is apply the neutralizing agents," Dr. Tempo said, as he worked to move the controls to place the canisters into a metal case. "From there, we can proceed with wiping out the data and-"


Usagi places her silencer pistol next Dr. Tempo's head. This gets Taimu concerned.

"Usagi?" Taimu said.

"Okay, who are you and where is the real Dr. Tempo?" Usagi said.

"What are you talking about?" Dr. Tempo said.

"My other partner? I never indicated a name…or gender. Plus, it's not a stretch to use nanotechnology to change one's appearance."

Taimu looks on in horror…


"I suppose you want an answer, Bunny," said "Dr. Tempo" in a German accent.

"Dr. Mindbender!" Usagi said, after recognizing the voice.

"Most perceptive, Herr Frau," Dr. Mindbender said. "It was easy enough for me to use the nanites to disguise myself as your friend-"


"Luckily, the Bunny has more," Solid Snake said, as he carried the real Dr. Tempo.

"Doc, you're alive!" Taimu said, as he goes to his friend.

"Barely," Dr. Tempo said. "Being picked apart for my cybernetics is not fun."

"Okay," Usagi said, as she lifted Dr. Mindbinder off the ground. "Talk, or I-"

"Paris is the target!" Dr. Minderbinder said, causing Usagi to drop the demented COBRA scientist.


"Okay, Snake-"

"Yeah, I'll take care of it," Solid Snake said dismissively.


"I'll look after the Doc," Taimu said.

"Dr. Tempo-"
"I'll be more careful in the future," Dr. Tempo replied with a sigh.
"Good, I'm off," Usagi said, as she runs out of the laboratory…

As soon as Usagi went through the final checkpoint, she changes her guise.

"Cosmic Moon Power!" Usagi yells, as she transforms into 'Sailor Cosmos'. "Up…up, and away-!"

Using the power of flight, Sailor Cosmos speeds off to Paris. Soon, she arrives to see a nondescript barge fire a missile at the Eiffel Tower.


'Got to make this count!' Sailor Cosmos said, as she flew alongside the missile. She then maneuver the missile, so that it could fly upwards.


When the missile gets high enough, it explodes, dousing the Moon Princess with nanites.


Even though her superpowers will protect her, especially since she was not in machine mode at the moment, Sailor Cosmos' clothes melt off, leaving her nude. Instinctively, she clutches herself out of embarrassment.

"Eeep!" Sailor Cosmos said. And then-


An asteroid slams into Sailor Cosmos, stunning her in the process.

As she begins to fall back to the Earth, near the Arctic region, there was only one thing that went through her mind:

'I wonder if Ranma will be mad at me for this mishap…'

And down she goes…

3000 years later…


The icy block that contained the sleeping form of Sailor Cosmos is removed. With the Earth completely covered in ice, the Mechas, the descendants of early robots from Earth, now looking like aliens, were surprised to detect a biological signs of life.

"It appears that this creature is still alive," said one Mecha. They were thin, tall, silver and had big black eyes and no mouths.

"Release the female," said another.

Removed from the block of ice, Sailor Cosmos clutched herself.

"What year is it, and…what happened?" Sailor Cosmos said. "And can't you give me some clothes or something?"

"It is the year 5010 Common Era, humanity no longer lives here, and we can provide you with some clothes, if you want," said one of the Mechas. "But we would like to request a favor of you."

Sailor Cosmos thought for a moment. She could figure out a way to return to her time easily enough, especially if it means preventing whatever caused the world to freeze up from happening…

"Sure," Sailor Cosmos said. "What do you want me to do?"

Later, that evening…

"…And they lived happily ever after," Usagi said, as she finished reading a bedtime story to David, a child android. Once her "life model decoy" (LMD) has been created by the Mechas, David will always have a companion, even after she has returned to the past. But for now, Usagi will take care of the boy…

The child looks up at his new mother.

"I love you, Mom," David said, as he lays his head on Usagi.

"I love you, too, son," Usagi said, as she gives the boy a peck on the forehead. "Sweet dreams…"


Author's Note: FINALLY DONE. Take care!