This is what happens when you lovely people motivate me. Enjoy the fluffiness.
I do not own any Naruto characters
I do own this sad excuse for a plot
The boys are at their current age, whatever it may be xD
He looked up at Iruka mortified, "that's disgusting."
Iruka started laughing at his superior. It was just too funny! This man, was supposed to be an ANBU member… an elite. And here he was complaining about the smell of ramen!
He wiped a tear from his eye, "Alright, I'll help you clean up the floors, the rest you have to do on your own, deal?"
Yuki nodded, a little help was better than no help.
He watched as Yuki bit his lip, concentrating on a dark stain that was obviously spilled beef ramen. He smiled. The older man seemed to really be focusing. His smile turned to a smirk. Time to play a prank.
It wasn't anything elaborate. It was just going to be a simple glomp. He came up behind Yuki, being very sneaky-like. He was positive that he hadn't made a single noise. When he went for the leap… Yuki moved; and he dove head first into a bucket of warm, soapy, slightly beefy… water.
The Television could be heard in Iruka's living room….
"Captain planet he's our hero, gunna take pollution down to zero!
He's our powers magnified, and he's fighting on the planet's side!
Captain Planet he's our hero gunna take pollution down to zero!
Gunna help him pull the stronger bad guys who like to loot and plunder
You'll pay for this Captain Planet!
We're the planetiers, you can be one too!
Cuz saving our planet is the thing to do
Looting and polluting is not the way, hear what Captain Planet has to say!
The power is yours!"
(Copyright to the people who wrote the dang song. I DID NOT WRITE IT!!!)
"You're actually watching that?" He looked over his shoulder to see Iruka just coming out of the shower in a towel.
"Yep!" he said ecstatically. "It's actually rather educational, it teaches younger generations just how dire a state the earth's ecosystem is in today."
"You realize that show's over twenty years old…"
Yuki blinked. "What's your point?"
Iruka smiled, then hugged Yuki, "Nothing I guess… it's time to go to bed though…"
Yuki smirked, then poked Iruka's thigh, "Ha, you're naked."
Iruka turned bright red when he realized his towel had fallen around his ankles, grabbed it up, and dashed back into the bathroom.
After that embarrassing episode, Iruka had gone to bed, and told Yuki that when he got tired, he should do the same.
Problem was though… he couldn't sleep. He felt… nervous. Like something bad was going to happen. He peeked through the blinds on the window in his ramen reeking room; a shadow moved. His eye darkened, he didn't like this at all… He let it drop, and looked around nervously.
To take his mind off things, he decided to inspect the room. He noticed some posters about training… His eye widened when he saw a scarecrow. It unnerved him. The poor thing had silver hair that flayed to the left, a black eye, and his head band crossed over his left eye… the man appeared to be wearing some weird… suit with a green vest. He chuckled. This had to be a child's toy.
Child… Iruka had mentioned someone named 'Naruto' that had lived in this room a month before he himself had moved in, looking around it seemed pretty bleak to be a child's room. The walls were eggshell white, the bed had a deep crimson color to it, the pillows a navy blue… There was a lamp, it's shade was a mustard yellow. There was also an empty book shelf; oh wait. It had a scroll. Further inspection proved that it was a scroll on how to make ramen… how dull.
He vaguely heard his alarm clock ringing. It was Saturday, he had no school… no reason to get up early, he'd just let the dang thing shut itself up. He was warm and content… He felt Yuki's strong arms wrapped around him, bringing him comfort. He could feel the older man's body behind his, he smiled to himself… how cute… Yuki was spoonin---- wait a minute. "Yuki?" he turned around, his eyes widened. He was quite literally, nose-to-nose with the older man. Who opened a deep blue eye in return.
"W-why are you in my bed?"
Yuki gently kissed Iruka's nose. "Got scared…" he mumbled as he pushed his face into the crook of Iruka's neck; just like a cat.
Iruka stuttered, "b-but why my bed?!"
Yuki looked up calmly at Iruka with the innocence only a five-year-old civilian child could muster. "You make me feel safe."
Iruka's heart melted. He shifted so that he could wrap his arms around the blue (right) eyed man.
Yuki smiled softly, and immediately curled up into Iruka's chest. Rubbing his face against the tanned man's neck.
To Iruka… it felt like he was wrapped in a really soft, warm, protective (and fuzzy!) blanket. That the world was something more than just… war, hatred, and death. He felt… at peace with himself. He was comforting; he was useful to another person. He could help more than just children. He smiled, and wrapped his arms a little tighter around the man.
Iruka and Yuki fell asleep; one who was slipping... holding the broken together, and the broken, keeping the one from slipping away.