A/N: so I'm in tzotal stress becouse of my exams, but I have decided to adopt Rosuto-Rei's story. I will continue it together with my other fics after my exams end…

Summary: (The story is dome from Prides POV) Pride remembers telling Envy something, but he's never said it. He asks Envy about it, but Envy just gets really sad, and no one will talk about it with him.

Finally in a last ditch effort to find out when he said it, and find out why Envy can't seem to return his love, Pride seeks out another face from a remembered past, a boy named Alphonse, in hopes that this boy will be able to explain things to him.

I slowly knocked on Envy's door, hoping he was there.

"What?" Came the cross reply from within.

"…Envy..." I said, trying to be loud enough for him to hear me. in." He said a few seconds later. I opened the door and slipped into the room. I wasn't surprised to see Envy had added more palm trees since I had been there last. I wasn't sure what Envy's fascination with Palm trees were, and whenever I asked him he'd just tell me they reminded him of someone.

Maybe the someone they reminded him of was the same person he thought of when he looked at me, whenever that unbearably sad look came into his eyes.

"Well, do you have a reason for bothering me?" Envy asked, his eyes fixed firmly on the pale bed sheet under him.

"Envy, I remember saying something to you…but I've never said it before…" I tried to explain, "…and I remember you saying something that you've never said to me…"

Envy looked up; for once the pain didn't enter his eyes, "What was it?"

I looked down, "You said 'Do you regret falling in love with me' and I said, 'Forget regret or life is yours to miss' 1"

Envy turned hi head away, "That memory isn't really yours Pride that belongs to someone who's…gone now…"

I got mad, this was something I remembered, if it wasn't my memory then whose was it?! Then it struck me.

"It's his isn't it? That person no one will tell me about? The person you think of every time you look at me?" I whispered. Envy didn't look at me, he kept his gaze fastened on the floor.

I crossed to the window and opened it, "Fine, if you won't tell me who I was, then I'll find someone who will!" I jumped and started to run to a town that was only a name and a few memories of houses.

"Wait! Where are you going Pride?!" I heard Envy Yell.

"I'm going to find the boy named Alphonse, so I can ask him!" I yelled back, trying to ignore the tears the pricked my empty eyes, "Then I'll find out why you can't love me!"

If I had waited a few minutes and watched Envy, I would have seen him sink to his knees and whisper, "I do love you…you and the boy you once were…that's why it hurts…"

To be continued...