Mission Haruno Sakura


Uchiha Sasuke is an underage agent for the ANBU, a top-class security company higher than the FBI itself. His job is to keep Haruno Enterprise's seventeen year-old heiress Haruno Sakura safe from a gang trying to kidnap her. It's a rule not to fall in love with the charge. How will he handle that?

AN: Hey guys, DarkxBlossom here. For short I'm just Dax, don't ask my why I want it that way. Well, this is my first fanfic so go easy on me. I don't want to waste your time so here it is!

Disclaimer: I do not own the Naruto series.


Mission Briefing

Uchiha Sasuke walked slowly down the steel corridor towards ANBU leader Kakashi's office. He took his sweet time, smirking to himself on how ticked Kakashi would be. His footfalls reverberated heavily and eerily through the empty corridor. At the end of the hall stood a metal, fortified doorway. Sasuke paused at the door, swiftly swiping his ID card into the keypad. Once the green button flashed, he pressed his thumb against the motion sensor. He laid it there for a few seconds until the green button flashed twice.

"Identified: Uchiha Sasuke. Enter." A mechanical voice said, the door swinging entrance automatically upon request. Sasuke followed the voice's command, entering a large, mahogany-walled office. Covering the west and east walls were collections of books. Not any kind of books, but the infamous Icha Icha Paradise set.

"Man, it's been a long time since I've been here." Sasuke muttered.

"Aw, Sasuke-kun, you don't have to express how much you missed my office." Hatake Kakashi chirped from behind a wooden desk somewhat resembling one of a dean's.

"I didn't say I missed it, Kakashi. I liked working in Carlisle's office better." Sasuke retorted darkly. "Why was I assigned here again?"

"Because you've been promoted, little brother." Itachi answered, stepping from behind a tall glass case. "Congratulations."

"Oh great, a reunion of the most annoying people in the world." Sasuke grumbled sarcastically. "Did you invite Naruto?"

"Now, now, Sasuke-kun, please, let us explain your mission." Kakashi cooed. Sasuke sighed deeply, collapsing into a leather armchair. Kakashi leaned forward; he intertwined his fingers together to create a steeple to tuck his chin under.

"How well do you know the Haruno Enterprise?" he asked.

Sasuke arched his brow. "Haruno Enterprise?" he echoed. "It's one of the most succeeding companies out there. It's run by Haruno Megumi and Itsuki. They have one daughter. Haruno Sakura, age seventeen. One year younger than I am."

On the wall in front of Sasuke was a seventy-inch plasma screen. Haruno Megumi, Itsuki, and Sakura's faces and profiles popped onto the screen.

"Exactly." Itachi stepped in, pacing around Kakashi's desk. "Do you know a group called Snake?"

"Aa," Sasuke replied.

"Good." Kakashi nodded, satisfied. "Then you'll catch up easily.

"You see, Snake's members have an eye out on Haruno Sakura. We have a source that confirms a kidnapping on the girl soon."

"So you want me to protect her." Sasuke concluded, sighing once again. Kakashi smirked.


"What's the plan, then?"

"Well, we enrolled you to her school, Konoha Private High. We managed to get you into all her classes, and we want you to get as close as feasible to her as you can."

"Meaning?" Sasuke urged, dreading the worst. Kakashi waved a hand flippantly.

"Become her boyfriend."

Itachi burst out snickering. Sasuke cursed under his breath.

"No." He refused simply.

"I told you he wouldn't do it, Kakashi. He's gay, remember?" Itachi smirked.

"Oh? Is that why he's been single for the last eighteen years?" Kakashi wondered, sidetracked.

"I'm not gay." Sasuke objected. The two ignored him.

"He's still not at the first step of overcoming his shyness of telling the world he's gay." Itachi informed Kakashi in a matter-a-fact-like way.

"What's the first step?"

"Admitting he has a problem."


Sasuke rubbed his temples, trying to ease his headache.

"Can we just get on with the briefing?" he growled. Kakashi glanced at him.

"Oh, right." He cleared his throat. "Well, since I have learned about your, um… issue," he coughed, "I don't think it compulsory to become her boyfriend. Stick to friends. Please. Your occupation is clandestine, you only watch her. Naruto has already been assigned to the school as well. He watches over Hyuuga Hinata, the second richest heiress. Shikamaru and Neji are watching over Yamanaka Ino and Hitachiin Tenten, the next richest heiresses. You will be in contact with them twenty-four-seven just in case." Itachi tossed an earpiece to Sasuke, who caught it promptly, asserting it onto his right ear.

Sasuke nodded at the two, positioning on his sunglasses and exiting the room.

"Oh, and one more thing," Kakashi added. The Uchiha paused.

"Expect an attack, Sasuke. Protect her with your life."


The first thing Haruno Sakura saw once she had awoken was Banana, her beloved golden lab.

"Morning," she greeted, giggling as Banana licked her cheek in sign of affection. She looked up at her clock, reading it slowly.


"Holy crap!" she exclaimed, jumping out the bed in frenzy. "Holy crap! Holy crap! I slept through my alarm!" She glared at Banana, actually thinking the dog would understand her. She rushed inside her bathroom, rampaging for her school uniform. She did all her chores, but she still wasn't fast enough.

"Man, Banana! Why couldn't you say something?!" After a few moments, she slapped her head. "Gah! I'm talking to my dog like she'll understand! I need a psychiatrist! Why won't I ever get a freakin' pyschia – CRAP!" Too engrossed in her grumbling, the heiress had not noticed her footing was awkward as she stomped across her room. She stumbled across her textbooks that littered the floor, and managed to batter her forehead against her Chemistry textbook.

"I officially hate Chemistry…" she muttered darkly to herself, rubbing her abnormally large forehead.

"Sakura-chan, are you okay? I heard something fall from down here," Akira, Sakura's friend and maid, called from the first floor. Sakura grinned to herself sheepishly.

"I'm alright, Akira! Hehe, I just fell!" she chirped.

"You always fall, Sakura-chan! Be careful!" Akira reprimanded lightly, but Sakura could hear a slight giggle.

"Okay! I'll be down in a sec!"

"Don't fall down the stairs!"

"I'll take the elevator, then!" Sakura shouted, exasperated. "Geez… I won't fall down the stair – WHOA!" Sakura landed on the ground again, groaning.

"Sakura please take –!"

"I know, I know! I'll take the elevator!"

From downstairs, Akira muttered to herself, "I'm just worried she won't be down in one piece even if she takes the elevator…"

"I'm here!" Sakura exclaimed. She pumped her fist into the air, victorious. "And in one piece!" Akira sweat-dropped.

"You took the stairs, didn't you, Sakura-chan?" Akira asked emotionlessly, turning back into the kitchen to get her mistress's breakfast. Sakura chuckled nervously.

"Er, caught me. Haha, haha,"

"Come on, then, here's a muffin and milk since you woke up late… again. You might want to hurry up and –"

"Bye, Akira! Thanks for the meal!" The Haruno heiress zipped out the entrance like a flash of lightning, too quick to be seen. The girl looked at what was left of the tray with bulging brown eyes.

It was empty.

"How did she…?" Akira decided not to ponder. There were some things that were left to be unexplained in this world. The maid sighed, looking at a particularly familiar forlorn-looking backpack left on the kitchen's counter.

"Three… two… one…"

"I forgot my backpack! Oh, thanks, Akira! Bye!" Akira watched between the line of dumbfounded-ness, amusement, and vexation. She didn't know which to dub her mistress as.

Forgetful might be a good one. Um, oh yes, a klutz. She's funny, though. Sakura-chan can be a little too much to handle when's angry. But she's very smart of course. She talks a lot when she's exited. She has a bubbly personality in all. Um… ah, yes… Akira smiled to herself upon the thought. Sakura-chan can make anyone smile.


The Uchiha shrugged on his new uniform: A white blazer, red tie, and black pants. He stared at the tie in disgust, morbidly putting it on half-heartily. He gazed at his reflection upon the full-length mirror stationed right beside his closet, frowning. He undid the two upper buttons and rolled up the sleeves to his elbows. There, that looked better.

The boy ran down the stairs, mildly surprised to meet his mother home.

"Sasuke!" Mikoto greeted warmly. She was stirring something in a pot, her raven-colored hair put into a bun. "How are you –er, aren't you home-schooled, hon?"

"I was," he replied bitterly, taking a seat opposite of his mother. "Now, 'cause of Kakashi, I'm attending Konoha Private High."

"Oh, right, Itachi told me. I forgot. Your father's been so stressed out on his company I get stressed out, too. What's the deal this time?"

"Protecting some rich girl." Sasuke answered. Mikoto gave him a reprimanding look.

"Well, people say we're rich," he added. The beautiful woman sighed, putting down her ladle.

"Honey, we're wealthy. We don't say rich. Remember, Rich Person's Etiquette Magazine says wealthy… er, well, in the magazine." She winked at him. Sasuke knew she was kidding. When he was younger, he, his mother, and Itachi made fun of Rich Person's Etiquette Magazine because of its snooty, high and mighty ways. He and Itachi even wrote a complaint letter. But, seeing as the two of them were only five years-old and ten years-old at the time, it wasn't very threatening to the publishers.

"What's the girl's name?" Mikoto wondered eyeing her son carefully.

"Haruno Sakura."

"Haruno Sakura? Like Haruno Enterprise surely?"

"Aa." Mikoto frowned slightly at the response.

"My, and you're supposed to protect her?"

Another nod.


The boy looked up from his tomato curiously, looking at his fretting mother.

"She's very well-known in today's society because of her inheritance, honey. Many people are just so envious of the income her mother and father have! Are you sure it's safe for you to be protecting her?!" Mikoto's voice rose considerably in pitch. Sasuke sighed, putting down his half-eaten tomato.

"Look, Okaa-san, I wouldn't be protecting her if she wasn't unsafe. That's the whole point of ANBU, remember? It's a security thing." Sasuke wouldn't elaborate anymore. That was so much he had just said. He glanced down at this tomato, staring at it with a beautiful obsidian orbs.

They were coated in a thick, contemplative silence.

"Be… safe, Sasuke." Mikoto finally said, her utterance was barely even audible. She looked at him sincerely, which meant that she wasn't sure about his safety. Nodding at her, he pecked his mother's cheek before heading out the doorway.

"And Sasuke?"


"Are you going to take the motorcycle?" She could see herself and the sheer dread and hatred for the vehicle.

Mikoto could almost make out a scoff.

"Of course."

"Ugh… you know I hate it when you and Itachi drove those things. Just be careful. And look both ways when you drive! Hold on to the handlebars tightly and don't get into an acciden –"

"Goodbye, Okaa-san."

The door shut with a heavy bang.

"Naruto, hey!" Sakura waved her hand at the blonde boy, who standing only a few feet from Hyuuga Hinata, one of Sakura's best friends. The blonde turned around instinctively from her voice, grinning foxily.

"Sakura-chan! Over here!" The boy waved her over with his hand.

Uzumaki Naruto had transferred to Konoha Private High School three months ago, and in a couple of days had started to hit it right off with Sakura and her group of friends. In only a couple of minutes upon his first entrance, he had also managed to capture shy, friendly Hyuuga Hinata's heart. Too bad Naruto was such a dunce since he was totally oblivious towards the girl's feelings.

"How are you guys?"

Hyuuga Neji, Hinata's favorite and closest cousin gave an acknowledging nod. He had always been the silent, impassive type in the group, but also managed to catch many girls' hearts. He was probably the most popular guy around. He acted as if those girls didn't exist though.

"Troublesome…" was all the lazy genius, Nara Shikamaru muttered, leaning his head against a cherry blossom.

"I could almost swear you're emo or something," Yamanaka Ino grumbled, rolling her eyes at him and kicking his side.

"Ouch! Troublesome woman, go away."

"Make me." She mocked.

"Too troublesome."

"UGH! You are HOPELESS!"

"Hey, guys, it hasn't even been twenty-three seconds and you're already at it." Hitachiin Tenten sweat-dropped, breaking the two glaring teens apart.

"He started it!" Ino replied stubbornly. Shikamaru sighed, thinking it wasn't worth it to fight back.

"Yeah, guys, please stop the bickering." Hinata – always the peacemaker, Sakura noted – said.

"I'll stop when he –"

"I'll stop when she –"

"I've got a crazy idea." Sakura said loudly, her teeth clenched and her lips pressed together into a small, thin line. "Why don't you two both just shut up for the rest of the day? Then, tomorrow, we can all start this stupid conservation all over again."

Yup. This was her normal routine with her normal friends at her normal school. Everything was going fine. It was everything she could wish for. Best friends. Protective friends. Fun friends. Weird friends. But they were all there for her. Haruno Sakura.

Unbeknownst to her, one thing could shatter the world she lived in. One thing, and everything was in danger. One thing, and nothing else would matter…

But the survival of all she loved.

And from this day forward, that 'one thing' had arrived. That one thing, you ask?

That one thing would be Uchiha Sasuke.

"Hey, have you heard, Aya? Uchiha Sasuke's going to attend this school!"

"What?! No way!"

"Yeah way!"

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?"

"Tsuki just told me that Uchiha Sasuke's going to THIS school!"

"NUH UH! We have got to tell Ami!"

"Yeah, yeah! I'll go tell her!"

This, boys and girls, is how rumors are started. And this, boys and girls, is how the news came to our lovely little group.


"Sakura, Sakura, Sakura!" Ino's legs went into a wild dash, her breath caught, her eyes lit brightly in excitement. Those who were intelligent knew to stay well out of Ino's way when she became like this. The Yamanaka heiress darted into the courtyard, flashing in full speed towards the usual oak. "Sakura, Sakura, Sakura –oh, forget this, FOREHEAD-GIRL!"

The bubble-gum haired girl looked up from her bento, slightly surprised and annoyed simultaneously. A vein was threatening to pop on her forehead.

"What, Ino?" she asked in a slightly calm manner, her fists being restrained by Hinata.

"You'll – never – guess – who's coming!" Ino exclaimed, grinning crazily.

"Good. So then I won't have to waste my time guessing. Thank you for informing me." Sakura answered impassively, turning back to her conversation with Tenten and Neji. Ino scowled.

"I didn't give you permission to not guess!" she yelled.

"Hey, Tenten, do you hear an annoying buzzing sound?" Sakura wondered, searching around her innocently. "It kind of sounds familiar."

Tenten sweat-dropped.

The fights these two can land themselves into… Tenten shook her head. Unbelievable!

"Oh, please, Sakura? Just guess! One person, that's it!" Ino pleaded, her eyes transforming into those adorable, irresistible puppy kinds. Sakura sighed heavily.

"Fine. One." Then, she grinned. "Because I know you're too much of a gossip-gal to pass up a good se-cret." Sakura emphasized each syllable in the word 'secret' for a reason. Ino pouted.

"Just guess, Forehead!" Ino cried. Sakura laughed.

"Um, Rai Kiko?"

"NO! –Wait, who? Who the hell is Rai Kiko?"

"I have no idea."


"What? You told me to guess, that's what I did!" Sakura grinned playfully, sticking out her tongue. The gang snickered.

"Ha-ha, good one, Sakura-cha –WHOA!!!!!!!" Naruto fell out of the tree branch he was on with a thump.

"Yeah, good one, Naruto," Shikamaru chuckled.


"Oh. My. Gosh!"


The whole courtyard went into frenzy. Girls started to scream hysterically. Guys groaned. Shikamaru, Neji, and Naruto grinned at each other.

"He's finally showed up." Neji whispered under his breath so only those with the earpiece could hear. He was smirking.

"About time," Shikamaru scoffed. "I was getting bored."

"Hell yeah! He's here!" Naruto punched his arm into the air, the action going unnoticed by the girls in the group. "C'mon, teme…" he whispered. "Hurry up…"

"Hey dobe," a silken, low voice said, a voice that they hadn't heard for a long amount of time.

"Sasuke!" Naruto grinned. "Where are you?"

"Does it matter? I'll find you guys after I get out of this annoying crowd of idiotic girls."


"U…chiha? Uchiha Sasuke? Who's that?" Sakura echoed, still stumped. "A famous actor?"

"No! Sakura, have – have you ever heard of Uchiha Sasuke?" Ino questioned skeptically.

"Of course not."

"GASP! Sakura, what have you been doing all these years?! Do you ever read a magazine once in a while?"

"No. I read books, Ino. Maybe you should try reading some. Maybe then you won't fail English or Health."

"Sakura, Sakura, Sakura! Listen to yourself! When was the last time you've read a – ohmygoshit'sUchihaSasukewalkingtowardsuswhyishewalkingtowardsusohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!!!" Ino screamed. "Do you not see him?"

Sakura peered into the crowd of rabid fan-girls. She squinted hard, trying to see through the massive groupings of over-makeup-ed faces.

And that's when she saw him, beyond the crowd of overly obsessed girls was a more than annoyed guy.

Beautiful onyx orbs.

Carefully gelled silken black hair.

Pale, slightly ivory-colored skin.

He was gorgeous. He was beautiful. He was handsome. But was he nice?

"Oi, dobe." The guy nodded towards Naruto, who gave him a ferocious tackle.

"Sasuke-teme! What took you forever?"

"How the hell was that forever?" Sasuke scoffed, ignoring Sakura, Ino, Tenten, and Hinata. Although he gave one sidelong glance towards Sakura, a quick one, and then swiftly shifted his gaze back to the guys.

"Neji, Shikamaru," he acknowledged, nodding. More silently, under his breath, he uttered into the mic, "Show me the girls. I need to see the faces." The three, understanding what he meant, merely nodded.

"We go with Plan A, don't we, Shikamaru?" Neji questioned.

"Yeah," the genius grunted.

"Ahem. Naruto," Ino seethed sweetly, trying to control her rage. "You didn't tell me your friend was Uchiha Sasuke. That would be something worth mentioning."

"Oh, yeah, well, uh, it kind of slipped my mind." Naruto pretended to grin sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "Well, time for intros!

"Sasuke, Haruno Sakura, Hitachiin Tenten, Hyuuga Hinata, and Yamanaka Ino. People, Uchiha Sasuke."

There was a murmur of "hi"s and "hello"s from the four. Sasuke studied each of their facial features, heights, and voice tones and then gave them all a cross between hn and hi. By the time they had all switched greetings, it had become time for them to get to their next classes.

"What's your next class, Sasuke-teme?" Naruto wondered.

"Health." He answered automatically.

"Sakura-chan, too! Could you walk her there? Really? Thanks! Okay, bye!" Naruto pushed the two together before anything could be said and quickly grabbed on to the gang. He thrust-ed them forwards and hastily ran off.

"What… was that about?" Sakura murmured, her eyebrows raised. Sasuke smirked.

"So, um, I can call you Sasuke right?" Sasuke had to admit, he was definitely surprised by this girl. Usually females would automatically think they could add the suffix –kun to the end of his name.

"As long as I can call you Sakura." He replied tonelessly. She smiled gratefully.


Sakura kept on seeing Sasuke over and over again, even after Health class. At first she thought it would be a good idea to get to know him, seeing as he was friends with Naruto mysteriously. But it kind of irked her whenever she caught him murmuring under his breath, and then glancing at her from the corner of his eyes. She learned he was more of a silent type like Neji, so that didn't make things any better between them. She showed him around campus when she learned of how all their classes were the same, but he seemed well aware of the campus already. Besides the fact that he insisted upon walking her to each class, she got real annoyed when fan-girls would stalk after them.

"Can't you do something about them? They're getting on my nerves." Sakura hissed after Math.

"Sasuke-kun! Sasuke-kun! Slow down!!! I just want to know you!"

"Forget that! My name's Takeshi Miyu! I'm seventeen and was born on March second! I live on four-eighty-five Sakuno Drive! My number's 555-789-5555! Or you could visit Otou-san's restaurant! I'll usually be there!!!"

Man… Talk about biography.

"And you think they don't annoy me?" he replied. "Think about this happening every day. Some random girl telling her whole life to you." Sakura giggled.

"Oh, right…" she smirked. "I should be feeling sorry for you, but somehow I think you'll live."

"Of course." He replied sarcastically.

After school…

"Hey, Tenten, over here!" Sakura waved at the doubled-bun haired girl. Tenten looked behind herself, seeing Sakura waving ecstatically.

"Oh, konnichiwa, Sakura. How was the rest of your day?"

"Horrible." Sakura emphasized. "I had fan-girls tailing behind me the whole day because of Uchiha Sasuke." Sakura mimicked a girly sigh.

"Oh yeah, I heard about that." Tenten chuckled. "The whole school's talking about it."

"Yeah… so, you think you're able to come over tonight? It's a Friday." Sakura asked hopefully. "Hinata-chan and Ino-pig are coming."

"Mmm…" Tenten tapped her chin thoughtfully. "I'll be late. I have soccer practice today."

"With Neji?" Sakura asked, raising her brows. Tenten's face involuntarily became a dark shade of a tomato.

"It's not his fault he's superbly good! I just happened to walk by him while he was playing and thought he might have liked to join…"

"I'm kidding, Tenten." Sakura laughed cheerfully, waving the topic off. "Just make sure you get your butt over at my house before dark!"

Walking down the cobblestone streets wasn't a problem. Not a problem at all for Sakura. Mind you, she was very good at walking down streets.

Unless she fell.

Which is often.

Like right now.

"What the –eeeek!" Sakura's face landed on something hard. And cologne-like.

"Nice choice of vocabulary." He smirked.

"S-Sasuke!" Sakura stammered.

"Who else?" He teased, pulling on one of her pink hair strands. She blushed. Sasuke tilted his face sideways.

"Is falling going to be a habit? Because you might as well get a wheelchair and call yourself handicapped."

"I am NOT handicapped!" she exclaimed hotly. He shook his head, sighing.

"I'm taking you home then."

"I am perfectly capable of walking home mys – eeeek!" Sakura tripped again, falling forwards. This time though, Sasuke didn't waste a breath to catch her. He sighed again, raising his brows.

"Er, I'll tell you where I live…" she grumbled. Sasuke smirked, wrapping an arm around her waist just in case she would fall again.

"Good choice."




Dax: Well, that's the end for the first chapter!!! Hurray!!! Please review!

By the way flames are ignored. Constructive criticism is okay though. Review! Review! Review:D

Next Chapter: An Uchiha's Worst Nightmare

Hmmm… Can anyone guess by what I mean by 'An Uchiha's Worst Nightmare'? If you guess correctly you will be acknowledged in the next chapter. And… if no one guesses correctly… well, then that'll be sad. Just kidding!