Chapter 1 -Prologue

It was so cold….So cold. Mind numbing and teeth chattering cold. The kind of winter night where loving families and happy children stayed in enjoying time spent together. Time the little blonde boy never had, or understood as he squatted on a snow covered side walk. His pouty peach colored lips tinged with a slight gray as they quivered in the cold.

He hunkered down trying to keep warm but his thin clothing did nothing to protect him. Even though His tiny frame shook in violence in the cold November wind there was nowhere for him to go…Nowhere to return to. As if he knew where he was from, what he was doing, what his life was like who he was. He looked down at his slender hands red in cold, maybe he was a musician.

He had seen people with fingers like his playing music on a stringed instrument earlier in the day, along with mocking stares. People really didn't seem to care about anything but themselves. He stared at his hands wishing they had a hidden clue in them to tell the teen who he was. Slowly his world was fuzzy and unfocused through his Sapphire blue eyes, his bare hands, red and numbed became more than two. And the moment of the ice cold ground reaching up to hug him in what might be his final embrace was more than he could bare.

With gasping breathes a soft smile happened on his cherub like face. One of pure sadness and happiness graced those pouty lips and tears rolled out slowly making the teen feared that they might freeze. But he couldn't stop any of it, the smile the tears the freezing cold. Slowly he rolled onto his bruised back looking up at the night sky. He wanted his last views in life to be the moon but the damn clouds were in his way. He wished to curse the masses of gray matter but no voice came, only the gasping sobs from his crying.

The blonde…head on the unforgiving cloud ground closes his eyes letting the tickling fingers of death creep up his feet. Oh how he ached for it, how sweet it would be if he could just disappear into nothing, oblivion, into a bastion of darkness. What he had heard death called, Hollow Bastion, the fortress which none came back from. Maybe he could see Namine again. He missed her. But he wasn't sure if he was going to the deep castle of death were she might be. Not one as wretched as he.

The teen felt as if someone was staring at him. He didn't like that feeling, depending on the person it could be a bad thing. Cracking one eye open toward the heavens, he saw a set of confused emerald eyes staring at him intently.

"Hey……You alive?" The blonde teen just stared, entrance by those eyes, almond in shape, and cat like pupils. So green so beautiful. And that voice, resonating, powerful, deep, masculine. It sent shivers down his spine, not from the cold but form the sound of it.

Do it again he pleaded mentally hoping the man would speak again.

"Can you hear me...Kid?" Oh I can hear you, the teen thought and wished to respond but nothing came out. Nothing ever came out, only whimpers.

"Blink once if you can hear me." The teen followed the command and blinked slowly, his eyes aching from the movement.

"I guess tonight is your lucky night. I've been very bored with things lately." The blond could hear the grin in the man's powerful voice. And he couldn't decide if he really was lucky or not, so he continued to stare towards the heavens waiting for a sign.

His body telling him to sleep was more powerful than his urge to stare aimlessly up at the night sky. Slowly he closed deep blue eyes catching a glimpse of red and white before the total darkness hit him. The strange man with the nice voice was talking still even though the words sounded distant and like humming, beautiful...but strange. The blonde gave up on these mysteries hopping to solve them when he awoke.

Sorry it was short but it is a prologue and the next chapter should be much longer…..A lot longer. Then we shall see if I should go on with this story…I've been writing on it for two years. I actually got the Idea from the band The Summer Obsession and listing to the Cure, and Depeche mode. But the main Idea is from the songs 'Disappear' ,'I Miss You' and 'This is where you belong' from The summer Obsession. I saw that someone else is doing a story based on The Summer Obsession song 'Do you remember'. I am not stealing the authors Idea I swear. Please review and tell me what you think if you would be so kind.

Like I said earlier this is just an appetizer so to speak, so please don't harass me about the length just yet.