So here's the sequel to the story 'Impossible Love'. Yes I know that I left it by committing a horrible Life With Derek fanfiction sin, and I feel horrible about it. Basically, in this story, Casey starts to drink. Cause she's insane. Nobody knows what to do, and they're basically trying to save her before she drinks herself to death.

Disclaimer: I do not own LWD or any of the characters

Oh, and it starts off right after the last chapter in 'Impossible Love'. Like….RIGHT after.

"What are you talking about, Abby?" Casey asked, her voice shaking. "Is he all right?"

Abby couldn't respond, and she just shook her head. "No." She whispered, a tear falling down her face.

"He's DEAD?" Casey raised her voice and then stood up. "You didn't do anything!!"

"Casey! Calm down." George started, but he was cut off.

"And you didn't do anything either! WHERE IS HE?? I HAVE TO SEE HIM!"

"In the hospital! He's dead, Casey! He died!" Abby shouted, tears falling freely from her eyes now.

Casey could feel the tears in her eyes, and she sprinted up the stairs. No no no no NO!

The phone rang again, and Abby angrily pressed the talk button. "What??" Everyone watched as her face relaxed, and a small smile formed on her face as she said, "Okay. We'll be right there."

"What's going on?" Lizzie asked.

"Yeah. I need my Smerek!!" Marti whined, tears falling from her face.

"He's awake! Go get Casey, Edwin."

"All right." He bolted up the stairs and knocked on Derek's bedroom door. "Casey?" He asked as he stepped into the room. "Derek's awake! Come on, Case! Let's go!"

"No!" He heard a voice, and he pulled back the covers of his brother's bed and found her laying there, curled up in a fetal position.

"Casey! Your boyfriend is awake! Your Derek is alive!"

"Leave me alone, Edwin!! Let me mourn about Derek!"

"But he's alive!!!"

"No he's not! Now shut the hell up!" Edwin let go of the covers and closed the door behind him as he started down the stairs.

"Where is she?" Abby asked.

"She's not coming."

"Why not?" Lizzie asked her brother, her eyebrows furrowing together.

"She kept saying that Derek was dead, and that I was lying."

"Well let's go. If she decides not to come, then maybe Derek will just have to surprise her." George said, and all of the agreed.

"Let's go!!" Marti whined, and they all piled into the car.

When they got to the hospital, they ran through the doors and somehow sneaked past security and they made it to Derek's room. "DEREK!!" They all screamed as they saw him through the window. Abby started to cry, and Derek's face perked up. The doctor walked out of his room and stopped the rest of the Venturi's from coming in.

"Hold it. I have to get permission from Mr. Venturi."

"Permission? For what? We're his family." Abby said.

"Yeah, what permission? That's my son." George said, pointing to him.

"Well I'm only allowed to let in people that he wants to see." The doctor shrugged and then walked into the room. He came back a couple of seconds later, and Abby quickly spoke up.

"So? Which one of us does he want to see?"

"A girl by the name of Casey McDonald." The Venturi's all looked at each other and their faces fell. "What? What's wrong?"

"She's….she's not coming."

"Why not?"

"Can I tell Derek myself?"

"I have to have his permission." The doctor said, and then walked into the room. A couple of minutes later, he came back. "Abby Venturi has permission." Abby smiled and walked calmly into the room before she ran towards her son and gave him a tight hug. She kissed his head a million times, and tears of joy fell down her face.

"Hey, Mom." He smiled, patting her arm.

"Derek! You're all right! You're all right. Thank the lord! I love you son, we're all worried."

"Thanks…" Derek changed the subject. "Where's Casey?"

Abby placed a hand on his leg. "She's not here."

"Why not? Didn't she want to see me?" He sounded hurt.

"She's gone insane, Derek."

"Insane? How? I mean, I knew she was always a little off but…" Her son gave her a small laugh.

"No, that's not it. She's gone completely insane. She thought that your father was you, and she's been having hallucinations. Honey, she thinks you're dead."

"But I'm not! Didn't you tell her that?"

"Yes, but she thought we were lying. Derek you have to come back, honey. You have to save your girlfriend."


Why does Derek have to be dead?? Casey desperately thought. She angrily shoved the covers off of the bed, and they landed in a heap on the floor. "WHY COULDN'T IT HAVE BEEN ME???" She screamed as she ripped open his cabinets and threw all of his clothes out. She fell down onto the ground and started to desperately cry. "Damn it...Damn it..."

I need something to calm me down. What did my father do? Oh, why think about your stupid father?? Think about...think about you mother! She drank! Where's the liquor in this god damn house? Casey got up and tripped down the stairs, half of her sock falling off in the process. She made it to the highest cabinet in the kitchen which she found filled with all different kinds of drinks. Thank the lord. She thought as she grabbed almost six bottles of Vodka and Rum as she brought them up to Derek's room.

She sat down at the opposite side of his bed and took a sip of the Vodka. This isn't that bad...I definitely feel better... Casey thought, and she took another drink, and another, and another. Maybe just one more... She thought, but then realized it was empty. She threw it down onto the floor, and it got a dent. She opened up another one.

"I'm sorry, Derek." She mumbled as she doused another huge gulp of Rum. "I'm sorry..."


Derek bolted up the stairs and he threw open the door to his room. It's good to be home... He thought. He started to walk in to find Casey, but then he stopped.

"What the hell?" He whispered, looking at the even worse mess that he called his room. All of his covers were off of his bed, and they were tangled up every which way. The cabinets of his dresser were opened all the way, and all of his clothes covered the desk and the floor. "What is this?" He asked, and then grabbed an empty bottle off of the floor. "Vodka?" He asked, and then he heard a groan. He followed the trail of alcohol (which made him freak even more) to the other side of his bed. There, he gasped. Leaning up against the side of his bed was Casey.

But she didn't look like Casey. One of her pant legs was rolled up while the other was straight. She was wearing on white sock that was pulled up all the way, and one dark green one that barely even covered her foot. Her shirt was halfway off, and it was backwards. Her hair looked like it hadn't even been washed in days. "Casey?" He asked, getting closer to the girl.

"Go 'way Marti…" She mumbled.

"Case?" He grabbed her chin and pulled her limp head towards his. He leaned down and gave her a small peck. How he missed those beautiful lips against his…

"Derek?" She asked, sounding as though she was afraid of her own voice.

"Hey, beautiful."

"Ohmygod." She smiled and then fell into his arms. "I'm sorry Der. I love you….I love you…" She said as Derek wrapped his arms around her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he pulled her onto his lap where she leaned into his chest.

"I love you too, Case."

"Derek?" She asked, and he looked down at her. "Are we dead?"

So how did you like the first chapter? I sort of rushed it I think, but Derek wanted OUT of that hospital….you know how much he HATES doctors

Review please! And no flames!


p.s. The more reviews, the faster I update!!! Hint! Hint!!!!!!!