Well hello all you Ducks fans! It's me Yuki-chan writing her first ever Mighty Ducks fan fic. I will try to not just write about my favorite Duck Nosedive but it's a habit I've been workin on for a while….. hope you like the first chapter anyways so enjoy!


Thursday at 7:30 am

"Woo-hoo!! I won the grand prize!" yelled Nosedive as he dashed into the kitchen of the Anaheim Pond. All the other Ducks looked up at their blond, teenaged teammate. Mallory showed only slight interest and soon dropped her eyes to a fashion magazine in front of her on the table. Duke looked up from his newspaper with laughter in his good eye. Tanya stopped tinkering with her latest great invention and Grin cracked one eye open from his yoga mat in the corner.

"Hey Wing, I entered an essay in this contest I saw in one of my comics and I won the first prize." he laughed as his big brother walked in and poured himself some coffee. Wildwing turned and looked at his brother and almost choked in his cup when he noticed the look on Mallory's face.

"You wrote an essay!? A FIRST PLACE essay!!??" asked Mallory incredulously, not even bothering to hide the open shock on her face. Nosedive just glared at her and turned up his beak at her rude remark.

"Actually Mallory, Nosedive got pretty decent grades back on Puckworld. Not FANTASTIC, but pretty good." said Wildwing as he noticed the slightly hurt look on his baby brother's face as he turned from her. With a sheepish look, she quickly buried her face in her magazine again.

"Yeah, well it was pretty easy. It was one of those "Who is your ideal hero?" ones. All I had to do was think about you bro and it sorta just…..flowed out." Nosedive said quietly.

"When one lives with a hero, the choice is always simple on whom their ideal hero would be." Grin intoned from his corner. They all looked at their karma-believing friend for a few silent moments and burst out laughing.

"Oh man, sorry Grinster. You just sounded like a total fortune cookie right then." laughed Nosedive as he wiped away a tear. Reaching for the opened letter in his brother's hand, Wildwing chuckled to himself as he silently agreed with Nosedive. Scanning the page, Wing read out loud to his friends the contents of the letter.

" Dear Mr. Flashblade,

We are pleased to inform you that you are the grand prize winner of the Ideal Hero contest. You and a friend or family member will fly to the beautiful snowy Alaskan wilderness for a six night/seven day stay at the Silver Snowflake Resort in Nome. During your stay in our luxurious suites, feel free to indulge in our fully equipped four-star kitchen and dinning room, exclusive spa, and pristine snowy slopes, perfect for skiing. Also included are free skate rentals for ice-skating and unlimited access to the wonderfully heated indoor pool. Please call the number below to book your trip as soon as possible.

Mr. Rimbauld

Owner and Manager"

"Well, what do you think?" Nosedive asked excitedly when he finished reading. Looking up into his bright eyes, Wildwing smiled.

"Who are you going to take?" he asked, knowing already what the answer would be.

"DUH!! You, big dummy." Nosedive replied, his voice dripping with teen sarcasm. The others rolled their eyes at the obvious choice he would make. Nosedive would never leave his brother's side. They even shared a room, even though Wildwing was nearing 22 and Nosedive had just turned 17. They had enough separation during their imprisonment in the camps on Puckworld which even after all this time, Nosedive still woke up often screaming from horrible nightmares and Wildwing refused to talk about.

"Of course. Well, we gotta let Phil know you and I are gonna be gone for a week, tell him to cancel or postpone any games and appearances, and settle a few other things. I don't think it would too much trouble to go as soon as Saturday morning." Wing murmured, counting off each duty on his fingers.

"ALRIGHT!!!! I'll start packing!" yelled Nosedive as he dashed out of the kitchen and tore up the stairs to his room.

" Heh heh. Man, watchin' the relationship between you and the kid kinda makes me wish I had brothers and sisters." chuckled Duke looking fondly at where Nosedive had disappeared and with a shake of his head, returned to his newspaper.

Saturday at 8:00 am

"Now boarding at Gate 11, Alaskan Airlines flight 143 to Nome. All passengers please report with all checked carry-on luggage to Gate 11. Thank you." called the voice over the intercom speakers. Tugging his duffle bag onto his slim shoulder, Nosedive scanned the busy airport for his brother.

"Fine time to go get a coffee and paper, bro." he mumbled with a third glance at his watch. When Wildwing finally walked up, Nosedive was about to go crazy with impatience

"LET'S GO Wing!!" he cried excitedly, tossing his brother his carry-on backpack. Grabbing his hand, they almost had to dash their way through the crowd to their gate. With tickets checked and luggage stowed in the overhead compartments the brothers settled into their seats for the four hour flight. Wildwing began to read some of the newspaper, a habit he picked up from Duke, and Nosedive took out his Gameboy.

About halfway through the trip Nosedive nudged his sleeping brother awake. Looking over sleepily at him Nosedive asked with worry in his eyes "Hey Wing? Is it true that wolves can attack and bring down a bear twice their size and weight?"

Sitting up with a confused look on his face, Wildwing's eyes then fell on the open "National Geographic" and "Travelers Guide to Alaskan Wilderness" on the fold out table on his brother's lap.

"Dive, there are fences and other stuff between us and the wilderness. Besides, wild animals are more scared of you than you would be of them. Don't work yourself up about that stuff. Think about it as a trip to Puckworld on Earth, the snow, the cold, and best of all, the ice skating." he said.

"Yeah but…" Nosedive started but Wildwing patted him on his shoulder.

"Just think about all the fun you'll have." he smiled and Dive felt some of the worry ease away with his brother's reassurance. Sitting back in their chairs the unsuspecting brothers had no idea on how much this trip would drastically change to a life or death battle with their very survival on the line.


Well alrighty then!!!! Now it's you, oh faithful readers and Duck fans, YOU who hold the fate of this entire fanfic in the clicky-thingies of your computer mice! YES! You get to decide if I should continue with the story or just lock myself in my room for a while and see if I can come up with something better…….

Yeeeaahhh……please take into consideration that it's my first MD fic and I have not seen an episode since about 1999. Thanks for all the reviews and constructive criticism!