this story sprung from my last should i continue? review please

I smiled at the man before me who was about to become my husband. He wasn't much to look at, he probably wasn't much in the bedroom either due to his age of course, but he had money and lots of it.

That's all a girl really needs isn't it? A nice wad of cash to buy shoes with and a man to keep feeding it to her. Of course some people say you need love but I think that's a load of crap. Sex maybe but love no. But alas when life gives you lemons you make lemonade and I was going to squeeze this geezer for all he was worth, which I might add according to the stock market was a lot.

I smiled sweetly at his children who were seated in the front row. They didn't seem particularly pleased that I was marrying their father. If I were to take a guess it would be because I was dipping into there inheritance. That or because I broke up his previous marriage.

Ya Vinny was married when I met him, but when you find a catch like this you start to over look little things like marriages. Hey I'm not dumb if he's still kicking 20 years from now my ass is grass, but I didn't sign no pre-nup so I'll get mine.

Ah yes back to Linda, what I prude that which was not to mention old. But hey they had a good run and I'm sure she got a lot of money out of this to. It wasn't like they were in love or anything because 1 at his age you had to stop loving and 2 nobody loved anymore. It was so passé, like last years Gucci shoes. Completely out of date.

Back to bag-a-bones over here, so I met him at a fancy dinner party, we flirted and I gave him my card. I would receive a call fifteen minutes after I left to meet him in his hotel room. We boned and the next thing I knew his hitting up my pager four times a week. He bought me everything I wanted and all I had to do was get him off on a regular basis. At first I felt like a whore, but a high class one ya know? He was still with Linda at the time but what did I care? Motherfucker was paying my rent. Which was why I was surprised when one day he ended his dream like conversations about running away with me and told me he was leaving her.

Here we are less than 4 months later, and I'm at the alter. Am I good or am I good?

Keeping with the theme of no hidden agenda I opted for a less then typical gown. It was white sure but it stopped just below my ass cheeks. I wanted everyone to know where this stood and I wanted to look hot as fuck doing so. I was getting married not dieing remember?

Anyways back to this hoax were calling a ceremony. "Can you get the GD point?" I yelled looking at the balding minister.

"Excuse her she's a little anxious." Vince said covering my mouth.

Stephanie lost it and burst out laughing in the front row. Your laughing now bitch, but who'll be laughing when you're all wrinkly. I was younger than her and Shane. Speaking of which, who totally wants to fuck me. And I'd let him to but that's just to close to home. If it doesn't work out with daddy maybe I'll take a crack at him. Watch out Ms. Mazola or you might have nothing but corn oil to cuddle at night.

I could feel her eyes on me as if she knew I was having vulgar thoughts about her husband and father of her child. Like a cat in heat she clung to him for dear life. Don't worry about him sweetheart I got bigger fish to fry.

"Pooky what's taking so long?" I whined. I always called him Pooky when I wanted something, that or daddy but that was only during sex it was some suppressed thing he had. Who was I to judge I was marrying the man for his millions after all.

"Patience." He whispered.

Easy for him to say, he didn't worry about something going wrong. To him this was merely another business deal. I was something to show off and fuck at his leisure. But to me it was different, this was my big ticket out of the life I lead and into the life I always thought I deserved. From trailer parks to caviar was my motto. White trash to class, if you will.

The priest began to speak again. "If any man has just cause why this to people should not be joined in holy matrimony speak now or forever hold you piece."

I crossed my fingers, my toes, my legs; I crossed my eyes for Christ sake, but to no avail. Because my hopes were crushed when I heard that voice.

"Mia don't do it…I'm in love with you."

Randy fucking Orton…I opened my eyes to see him standing there in the back of the church. Nope I hadn't imagined it he was really there fucking me over, just as real as fucking him last night was.

Ya I was having an affair so what? Shoot me. You can't blame a girl can you? I mean I was marrying spam and here was prime rib right in front of me for the taking. I seduced Randy after meeting him at Vince's work. I mean I wasn't into wrestling but you know this wrestling bodies they scream sex.

Anyway back to douche nozzle prince charming. So Vinny had this meeting and I was hanging around the office and in walks the most gorgeous creature I'd ever laid eyes on and that wasn't all I wanted to lay on him if you catch my drift. Vince left to take an important business call, which I knew meant that he was having an argument with his lawyers about the divorce. So I took advantage of the fact that he would be gone for a while, I rolled up my cocktail dress and fucked Orton right there on my fiancés desk. I loved the thrill and I had some of the best sex of my life.

I was bad news and he knew it. But he just couldn't stay away. We started seeing each other every Tuesday night when Vinny would go off to play cards with the high rollers. We'd bone and Randy would go on his marry way with promises of lunch dates sometime throughout the week. This agreement was working out wonderfully, that was until he told me he loved me on night after the longest most amazing orgasm of my life. I didn't just want to kick him out of my bed so I told him he shouldn't talk like that and fell asleep. But Orton's a persistent bastard I'll give him that and he would not let up. Begging and pleading for me to leave Vince and marry him. He even went so far as to try and get us caught, calling when he shouldn't have and showing up unexpectedly. I reminded him he'd loose his job and crush my future. I thought it had worked to but here we are.

"What's going on here?" Vince demanded.

"I've been sleeping with your fiancé." Randy spat.

Like the song says it's a nice day for a white wedding. Even though mine didn't start off on the best foot it had quickly turned into a black wedding.

I took one look and him and then Vinny before I passed out on the chancel steps.