Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers: Animated, the show, the characters, etc; nor do I own some of the characters in this fanfic. But, I do own other characters that you'll find in this fanfic.
"Spark 2 Spark."
Prolouge Pt. 01. --
"Into the Fire."
Charging into the palace of flames that had once served as my home, I went to save my eagle-bot. "I didn't sent all that time, working on that eagle-bot, just to have it burn to bits!" I said with a cough.

I somehow found it in the rumble, but it took a while to pull it loose. "Prime, just prime!" I had a habbit of saying 'prime', instead of 'purfect, or 'great'. When I finally pulled it out, I, Anastasia Elita One-neder (a.k.a. 'Airzor'), found myself trapped in a prison of fire & wreckage.

"Hello?!" I heard someone call out. "Is anyone here?" I gripped on my eagle-bot as the stranger's voice echoed throughtout the apartment building & their body came into view.

I didn't see them so well, but whoever it was, was HUGE! Everything after that was a blurr, except for the part where I looked up & saw the face of an angel.

The next morning...
When I awoke, I found myself laying in a hospital bed. "What happened?"

"Anastasia, you're awake?!"

I wanted to protest against her about that, but I couldn't give her a heartattack -- she was the only family I had left! My parents died in a car crash, I miss them so much! & my grandpa, he died of kidney failure. It ran throughout both sides of my family. Or, so I was told?!

Granny told me how most of her 'aunts, uncles, in-laws, & other relatives' died of kidney failure. Granny hated everything about the phase, & cursed it everytime she had to deal with it.

"I was so worried when you didn't answer my calls." my grandma was blind, so she often had find me by my voice. "When I heard someone named Optimus Prime had gotton you out, I was relieved."

At least I knew who my rescuer was now.

A few days later...
It was a week since the fire, I haven't seen nor heard from this 'Optimus Prime'. I'd thought I'd never see him again.

Then one day, I went shopping, & it happened! I parked my car, went in, bought everything on my list, & then came outside to find the lot in a complete mess & my car up in a tree. "Prime?!" I climbed on up, but I fell, as a branch I was climbing on, bent from my weight. My handbag dropped from my side, & onto the ground, by the feet of someone huge. "Excuse me; that's mine?!"

"Oh, here you go?!" he was a robot.

"Thanks." I then realized something: no way a 'normal' robot could talk; that freaked me. "Aaaaahhhhh!!!!!"

"Aaaaahhhhh!!!!!" we both screamed! 4 robots were lured by the sound of me & the green & silver robot, who looked like a chubby brute, screaming. One was yellow & black, & looked real young, even for a huge robot. One tall, gold, & black, & looked like a ninja. One was red & white, & reminded me of my grandpa. & the last one was red & blue, & looked very familier.

"Bulkhead?! Is everything...all right!?" That voice?! That face?! It was him!

"I'm not sure, Boss-bot?!"

"Well, my car's stuck in a tree, & I could use some help here getting it down. By the way, I'm Airazor! You're Optimus Prime, right?!" he nodded, & got it & me out of the tree. Later that day, we met again. After that, we met spent the day together, everyday. I was sure I felt, a link!

A few weeks after that day, Granny & I moved back home. I'm sure gonna miss him, but I know we'll meet again!

Disclaimer: Sami-SDGForce here!! Got u w/ a cliffhanger, huh?! Don't worry?! I'll let u know what happens next real soon!! Anyway, the parking lot scene was based on the 1 from "Blast From the Past." See u later?!