Disclaimer: I still do not own the Power Rangers. Some things will never change.

A/N: Here is my next one. Hope you like it.

Evil. It was in the air. The guardian of magic stood outside the monolith on the planet Phaedos, looking up at the sky. The sun was out and the sky was cloudless, but he couldn't shake the feeling of evil off him. The feeling seemed to surround him, pressing down on him. A warm, gentle breeze blew, but if felt as if an icy hand was running down his spine. He shivered, trying to figure out where the feeling was coming from. He turned and headed back into the monolith, the feeling following him as he went.

On earth, Dimitria stood in the power chamber, looking over the city of Angel Grove in her viewing globe. She too could sense the evil, and the feeling unnerved her. She could not find anything on the globe, but she could not shake the feeling that something big was coming. She turned from the viewing globe with a frustrated sigh. She walked over to the computer, pushing a few buttons to start a scan for any signs that something was not right.

Back on Pheados, Ninjor was standing outside the temple, also looking up to the sky. He felt the evil presence, but did not know where it was coming from. He turned as Zordon and Dulcea walked from the temple. He walked over to the two of them. "Something is wrong," he said. "I can feel evil in the air."

Zordon nodded at him. "We know," he said. "The elders of Eltar have asked that Dulcea and I journey there. The alliance of evil is planning something. They have selected a new leader and are just waiting to be called together. We are going to Eltar and find out what the forces of good must do to stop them."

Ninjor nodded. "If you need me to do anything," he said. "Just let me know. I'll do whatever I can to help."

Dulcea pulled him into a hug. "Keep yourself safe," she said. "I have a feeling that hard times are ahead for all of us."

Ninjor returned her hug, and then pulled back. "Don't worry," he said. "Have a good journey."

Zordon and Dulcea nodded at him and teleported off the planet, heading to Eltar.

Ninjor headed back into the temple, the sense of evil still heavy in the air.

On the distant planet of Mysteria stood a dark castle. Evil seemed to flow through this castle, seeping out into the kingdom surrounding it. This was where the new leader of the alliance of evil lived. She was currently in her throne room, looking out the windows over her kingdom. She was a tall, shapely woman. Her dark red dress showed her figure off to it's best advantage. She had long, dark hair that was taken back in a loose bun. Her face was beautiful, but there was a look of evil about it. She had dark blue eyes that seemed to shine with a constant evil light. She turned from the windows as the door to her throne room opened. She looked at the tall, broad shouldered man that entered, smiling at him. "All is ready," she asked as the man walked over to her.

The man nodded, his muscles rippling with every movement he made. "It is, your majesty," he said as he bowed at the waist before her. "I am just waiting for your word to begin."

The woman's smile grew broader. "Then, begin Alphonse," she said as he stood up straight. "The forces of good are starting to suspect something. We must move now, before they can do anything to stop us. You know what to do, so do it."

Alphonse bowed once again. "I will leave immediately, Queen Charlene," he said. "I will not fail you. Very soon, your prize will be in your hands, I promise." He stood straight and turned, heading out of the throne room.

Charlene watched him leave, then turned back to the windows. "Very soon, the forces of good will be crushed," she said softly. "Then the alliance of evil will take over the entire universe and I will be the supreme leader of all." She smiled wickedly and turned away from the windows, heading out of the throne room.

King Mondo stood on the balcony of his moon palace, in a foul mood. He had just built up his cog army once again and was ready to attack earth once again. But, the new leader of the alliance had told him not to attack just yet. She would let him know when the time was right. He turned from the balcony, storming through his palace and kicking anyone who got in his way.

Amanda walked into the youth center, looking down at the ground as she did so. She bumped into someone and looked up, her mouth opening to apologize. The words died in her throat as she found herself looking into the most handsome face she had ever seen.

The man before her gave her a warm smile. "I'm sorry," he said. "I wasn't watching where I was going. Are you all right?"

Amanda managed to nod, giving him a small smile in return. "I'm sorry as well," she said. "I wasn't paying attention. Please forgive me."

The man let out a little laugh. "No apologies necessary," he said. He held out his hand. "I'm Alphonse."

"Amanda," she said, shaking his hand. She let go and blushed slightly, not understanding why her heart was suddenly beating faster from his look. "Excuse me," she said, moving to go around him. "I'm meeting some friends in here today."

"Until we meet again, Amanda," Alphonse said, stepping aside and letting her enter the youth center. An evil light came into his eyes as he watched her walk into the center. "It will be sooner than you think," he said softly, an evil smile coming over his face. "Much sooner." He chuckled and turned around, exiting the youth center without another word.

Amanda entered the youth center, smiling as she saw her friends sitting at their table. She walked over and took a seat, leaning over and kissing Tommy lightly as he put his arm around her shoulders. "Hey guys," she said, leaning back against Tommy's shoulder. "What's new?"

Rocky shook his head. "We're just waiting for Kim to get through her gymnastics practice," he said, pointing out to the practice mats.

Amanda frowned and turned to watch Kim going through a difficult routine. She shook her head and turned around to look at the others. "She's supposed to be at the Marriott right now," she said. "Jason said they had a ten o'clock appointment to go over plans for the reception."

Tommy let his breath out slowly, shaking his head. "This is not good," he said. "This will make the fifth appointment she's going to miss. Jase is going to be upset."

Billy sighed and sat back in his chair. "Ever since Jason started construction at the ranch, Kim has been here, working on her gymnastics," he said. "It's like the wedding is the last thing on her mind."

Aisha felt the need to defend her friend. "This is important to her," she said. "She's getting ready to compete in the regional finals. She could have the chance to go to state if she wins this competition."

Amanda looked at Aisha, shaking his head. "Jason knows that this is important to her," she said. "But, she keeps making these appointments, telling him to be there, and then she doesn't show up. He's starting to wonder if she still wants to get married at all."

Tommy looked at Amanda. "I'm sure the wedding is still important to her," he said. "But, she's been training in gymnastics since she was three. She won't have another chance like this again."

"Is it really the competition," Adam asked. "Or, is she still upset with the people that Jason has hired to work at the camp?"

Amanda looked at Adam, anger clearly in her eyes. "There is nothing going on between Kat and Jason," she said, her voice clipped. "Or Jason and Nancy for that matter. They are his employees, as well as his friends, nothing more."

Tommy put a hand on Amanda's arm, making her look at him. "Jason has been really busy out at the ranch," he said. "Kim may feel left out at times. I'm not saying that Jason is starting to get interested in them, but they spend a lot more time with him than he does with Kim."

Amanda glared at him, moving her arm from his hand. She stood up, shaking her head. "I don't believe all of you," she said, anger making her voice quiver. "Jason is not cheating on Kim. Yes, he's busy with the camp, but he's always taking time out of his day to make it to these appointments. She's not even trying anymore." She turned and headed for the exit, not looking back at any of them.

Tommy got up to go after her, but stopped as his communicator beeped. He looked to the others and nodded towards the hall.

The others nodded and followed him out, finding a dark corner.

Tommy lifted the communicator to his lips, pressing the button. "Tommy here," he said. "What's going on, Dimitria?"

"Tommy, I need you and the other rangers in the power chamber," Dimitria's voice said over his communicator. "Please come at once."

"We'll be right there," he said, lowering his arm and looking towards Kim, who was still practicing.

Aisha put her hand on his arm. "I'll get her," she said. "Go ahead and we'll catch up."

Tommy gave her a small smile and nodded. He looked at the others. "Let's find a place we can teleport from without being seen," he said, leading them from the youth center.

Jason glanced at the clock in the office of the hotel manager. He sighed and stood up, looking at the man sitting at the desk before him. "I'm sorry," he said. "I guess she forgot about the appointment. Thanks for being patient."

The man stood up, holding out his hand. "Do you want me to keep the date open, Jason," he asked, as Jason shook his hand.

Jason nodded. "Please," he said. "I'll let you know if we can't use it. Thanks for your time." He turned and left the office, a slow anger beginning to build inside of him. He got into his car and left the hotel, heading back to his ranch. He needed to calm down before he talked to Kim. But, they would be talking this evening, he promised himself. He was going to get this straightened out, one way or the other.

Kim had just finished her routine when Aisha walked off. "What's up, 'Sha," she asked.

Aisha pointed to her communicator. "Dimitria wants us in the power chamber," she said softly. "We need to go."

Kim frowned and sighed. "All right," she said. "Let's go. I need to get back here quickly. I still need to work on my balance beam routine."

Aisha frowned, but kept silent as Kim picked up her gym bag and headed for the exit. She followed Kim, wondering what was going on with her friend.

The two of them found a quiet place outside and teleported to the power chamber.

Dimitria looked up as Kim and Aisha arrived in the power chamber. She turned to face all of the rangers. "Now that all of you are here," she began, "There is something that you need to know. The alliance of evil has selected a new leader. Her name is Queen Charlene. She is the ruler of the planet, Mysteria."

Tommy looked at the viewing globe as an image appeared in it. "How bad is she," he asked, studying her face.

"She makes Vile look like a beginner," Dimitria said. "She's totally ruthless. Anyone who falls into her hands is shown no mercy."

Tammy turned to look at Dimitria. "Has she tried anything yet," she asked.

Dimitria shook her head. "No," she said. "And that worries me. She is up to something, I just know it. I need all of you to keep an eye out for anything suspicious. I'll let Jason and Amanda know of this as well."

Tommy nodded, glancing at Kim who stood there with her arms crossed. He looked back to Dimitria. "Anything else," he asked.

Dimitria shook her head. "Nothing else, for now," she said. "Just let me know if you suspect anything, all right?"

Tommy nodded. "Let's get going, guys," he said to the others. "See you later, Dimitria."

Dimitria watched them go, frowning as they teleported out of the power chamber. She had seen the look of boredom on Kim's face and it upset her. She was beginning to think that she would have to replace the pink ranger if her attitude kept up.

Kat looked up from her desk as Jason came into the camp office building. She saw the anger in his eyes and frowned. She opened her mouth to say somehting, but stopped as Jason held up his hand.

"Not now, Kat," he said, going into his office and slamming the door behind him.

Nancy came out of her office, glancing at Kat with raised eyebrows.

Kat shrugged. "I don't know," she said. "But, he looked really upset about something."

Nancy shook her head, walking over to Kat's desk. "I wonder if Kim showed up," she said quietly.

Before Kat could say anything, Jason came out of his office. "I'm going to ride out and check the trails," he said. "I'll be back in a couple of hours." He walked out of the office building, leaving Kat and Nancy staring after him.

Kat looked up at Nancy. "She was a no show," she said. "He always goes riding when something happens between them."

Nancy shook her head. "I hope he calms down before he comes back here," she said. "I don't like to be around him when he's in a bad mood."

Kat nodded in agreement, then went back to the work she had been doing before Jason came in.

Nancy sighed and headed back into her office.

Amanda sat on the park bench, trying to calm down after leaving the youth center. She could not believe how the others were jumping to conclusions about Jason. She knew that he was not even remotely interested in Kat or Nancy. She let out an angry huff and got up, heading down the trail in the park. She needed a good walk to calm down.

Jason rode Smokey out over the trails, letting the peace and quiet of the ranch calm his anger. He headed for the river that ran across the back of his property. He was almost there when a woman's scream filled the air. He kicked Smokey's sides, sending the horse running forward towards where the scream came from.

The young woman in the woods stood in terror, not knowing what the metallic beings were in front of her. She screamed again, trying to back into the tree behind her as the beings approached her slowly.

Jason brought Smokey to a rump sliding halt as he saw the cogs moving in on the young woman. He jumped from the horse, landing on the ground and immediately launching himself into the air. He came down on the backs of several of the cogs, knocking them to the ground.

Jason rolled off them, coming to his feet and facing three cogs that turned to charge at him. He went into a spinning kick, his right leg lashing out. Two more cogs fell to the ground, sparks flying from them.

The last cog struck out at Jason, staggering past him as he ducked under the blow.

Jason spun on his left foot, his right leg connecting with the cogs back and sending it plunging into the river below them.

Jason slowly lowered his leg, turning to look at the young woman who was standing stiff in fear. He slowly walked over to her, careful not to make any sudden moves. "Are you all right," he asked softly.

The young woman looked at him, then fell forward into a faint.

Jason caught her before she could hit the ground. He turned her over gently to look at her face.

She was possibly the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her long hair was the color of a deer's coat, shining in the sun that came through the leaves of the trees above them.

Jason picked her up gently in his arms, walking over to Smokey. "Looks like you get to do some extra work, boy," he said softly, gripping the saddlehorn and putting his foot into one of the stirrups. He pulled himself into the saddle, careful not to drop the woman in his arms. He used his left arm to cradle her close to his body, taking the reins in his right hand. He turned Smokey and headed back towards the house, wondering who this woman was and just what she was doing out here.

A/N: That's all for this chapter. Let me know what you think. Thanks.