
A/N Hey guys this is my first fanfic ever so please review at the end. Constructive criticism is appeciated. This is an alternate universe, so I've made Kakashi a little younger so he's 26 while Sakura and her friends are 17/18.

"Sakura! Wait up!" A blonde haired girl in a purple outfit yelled down the hallway.

"Hurry up Ino, or we'll be late." Another girl, this time with impossibly pink hair and bright green eyes yelled back at her friend.

The blonde girl caught up with her friend and together they continued to walk towards the classroom. It was the first day of term for their final year of school. Yep, that's right, Ino and Sakura two of the coolest girls in school were now at the top of the school and ready to dominate.

"Hey Sakura have you heard anything about who's replacing Iruka-sensei?"

"Ino, how could I possibly know that? I'm not psychic…yet" A playful smile decorated the pink haired girls' lips as she said the last.

"Haha, well that's certainly true otherwise you would have figured out how to get Sasuke-kun to notice you already," Sakura aimed a deadly glare at the loud mouthed blonde walking with her, "but that's not the point, I just though maybe with your dad on the school board you might've heard something."

"Ino, my father is barely home enough to talk to me, let alone let slip some 'secret' information"

"Yeah I guess so."

As this conversation came to a close they arrived at the classroom, walked in and sat down to wait for their new study hall teacher to appear and hand out all start of year notices. As the two girls launched into a new conversation on the tiny size of the newest students, more people came in and sat around the two girls. A tall blonde spiky haired bloke with a huge grin and his arm around a small dark haired, pale eyed girl with a sweet face came and sat down on the other side of Sakura from Ino, with the dark haired girl sitting in his lap.

"Hey Naruto, Hi Hinata!"

"Hey Sakura-chan, Ino-chan!"

"Hello Sakura-chan, hi Ino-chan"

"Hey Naruto, hi Hinata. You haven't heard anything about Iruka-sensei's replacement have you Hinata? What with your father on the board and all. Sakura's father hasn't said anything about it to her."

"No sorry Ino, my father keeps information close to the chest. You know how he is."

The blonde boy holding her gave a shudder as he remembered meeting his girlfriend's father. The three girls just laughed. As the conversation continued, a serious looking boy with pale eyes and a strong family resemblance to Hinata sat down and a brunette girl with twin buns dropped herself into his lap to the accompaniment of a slight grunt, and these two were identified as Neji – Hinata's cousin - and his girlfriend Tenten. Five other boys sat down – Lee, green clad with a haircut, Shino, quiet and reserved with sunglasses, Kiba, loud and lovable with a small dog in his pocket, Shikamaru, his long spiky hairy pulled into a pony tail and Chouji, large, spiky haired and munching on a packet of chips.

"So anyone know anything about this replacement?" Ino asked

"Yeah, like why he hasn't showed up yet" Sakura added

"Maybe he's lost or something and we won't ever find him" Naruto added his two cents

"Naruto you baka! What a stupid comment! Shikamaru can hit for me please?" Ino pleaded

"Ugh, how troublesome" Shikamaru reached over and tapped Naruto on the head.

"Yes well we all know how troublesome Naruto is, don't we?" This came from a dark haired boy standing in front of three other students in the doorway of the classroom.

"Sasuke! That's not very nice... Oh well right now I don't care. Hey is that Gaara behind you? It is! Let them in Sasuke geez!" Naruto rambled on in his normal voice that is somewhat louder than the normal humans.

"Alright, alright. Sorry Gaara" The red-headed guy behind Sasuke stepped into the room, followed by a blonde haired girl and a larger boy with odd markings on his face. While all three were quite different they possessed some quality that labelled them all as related.

"It's alright Sasuke it was probably a good thing. You shielded me from Naruto's voice after all."

This set the whole group to laughing so hard, for it was so rare for Gaara to crack a joke, that they all missed the entrance of their replacement study hall teacher.

"Unless someone is willing to let me in on the joke, would you all please quieten down?"

This was uttered with a barely raised voice from the front of the classroom, but it carried to every single person in the room, and every head swivelled to the front to appraise their new teacher.

The young man standing there was definitely not what any of them had expected. Quite tall, with an obviously well toned and muscled body not quite being hidden by the clothes he was wearing, he possessed an air of total control but also of lack of interest. His gravity defying silver hair was definitely a quirky characteristic but that had nothing on the mask that covered the bottom half of his face.

"Right, my name's Kakashi, and I will be your study hall teacher for this year. Now, Iruka has informed me that you are a reasonably well behaved bunch of individuals just with the usual teenage quirks…that's fine with me. I'm not a strict teacher by any means but I do expect respect from you and that you do the right thing. So don't push things and we'll all get along splendidly. Now I should probably check that you're all here"

"Kakashi-sensei, no offence, but you're so on earth can you be a teacher?" This came from Kiba where he sat petting his dog.

"Well I'm actually not so young, but you're right I am younger than most teachers…I'm only 26, however this is because I excelled at my courses and passed earlier than normal. Now if that answers your question, I'll call the roll."

Kakashi pulled out a list of the students and began to call out names randomly,

"Shikamaru Nara"


"Hinata Hyuga"


"Neji Hyuga"


"Choji Akimichi"


"Ino Yamanaka"


"Tenten….uh? Last name?"

"Haha sorry Kakashi-sensei…I don't have a last name that I know of"

"Oh, ok. Kiba Inuzuka"


"Uh, Gaara"





"Am here"

"Sasuke Uchiha"


"Rock Lee"

"I am here sir!"

"Uh sure, Shino Aburame"


"Sai…oh another no last name…"

"Here" This came from the classroom door where a pale, dark haired boy stood

"Hello Sai, I'm Kakashi and I'd appreciate if you were on time to my class in the future"

"Yes sir"

"Right, take a seat. Naruto Uzumaki"


"Ok and Sakura Haruno"

"Here sir"

Kakashi looked up at the last and locked his mismatched eyes with the bright green eyes of the student he had just read out – Sakura Haruno. Those great green eyes, he noticed were set into a beautiful, but strong face, with intelligence sparkling in them. But he also noticed the quirk her lovely full lips held that told him here was a girl that liked mischief and fun.

"Wow. I'll have to watch myself around that one. She's stunning but could be dangerous as well I think. Hrmm."

Across the room, Sakura noticed the thoughtful look on her teachers handsome – what could be seen of it – face, and her mouth twitched up into a mischievous smirk.

"Oh yeah," she thought to herself, "I think I'm gonna like this new teacher."

A/N Thanks for reading, please do review, just press the little blue box over there ----- Thanks