A/N: Okay, this is my second oneshot and it has to do with Rufs Shinra. I do hope this is an only of it's kind... I've been thinking about it all day today and finally typed it up! YAY! I hope people like this! XD LOVE YA!!! And please review XD

Disclaimer: I don't own Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, nor do I own the characters. Get off my back...


It was back again, that immense pain in his arm, that stretched from the base of his neck to his hand. The Geostigma made his entire body agonize, when he was simply trying to re cooperate from the fatal explosion of the Shinra building. He winced, simply moving was agonizing in itself. There had to be a cure for this illness, there just had to be. If there wasn't, he wouldn't know how to deal. Perhaps it was Karma getting back at him 3 fold for trying to dominate something that couldn't be tamed? And the children, why them? They had the stigma too, but had done nothing wrong. He grasped his arm tightly, hissing from the constant unending pain. Never, would he allow his Turks to see him like this.

Rufus Shinra was that kind of person. Never, could he let his demeanor weaver for an instant, forcing to place the eternal, stern mask of stoicism over his whithering body. Attempting to heal the already internal wounds, but becoming that much more unfortunate from cause of the Geostigma. Today was not his day. Not in the least. The agony was more frequent than before, could it be a sign of something? The day before this reoccurring agony, Rufus swore he saw his eyes flash that undeniably haunting, teal green identical to that of Sephiroth. He couldn't stop it any longer. The agony was too dominant over his body.

Blood soaked from the wound, sore on his arm, through the 2 layers of clothing he wore. Teal green eyes haunted himself, staring through the mirror back at their owner. Blood coated his hand, dripping furiously from the open sores down his arm. He collapsed from his wheelchair, onto hands and knees, still gripping his right arm in the process. Desperate to end the pain some way. Rufus could feel himself blacking out, every fiber in his body told him to give into the blackness. Agony forced himself down even lower, to his elbows and rolled onto his side, gasping out and laboring breath every second that passed.

"Go away..." Rufus muttered to the uncontrollable pain, before finally blacking out and giving into sweet, unmerciful darkness free of any sort of pain and Geostigma for the time being.