It was cold today, Winter had been a harsh mistress this year, bringing heavy snow and ice that coated the ground like a well formed blanket. One had to bundle up quite a bit, just to gain any form of warmth. The cold didn't bother him though. He enjoyed it more than Summer, he didn't like being hot, he couldn't stand anything that related to fire. It only brought back the painful memories of Seimei's death to his mind. The sound of snow being crushed under his footsteps carried quite a bit and once in awhile it caused a faint twitch to come from the smooth, black cat ears resting ontop of his head. The long, sleek black tail swaying behind him as he walked. Symbols that he was still a virigin unlike quite a few of his classmates. He had left early today, not wanting to provoke his mother after the harsh beating she had dealt out last night. He was lucky to be alive, and thought about staying home to avoid any unnecessary worry from his friends, but he didn't want to be home with her, not with the chance of her bursting into another one of her. As the soft flutters of snowflakes fell around his small, slender frame a chilling breeze passed over him as it shifted his clothing a bit as he stopped walking. A pair of pale, pink lips parted as a small pink tongue came out to lick a snowflake that had fallen on his bottom lip away before retracting back into his mouth.


Was the only word muttered before they closed and a set of long, dark silk lashes slowly lifted to reveal eyes of a brillant deep purple, almost exotic in nature, how they added beauty to his face, which was constructed almost like an angelic doll. Creamy, ivory colored skin that looked smooth to the touch was brushed against by strands of dark silk that was in somewhat of an uneven cut, but was still beautiful nonetheless. A white bandaged rested beneath his left eye as he lifted his head glancing up at the pale grey sky overhead.His tail still swaying behind him as he lowered his head and continued to walk. His slender frame, connected togeather with delicate curves was being show off today, but in truth Ritsuka never put much thought into getting dressed unless he wanted to hide the scars upon his body. A black turtleneck it seemed with somewhat of a wide collar to it and a dark grey vest adorned his upper frame as a pair of dark colored jeans outlined his slender legs showing off the beautiful shape of this small boy. Yes, despite his youth, he was already so beautiful. It made some wonder often what he would look like when he hit his prime. Ritsuka's hands were bandaged as well and it seemed his neck shared the same visible a bit beneath the turtleneck. As he came closer to the school, he noticed that not many students had arrived yet. It was early after all. He then glanced down as he lifted the white cellphone that hung around his neck by a string and he starred at it as he walked. Soubi had given this to him a year ago, so the two of them could stay in contact, and Ritsuka often found himself starring at it. Why? His eyes narrowed at the thought as he let it drop back down against his chest and closed his eyes in irratation.


He murmered to himself. He was upset with Soubi at the moment. The other had ignored him for a whole week. He had called and left messages, but got no response and when Soubi finally called him last night, he was too exhausted to reply and at this point refused to. He knew it was childish of him, but for some reason he felt that Soubi deserved it. He had been left alone to tend to his wounds without any sort of comfort or warmth, it was painful. As Ritsuka walked into the courtyard , the hurried footsteps of another through the snow could be heard.

"Riiiiiitsu -kun!"

A high pitched, female voice, that caused Ritsuka's ears to cringe a bit as he glanced up at the tall girl coming toward him, her deep pink colored hair bouncing about her face among other things as she stopped and smiled brightly at him raising her hand in a wave.

"Good morning Ritsu -kun! How are you?"

She asked as Ritsuka turned his head glancing to the side, he had to mentally prepare himself for a moment, so that his friend wouldn't worry about the state of his exhausted form, a small smile forced itself upon his pale lips as he turned his head back to glance up at her.

"Eh, good morning ...I'm alright. Just a bit tired."

He said , but it was too late, Yuiko was already branding that worried look on her soft features and Ritsuka's eyes narrowed a bit in annoyance at that. He didn't want her to start asking him a million questions about what had happened to him. He'd rather have kept it to himself for now.

"...Why are you looking at me like that Yuiko -chan?"

"...What happened to Ritsu -kun...? Why is he all bandaged up like that?"

Ritsuka's fingertips twitched and tightened on the strap of his bag, not realizing when he had come to grasp it. He then turned his head away from her again and moved walking pass her as he closed his eyes.

"Thats none of your concern, don't ask stupid questions, you know I hate that."

He said as Yuiko's ears lowered against her head as she starred at Ritsuka's back. That was one thing that seem to hurt her the most, Ritsuka never told her anything. He always kept things to himself. He carried a burden on his own. Yuiko then slowly began to follow after Ritsuka, knowing she had upset the other, but she really was worried about him. Ritsuka was so small and frail it seemed, he could break and Yuiko didn't think she could handle that. Seeing the strong Ritsuka she knew, broken like a doll. As the day dragged on from that point, Ritsuka found himself drifting in and out of random thoughts. His cheek rested in the palm of his hand as Sensei taught something to the class, and his dark purple orbs wandered to the window as he starred out at the falling snow, it almost reflecting in his eyes as his ears twitched faintly.

'Seimei...its been a year now ...and I have yet to find a way to bring the real Ritsuka back ...even though...I have become quite comfortable with staying in this place for a bit, but last night...last night mother got really angry and I feared she had the intention of killing this what will happen from now on? Even Soubi is beginning to disappear from that I've accepted this it going to start falling apart beneath my feet?'

Ritsuka's thoughts offered a distracted look on his face, that Yuiko took notice too and lowered her eyes as she bit her bottom lip alittle. Ritsuka was started from his thoughts however as his eyes wided seeing a familiar face suddenly starring at him from the school gates. His head lifted from his hand a bit as his pale lips parted.


Ritsuka found himself starring into eyes that equally held as much beauty as his own. Hidden behind a pair of thin framed glasses that rested upon and angelic face, coated with ivory flesh as strands of sandy brown fell about and shifted on his face. Soubit was dressed fairly casual today. A long, black overcoat and a pair of lightly colored jeans as he starred at Ritsuka with a look of concern and confusion. Ritsuka turned his gaze away as he scowled a bit. He knew that Soubi would show up eventually wondering why he hadn't answered him. The other probably had some excuse for why he had ignored him for a week, but right now Ritsuka didn't want to hear it. Soubi noticing that Ritsuka had looked away , had resigned himself to lean back against the wall and wait until school let out, what other choice did he have? He reached in his pocket as he pulled out a carton of cigerettes and he put one between his pale lips as he lit it up and took a puff of smoke in before he allowed it to come out taking form in the cold air as he glanced up and smiled faintly.

'Ritsuka angry with me ...but I had no other choice... inorder to make this time perfect... I had to make sure he experienced what it was like to be without me. He doesn't realize how painful it was for me during that week, but tonight, I will make it up to him.'

Soubi thought to himself as he closed his eyes. Soon enough school let out and Ritsuka was ready to just drop on his feet. He wanted to go home and sleep, to make up for what he had lost the night before. As he approached the gate, Yuiko talking his ear off, he watched as Soubi turned to face him and he tilted his head planting the warm smile upon his lips that Ritsuka hated. Soubi closed his eyes as he raised his hand in a waving gesture.

"Hello, Ritsuka -kun."

Ritsuka stopped as he stood a bit of a distance from the other, and Yuiko turned her attention to Soubi as she smiled.

"Soubi -kun! I haven't seen you in awhile! Where have you been??"

Yuiko began to question the other, but when Ritsuka kept his head down and didn't react to Soubi, he instantly became worried. Usually he expected a scolding or ...something, but there was nothing as a faint twitch came from Ritsuka's ears and he suddenly began to walk again as he passed the two of them, Soubi watched as Ritsuka made his way down the sidewalk and he was just struggling to keep himself awake, the cold air wasn't helping as Soubi eventually caught up with him and he walked beside the other as he glanced down at him.

"..Ritsuka -kun?"

Ritsuka glanced at Soubi from beneath of his bangs and his eyes narrowed a bit.

"Go home Soubi."

He said quietly as Soubi bit his lower lip a bit and then glanced forward.

"Is that an order?"


Ritsuka said as he continued to walk , while Soubi stopped, starring at the other's slender back as he narrowed his eyes faintly. He then turned as he walked the opposite direction, a shadow fell across Ritsuka's eyes as he continued on his way home. Later that evening, Ritsuka hadn't bothered to eat dinner, he still wanted to avoid his mother as he layed on his bed, curled into a ball slightly, It didn't take long for him to begin to drift off into sleep. Faint breaths escaped between his pale lips as he buried his face into the pillow. A tall, slender siloutte appeared in the window as the door was slid open and Soubi's frame walked in as he saw Ritsuka laying on the bed. He glanced at the desk noticing the first aid kit was out and his eyes narrowed a bit more, he didn't understand why Ritsuka wouldn't let him deal with the woman, she was obviously insane to cause such pain to Ritsuka, but Ritsuka was against it. Soubi walked over to the bed as the mattress shifted under his weight and a gentle fingertip came to push Ritsuka's bangs back as Soubi starred down at him.

'Ritsuka -kun so beautiful ...I..I want to be the one...'

Soubi thought as he glanced up at Ritsuka's ears as he reached out his hand and gently stroked one as Ritsuka stirred faintly and Soubi pulled his hand back as he stood up alittle quickly.


The mutter escaped Ritsuka as Soubi's eyes wided a bit and he glanced down at the small sacrifice as a smile slowly pulled onto his lips and he turned as he leaned down, using one hand to support himself as he gently lifted Ritsuka's chin and pressed his lips against the others in a passionate kiss that seem to last for a few moments, before he pulled back seeing the faint flush left on Ritsuka's cheeks as the boy continued to sleep and a shadow fell over Soubi's eyes as his smile remained.

"Ritsuka, I love you."

Were Soubi's words beore he disappeared from the room, the curtain was left flapping in the cool winter breeze as Ritsuka smiled faintly and snuggled up under Soubi's jacket that he had settled over the other. Soubi smiled as he made his way home, slipping his hands into his pockets as he gazed up at the cluded sky overhead.

'Seimei...I know it was an order to stay with Ritsuka...but I don't think...even if you canceled it ...I would be able to obey...I want to be the one to run my hands over that small, slender taste those lush lips over and over, and hear his soft moans...I want to be Ritsuka's take his ears..'

Soubi thought to himself as he smiled touching his fingertips to his lips. Little did Ritsuka or Soubi know, that soon both of their lives would change and the events that would follow would test their bond , pushing both of them to the limit.