Welcome to another fic, brought to you by none other than Chase Nirvs! This is the story that I have been waiting for ever since I started Chase the Eevee Master. I that you'll enjoy it as much as I have fun writing it. Enough with the pleasantries, ONTO THE FIC!

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon, I won't own Pokémon. But I do own this story line and everything that isn't from the series.

" " - talking; Italics – thinking; ' ' - speaking telepathically

Xxxxxx - break in day or event; Xxxxxxxxxxxx - change of days


In the middle of the ocean, a ship was making steady progress from the Hoenn region to the Johto region. It was a week before all the leagues opened up for the new season to begin. And all trainers were waiting anxiously for the beginning of the coming season. While all other trainers were sleeping in their cabins, one trainer snuck out and made his way to the railing. He watched as the glow from the stars above light up the sky.

Johto. The next frontier. Maybe I'll find more answers concerning Neo Team Rocket and my parents. He looked down at the pendant that he was wearing around his neck. On the pendant, there were six stones, each representing one of his pokémon. However, it wasn't the stones that he was looking at this moment. He opened the pendant and saw a picture of himself and a young girl. He couldn't help but smile as he looked at the picture.

"Chase," a voice called from behind the boy. He turned around to see a young girl who was right behind him. It was the same girl from his picture in his pendant. "What are you doing out here so late? You should be back inside resting up for our landing tomorrow."

"I'm sorry Leta. I just couldn't sleep," Chase said, as he walked toward Leta. "And finally landing in Johto tomorrow isn't helping the fact that I can't sleep much either because I'm so excited to be moving on this journey." Chase took Leta's hand. "And as long as we're both up, why don't we go up to the bow of the ship?" he asked, as he led her to the front of the ship.

After making their way to the front of the ship, the two looked out over the ocean. "See that glow off the horizon?" Chase asked, pointing to the faint glow. Leta strained to see it, and nodded her head. "That glow is the beginning of a bright new adventure for us." He stood behind her while having his arms wrapped around her waist. "I'm glad you're here," he whispered.

"Why?" Leta asked, slightly taken aback.

"Because I couldn't imagine how it would be differently," Chase said. "I probably would have been somewhere else, wherever that crate I was in was supposed to go. I'm just really glad that it turned out this way."

"I'm glad too," Leta said, twisting around in Chase's arms. When she turned to face him, she smiled at him, and then started to laugh. She caught the surprised look on Chase's face.

Chase followed her outstretched arm to see what she was pointing at. Up on a balcony, he saw Adam and Megan spying on them. "Sorry guys," Chase yelled up to them, laughing, "but this bow is already taken! You can have it tomorrow night!"

"Chaaaase," Leta whispered.

"Yes?" Chase said, turning back to Leta. She didn't say anything. Nor did he. Slowly, their lips were inching closer together. But right as they were about to kiss, a gust of wind blew across the bow, and Leta shivered. "Cold?"

"Kind of," Leta said.

"Let's get back to our cabin then and warm back up," Chase said, starting to led the way back to the cabin.

"Okay," Leta said, following closely behind.


Around mid morning, the ship had docked at the Olivine City dock. Chase, Leta, Adam, and Megan made their way off the ship to say their goodbyes. After saying bye to his sister, Adam pulled Chase off to the side. "Now you know what I'm going to say, right?"

"Something along the lines of 'take care of her, or I'll come back and take care of you', am I right?" Chase asked.

"Yup! And as long as you understand me, we'll have no problems," Adam laughed.

"Don't worry 'bout a thing," Chase said. "But you two need to get back on the ship before it leaves for Kanto and the Islands."

"Oh? Trying to get rid of us already?!" Megan asked teasingly.

"No, that's not it!" Leta jumped in. "We just don't want you two to miss the boat. Now, back onto the boat with you two," she said, trying to push Megan back towards the ship.

"I don't see the big . . ." Adam started to say.

"ALL ABOARD FOR KANTO AND THE ISLANDS!" a voice over the public announcement system said. "LAST CALL!"

"There's your rush," Chase said, as he watched Adam and Megan walk back up the bridge onto the ship.

"Ten bucks he yells something back as the ship leaves," Leta said.

"Ten says he doesn't," Chase countered.

The ship started to pull away, when Adam suddenly yelled, "TAKE CARE OF HER, CHASE!"

"I do believe you owe me ten bucks now," Leta said, extending her hand, waiting for the money.

"Can't I just buy you lunch instead?" Chase whined.

"I guess so," Leta sighed. She was already looking for a nice restaurant to get her money's worth.


After lunch, Chase and Leta went to the Pokémon Center in Olivine to rest up their pokémon before continuing to New Bark. As they waited for their pokémon to be returned, a man in a white lab suit walked up to them. "New comers to Johto?" the man asked.

"Yes sir," Chase said. "I am Chase Nirvs from Pallet town in Kanto," he said as he shook hands with the man.

"And I am Leta Masters from Littleroot Town in Hoenn," Leta said, introducing herself.

"My name is Prof Elm. You don't happen to know Prof Oak, do you Chase?" Elm asked.

"Well I should! I lived with the professor for like two years!" Chase exclaimed.

"Why don't you two come with me to my lab back in New Bark Town," Elm offered. "I'm sure Oak would like to know that you made it here safely."

"Sure we'll come!" Leta said. "Just let us get our pokémon back first."

"Great. I got a van outside," Elm said, as he left the center.

"You think that we should start from New Bark?" Leta asked.

"Why not? That's most trainers start from in this region," Chase said.

"Here are your pokémon," Nurse Joy said, handing them their pokémon back. "Have fun while you're here in Johto!"

"Kay! Thanks!" Chase and Leta said while leaving the center to go find Elm. They found his van close by and got in with Elm to head to New Bark.


As the van pulled up to the lab in New Bark, a man and woman ran out of the lab and up to the van. "Professor," the man panted heavily. "A Cyndaquil and Chikorita have been stolen from the lab this morning!"

"We saw a young boy and girl jump through the back window when we tried to stop them," the woman said, panting just as hard.

"All that's left is the Totodile then," Elm said.

"You said they took off out back?" Chase asked, jumping out of the van and running behind the lab.

"Yeah but . . ," the man said, after Chase disappeared behind the lab. The man turned to Elm. "The two kids looked a little familiar though. Like JR and Missy."

"JR AND MISSY?!" Elm yelled. "Those two aren't suppose to be here until the day the league starts up."

"Uh, excuse me," Leta said. "Do you have a picture of these two kids, JR and Missy?"

"Actually, I do," the man said, pulling out a photo and handing it to Leta.

"Thanks! We'll be back soon!" Leta said, running off in the same direction as Chase did a moment before. I wonder how strong a Cyndaquil and Chikarita is.


One boy, one girl, a Cyndaquil, and a Chikarita. Yup, that's them, Chase thought as he spied on two kids playing near a pond with the stolen pokémon from behind a tree. Funny, they don't look like pokémon thieves. They look like they've already made their decision and just couldn't wait to get them. Well, let's see how they like this, he thought, as he looked at Shadow, his red ringed Umbreon, and a pokéball that held an Espeon, Sunny.

Chase walked out from behind the tree, having already released Sunny, and walked to the pond like nothing was out of the norm. As soon as the two kids saw him, they both jumped up and took a defensive stance. Chase saw this, and laughed under his breath. "You think that's gonna scare me kids?"

"No, but this should. EMBER!" the boy yelled, as the Cyndaquil launched a small fire attack in Shadow's direction, who dodged without a problem.

"Not bad for a starter like yourself kid, but try this. Quick Attack, Shadow!" Chase commanded. Shadow accelerated to an amazing blur and knocked the little fire pokémon into a tree, knocking it out on contact.

"You can't do that! Razor Leaf, Chikarita!" the girl yelled. Small razor sharp leaves flew in the direction of Sunny. All Sunny did was sit there, until the last possible second, then her eyes glowed brightly, as the leaves all froze, then fall to the ground. "NO WAY!"

"And now, use Swift, Sunny!" Chase commanded, as star shaped rays shot out of Sunny's mouth and hit the grass pokémon right on. The attack knocked the Chikarita off it's feet, but it recovered quickly. "Want more do you?"

The girl tightened her fists. "Chikarita, tac…"

"STOP!" a girl's voice yelled from the forest.

"I know that voice, it's Leta," Chase said. The girl stopped her command to see another person emerge from the forest.

"You must be the two kids who stole those pokémon," Leta said sternly at the kids. "Those pokémon don't belong to you two. Now, give them up."

"No way!" the boy said. "This is the Cyndaquil that I was choosing when I go to select which pokémon I want."

"And the same for this Chikarita," the girl said.

"We didn't mean to steal them. We just wanted to get some time to get to know the pokémon before we got them for real," the boy said.

"Yeah, we were going to return them later this afternoon," the girl said.

"Why don't we go back to lab and explain to the professor what happened?" Chase asked the kids. "I'm sure he'd understand."

"You think so?" the two kids asked.

"Don't see why not, JR and Missy," Leta said.

"How do you know our names?" the boy, JR, asked.

"Oh, the professor kind of yelled your names out," Leta said.

"And how do you know that that's really us?" the girl, Missy asked.

"Well, other than that those pokémon are still Elm's property, you admitting so, and this," Leta said, holding up a photograph of the two kids.

"Busted," Chase laughed.


Not really much to say I guess, other than it'll get really interesting in a few chapters. chuckles evilly to self

So you know the drill, you read it, now review! It's only the polite thing to do. Plus it lets me know what I need to do to write better.

So, until next time………