Accidents happen

A/N: Hey there. I'm not normally one to write yaoi stuff but…well, I thought I'd give it a shot. I hope no one's used this idea; I didn't really have time to check if they did. If anyone has, I apologize in advance. Out of all the pairs I've seen I love Remus/Sirius. Most the stories I see are fluffy but this one has a bit of a different take. Whether it's fluffy or not is somethin' you'll have to decide as you read I'll tell you right now, it has it's moments but then… er, it has his not moments. Now look, let's get one thing straight before you read, if you hate the pairing, hey, whatevers, fine with me. Don't flame me just 'cuz you don't like the couple. I don't want to get reviews saying 'hey they're not gay because, blah, blah, blah, bling, bling, bling, blah' whatever your reasoning is. That's your opinion and I'm totally ok with that, but I DO NOT, want to see it on my fic review page. If you're gonna flame me, do it because I depicted a character wrong or my plot is stupid, not 'cuz the pairing, kay? That's all I ask. The pairing doesn't interest me, I want to know if I'm (as an author) doing anything wrong. If I am, flame the hell outta me, you know? OR, you can take the highroad and instead of screaming at me, give me some CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. I'd appreciate that a lot more. This story takes place while their still in Hogwarts and if there are any specific things that go on in the story you don't understand or just wanna talk about please don't hesitate to ask me about it. Well, that's about all I have to say right now so, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I am not J.K Rolling thereby I don't own Hogwarts or any of the characters you all know and love, however, I may make up a few of my own along the way and come up with some other stuff to so if you don't recognize it then it's probably mine, though, if you want I'll tell you exactly what's what, I mean, if it really bothers you or something (although I can't see why it would, I mean, it is called fanfiction after all).

Chapter 1

The sun rose high over Hogwarts and shone in nearly every window, signaling the start of a new day. As the creatures in the Forbidden forest as well as the students of Hogwarts began to stir, one did not. The sun was actually quite easy to ignore, a pillow bashing you over the head however, wasn't so much as Remus Lupin found out.

"Moony, wake up!" James' voice all but broke his eardrums as it rang in his head. Though his eyes were still closed, he could tell that James had moved away for the moment.

Remus groaned and pulled the abandoned pillow over his head "Go…away…"

"Ah come on Rem! You'll want to be awake for this! We gotta get to the Great Hall!" James said excitedly.

Unable to get back to the wonderful sleep he was just in; Remus forced his eyes open and sat up grumpily "Why? You gonna get an award for being the school's biggest prat?"

He was a bit crankier then he normally would be in the morning, seeing as last night had harbored the full moon. He was just too tired and too sore to care what words came out his mouth today. Being a werewolf had more then it's fair share of downsides. Last night he might have looked about his age (as a werewolf, he's always looked older then he actually was with tired lines on his face and his hair flickering between its natural tawny and gray) but now he looked so worn he seemed to have aged at least 6 years.

He winced as he moved; his body still held painful reminders of the previous night and protested against all movement. Still, Remus ignored the pain and merely rubbed the soreness he felt in his arms as he began to fully wake up.

A bark of laughter met his last comment from his left. Sirius sat on his bed apparently just woken up by James to "Good one Moony."

James frowned at his 'friends'. "No." he said flatly "Today is the day Lily Evans will finally fall for my charms! As you know, she's been in a bit of denial state for a while now, but today…" he trailed off at that, grin once more on his face.

"Really? And counting now, how many 'today's is that?" Remus muttered as he rummaged around his trunk, gathering his cloths together. He was really sore this morning.

This to earned a laugh from Sirius but James was impassive to this comment and smiled "Aha! But today's different. This time, I've got a secrete weapon…it's Valentines Day!" he finished triumphantly.

Peter looked at their leader confusedly "So?"

James grinned "So?! So no girl wants to be alone on Valentines Day right? Well, that, combined with what I've got for her in the Great Hall, there's no why she'll resist me any more.

Remus rolled his eyes and got his things for the showers then went off, not wanting to hear about another one of his 'fool proof' plans to get Lily Evans.


Once they had all washed and dressed themselves, the four Marauders went down to the Great Hall for breakfast and as they went, James' surprise turned into a bit of a guessing game.

"Um…you…uh, got her a life time supply of…ahh…perfume or something?" Sirius guessed.

James shook his head, a grin that seemed glued to his face "Nope!"

"You…spiked her pumpkin juice with a love potion?" Peter suggested.

For the first time James frowned, looking disgusted with the very idea "No! That's low and underhanded…I want Lily to like me on her own, thank you very much! And I'm not a coward enough to drug her into it. What would that say about my honor?"

Remus did not take part in the little game however; he was too preoccupied with the aches of the night before. This happened every morning once a month, his own little 'period' as James and Sirius put it. He checked out the damage he did to himself in the shower to see how bad it was. It appeared that last night he'd tried to rip his leg off so he had a terrible limp as he walked and his arms were really hurting, though he couldn't remember why. It was always fuzzy when he tried to think about what he'd done. As they went down the stairs it didn't seem too bad until he almost fell down the last ones. Luckily, his friends were there to grab his robes and keep him up as he muttered angrily about the moon.

Peter smiled slightly "Don't worry Remus! Once we've got the Animagus thing worked out-"

"Shh!" Sirius hissed; cutting him off as a group of Ravenclaws went by. They paused to look at the four (three of which were still holding Remus by his robes) curiously but didn't seem to have heard what Peter had almost said.

"Gotta be careful Pete! Don't wanna get caught do we?" He said as they passed, causing Peter to go slightly pink in the face.

"Ow…maybe I should go see Madam Pomfrey for this…" Remus muttered as he rubbed his leg.

"Ah Moony, can't it wait till after breakfast? You'll miss it if you go!" James said imploringly.

Remus sighed but continued downstairs for his friend's sake. "He probably wants us there just in case she still rejects him after this to take the attention away from him." He thought as they walked in the Hall.

Lily Evans was an unusual person. It seemed the harder James tried to impress and charm her, the more she was almost repulsed by him and yet, when he was down and out she seemed to pity him and…almost sort of care about him. Very strange. She was also an uncommonly kind person to everyone, even Snape! Although no one really knew why she was, considering how popular she is, but that didn't really matter now. As they made their way past the Slytherin table they got the normal treatment. Sneers and angry whispers, which they'd learned to ignore. Severus Snape and his friends, who were almost as dark as he, had this hating thing going for Marauders that was completely mutual. Still, they really had it for James for one reason or another.

The Marauders sat at their usual spot at the end of the Gryffindor table with Peter and Sirius on the outside, Peter next to Remus and Sirius next to James. James looked to the other end of the table where a girl with red hair chatted happily with her friends as they ate.

He sighed as watched her and propped his head against his hand "Beautiful…"

The others knew better then to talk to him by now and went to eating the bountiful breakfast they had in front of them. As Peter reached over Remus for a muffin he caught a glance at his badly bruised arm.

He winced, "Ack…that must really hurt." he said cautiously, not wanting to offend.

Remus shrugged "No one said being a werewolf was gonna be easy." Everyone was talking so loudly and paying no attention to them, they were free to talk a bit more casually.

"Yeah well, me and Sirius almost got this Animagi thing figured. It's tricky, but I reckon with the stuff I've managed to get from old McGonagall we'll get it soon." James said, tearing his eyes away from the redhead for a moment.

Remus smiled gratefully but said nothing. He was very lucky, blessed even, considering his…er, condition. He was able to go to school, had friends who didn't abandon him as soon as they found out what he was. Yes, very blessed, someone up there must like him. Remembering all the times he had to be uprooted from his many homes because neighbors found out about him was pretty humiliating and made him miserable. But here…Hogwarts, he had friends that cared enough to do something illegal for him and by now he knew there was no chance he could talk them out of it. He had friends, (who doubled as family), good health and education at one of the finest wizarding schools around. Yep…it was all he ever wanted.

As breakfast went on it was fairly normal. James squeezed his fork anxiously and kept looking up for the post to come in but said nothing else to anyone about it and barely touched breakfast. Still, everyone took to disregarding his apprehensiveness.

Some people who had already finished eating got up from the table. Among them was a girl with curly brown hair. She smiled brightly at Sirius as she went by, as did a few other girls.

"Boy, I think she fancies you Sirius!" Peter said in awe.

James scoffed, managing to look away from Lily again to mess with Sirius "Of course she does! Who doesn't love the handsome and charming Sirius Black? I know I do!"

Sirius laughed and elbowed him in the arm "Oh but James, what of poor Lily? Surely you won't abandon her for me!"

James retorted which lead to a little play fight. Remus rolled his eyes with a smile and continued eating his cornflakes. After their little 'fight' James went back to looking up for owls and Sirius lend back with a wide yawn. A group of girls passing by stopped whispering for a moment and giggled before going on. Sirius paid them no mind and closed his eyes tiredly.

It was though true. Not in anyone's personal opinion but really more as a general fact. Sirius was a handsome person, with his just above shoulder length dark hair that had it's only natural grace, striking gray eyes and all to perfect skin, not that any of that made a difference because Sirius wasn't the type to be tied down by something as stupid as a relationship. 'They're a waste of time, energy and cause to much drama' he'd said on more then one occasion. Though, every now and again he'd humor a girl by going out with her, but it never lasted more than at the most a few weeks. 'Sirius just isn't up for anything serious' as James said.

Another giggling girl passed. Remus silently wondered how he could stand it all the time, girl giggles tended to get (if not always were) a bit annoying. But he didn't think on the matter for to long because James all but jumped out of his seat when the first owl flew in which made them all look down the table at Lily.

It took a moment but soon another owl landed at her side…and then another…and another. It wasn't long before no less then 10 owls where surrounding her. James smiled at the shock on her face as she pulled letters and things from the owls, which took a bit of food and water before taking off again. Lily looked at all her things and read some of the notes before slowly looking down at James.

She had an…odd, sort of expression. It looked torn between a scowl and a smile. She gathered the things she had and got up from the table. As she passed James, what looked like a ghost of a smile came to her face "Er…thanks…" she murmured and left.

Sirius clapped him on the back as they all watched her leave the hall "Wow, that's the first time she didn't say anything mean to ya mate!"

James grinned and got up "And now, time for phase two."

Peter looked up at him "What's that?"

"Strike while the iron is hot! I'll catch you guys in Transfiguration." he said and set off after Lily.

Peter cast the remaining two a confused look but didn't ask as they returned to eating. Once calm had returned to the hall Peter brought up the subject of Quidditch "Think we'll get the cup this year?" he asked.

Sirius nodded "Without a doubt! I mean, if James manages to get his eyes off Lily long enough to find the snitch next game. Course, he'll have to wait till we're up at least 80 points if we want the cup."

Peter titled his head "Whaddya mean?"

Remus sighed. Quidditch, though interesting to watch, wasn't all that much to talk about or listen to "Well, if that was all we were waiting for, I think I'll go see Madam Pomfrey now. See you in Transfiguration." He said as he got up.

But neither of them seemed to hear him, because Sirius had gotten into explaining how the points worked and Peter was paying to much attention to hear what he said. Throwing his bag over his shoulder (and biting back a pained groan as it hit his back), he hobbled to the hospital wing where Madam Pomfrey was expecting him. It seemed she was one of the few people who truly knew how much damage he could have done to himself.


Remus walked into Transfiguration class looking less pale and, as a whole, tons better as he sat at the end of the table. "As it turns out I nearly rip my leg out of its socket. She was surprised I was even able to walk on it!" he informed his friends, while everyone was talking too loud to hear them "And that I cracked a rib or two. Wasn't broken so I just didn't notice it too much, course, it was kind of stinging now that I think about."

"Don't sound too concerned about!" Sirius said jokingly, but James didn't not laugh or even acknowledge it as he might have normally.

It was hard to tell what had happened for he had a strangely thoughtful expression and hadn't said a word since he'd came in. Normally if Lily rejected him they'd be able to tell by his slumped posture and incurable depression or if she hadn't then he'd find everything and anything funny and be smiling nonstop. However, since he did neither now and didn't answer when they asked him about it they weren't sure what had happened.

Remus shrugged "Well, it's better then what I normally do."

The conversation ended at that moment as Professor McGonagall came in. The class went on as usual with nothing out of the ordinary, other then the lack of comments or jokes made by James and Sirius. Sirius just wasn't as good acting alone so he didn't try and James was still too out of it to do much of anything.

"She said she was considering me…." he finally murmured as they came out of the class.

"Oh my god, it lives! Guess you were right Pete, it's no dummy after all." Sirius said in mock shock.

James paid him no mind and went on "She didn't reject me…but she didn't…she wasn't talking straight, like she was telling me some stupid riddle or something! I don't know…this wasn't supposed…I mean…geez…" he continued to hold his confused, if not thoughtful expression.

Remus smiled from behind his Transfiguration book as he checked his answers on their last quiz, "I guess not everything goes as planned."

He nodded absentmindedly "Yeah…"

They continued to Herbology, which also shared the unusual silence from James as he continued to ponder…whatever had happened. Today they were opening a strange almost fruit like plants to get the seeds from within. It was two to a group and what they had to do was one person would use sort of pliers and squeeze the bottom of the plant (but not with to much force), which would make a mouth appear in the plant while the other person reached in and grabbed a hand full of the seeds.

James teamed with Peter while Remus got Sirius ("Better working with you then the living dead over there." He said when Remus asked why he didn't take his usual partner, James) and the greenhouse was filled with screams from the plants as they got to work. It was almost as though James had been placed under a silencing charm until…

"That's it! It's a hint!" James said suddenly, squeezing his pliers so tight that the planet let out a bloodcurdling scream of pain before it blew up and the mess of it went everywhere. That cost Gryffindor 10 points and they had to stay after and clean the mess, but James didn't seem to care, he'd apparently gotten an idea and was now extremely anxious for lunch to come around so he could find Lily.

"You know, if I didn't know better, I'd think he was a bit obsessed." Sirius muttered when he didn't even show for lunch.

Remus chuckled, "Good thing you know better."

Still, Sirius seemed to miss having his usual partner in crime around. Not that he liked James more then Remus and Peter, just when he normally had James around they got detentions or threats of detentions at least twice a day together. Peter and Remus were too far on the safe side to help him wreak some chaos!


Classes went on as usual besides the absence of James who didn't turn up for any of them. However, when they did see James again he seemed to almost ready to explode with happiness.

"She's giving me a chance!!!" was the first thing he said when he came up to them.

Peter tried not to look surprised "Really?"

"Yeah! After dinner tonight! She said to meet her in the common room and I was thinking we'd walk around the lake but I don't know is that to cliché? What do you think? Maybe I should take the cloak and we can sneak into Hogsmede…how many people have done that? Think it's a good idea? Come on guys, what should I do?!" he said so quickly Peter almost didn't catch any of it.

"Um…cloak?" Remus said slowly.

James was right about one thing, too many people took their dates for a midnight stroll around the lake, so his best bet would probably be Hogsmede, but why was he asking him? He's never had a girlfriend or even so much as a date.

Sirius grinned and slapped him on the back "Congrats James, you sly dog!"

James nodded, a grin that looked like a mix between happiness and nervousness on his face as they went to their next class. He seemed too anxious to pay much attention and goofed off more than usual.

Finally, the last class before dinner came up, potions.

Normally they spent one quarter of the time threatening if not getting threatened by the Slytherin group, however, James was in far too good a mood to succumb to their taunts today.

They went to their normal table at the back of the class, next to the sort of sink they had to empty the remains of their potions when they were finished making them.

"Good day class! Happy Valentine's day to all!" Professor Ronts said as she came in.

Though Potions took place in one of the dungeons in the castle, it was hard to be upset about it when Professor Ronts was around. She was a pleasant kind of woman who looked to be in about her thirties. About average height, pleasantly plump with midnight black hair that went to her mid-back and a round-ish sort of face that almost always held a pleasant smile. She was a fair teacher, didn't favor any of them. That alone, along with her cheerful demeanor, made it hard to believe she was the Head of Slytherin House. Their old Head of House (Horace Slughorn) had retired at the end of last year, although no one really knew why he had, they'd been given Professor Ronts in his place, seeing as she was also their new potions teacher.

"Well, since today's Valentine's day, I thought we'd do something in the spirit of the occasion! Turn your books to page 245 and read the first few paragraphs." She said, while turning to the chalkboard behind her.

With the wave of her wand the list of ingredients they would need for this potion went up on the board.

"Of course, love potion. How cliché..." Sirius said after speed-reading the book's context.

The Professor smiled "Not just any old love potion Mr. Black! This is only for my advanced classes. It's really difficult, high duty stuff and the antidote is harder, so once you've all made it you are to empty your entire cauldron! No one is to keep ANY of it!" she addressed the entire class at this "So, once you're done reading you may begin, good luck!"

As everyone made a start on their potions, Professor Ronts walked around to check on all their work. James was now in the mood to goof off with Sirius so they didn't spend too much time on their potions. Making funny drawings of the 'Slytherin idiots' and making them into little birds that flew around the class was pretty much all they did for the first half of class.

"Enough, Mr. Potter, Mr. Black! I'd hate to give you detention on such a nice day!" Professor Ronts scolded as she came to their table.

The threat was enough to make James stop and work at once. No way did he want detention today.

She smiled "Ah, very nice Mr. Lupin, you've stirred it to the right shade of purple, now just add the newt head to it and you can place a flask of it on my desk, then empty your cauldron." She said as she passed Remus.

She frowned upon Peter's work "Oh, you forgot to add ¾ of piono Mr. Pettigrew, you must add that and THEN stir in the obinnons. And what's this? The board doesn't say anything about adding frog tongues! (Sigh), well, you best just empty it. I'm sorry to say you'll have to write me a parchment of the importance of reading all the instructions before setting off." She said softly, so not to draw too much attention to him.

That was one of the many things you had to like about her, she was never too pushy and didn't assign much homework if she could help it. No one had ever seen her angry before, it was a very hard thing to do, however, she didn't let them do whatever they wanted; there was always a consequence to any wrongdoing.

As the class came to a close, most stood up to turn in what they'd done and empty their cauldrons. Peter followed sadly behind Remus as they both went to empty their cauldrons after giving a flask of what they'd done.

"Don't feel too bad Peter, you'll get it next time." Remus said in an attempt to make him feel better as they approached their table.

Peter said nothing and stared sadly at his feet as they walked.

And that's, when everything went wrong…

He was so focused on his feet that he walked closer behind Remus as they made their way back to the back. He couldn't see, if only he'd known…he accidentally stepped on the back of Remus' robes, making him fall to the ground and his cauldron went flying out of his hands.

Instead of the loud cracking sound he expected to hear, the sound of his cauldron breaking with the contact of the dungeon floor, there was a loud 'clunk' sort of sound. He looked up and gasped. His cauldron was over Sirius' head, the love potion drenching him all over.

Remus quickly got up and pulled the cauldron of his friend's head "Oh…Sirius, I-I'm really sorry, are you ok?" as he took it off his head, he noticed a slight bump, that was somewhat expected.

"But if he got even a bit in his mouth…" His pulse quickened and he shuddered at the very thought, praying that it didn't.

At first Sirius didn't react, he stared at Remus as though he'd never met him, as if he were seeing him for the first time. Remus wasn't sure it that was a good or bad thing.

"Um…Sirius? You ok?" he asked again, slowly.

Sirius slowly nodded "Yeah…"

Remus smiled in relief "Oh…that's good." For a minute he thought the potion…but it didn't; no point in worrying anymore about it. "Here, let me clean that up." He said, waving his wand and the potion lifted from his friend's clothes.

Sirius said no thanks but continued to stare at him. Remus gave him a confused expression but passed it off as nothing and moved to let everyone else empty their cauldrons.

Now, what happened next came as a surprise to everyone, especially Remus.

One minute he was standing up, perfectly fine, the next he was slammed to the ground with enough force to break open a door! But the pain in his head from hitting the floor was nothing compared to the complete shock, even horror, of feeling Sirius' lips crash forcefully into his. Sirius pulled away only to gaze at his face as he said, "I love you."


End A/N: Hello! Ok, that's all I got for now, so, whaddya think? Good? Hope so! Review if you liked it/hated it/don't understand it, and I'll be sure to update. Tah!