Title: Tight
Rating: T
Summary: Sometimes, Matt's obsessions cause problems.
A/N: Hello, all. This is a short little snippet that was inspired by a Mindless Self Indulgence song.
They both rode out the waves of their orgasm, this being one of the few times the two boys had actually come at the same time. Mello collapsed onto Matt's chest with the redhead's name on his lips, breathing heavily and feeling Matt doing the same. There was silence as they both regained composure. Mello's breathing slowed first and he lifted his head from where it rested to look at Matt's wrists laying on either side of them, bound to handcuffs that attached to the headboard.
Matt looked down through hazy vision and noticed Mello smirking at them.
"You're insane, Mel," Matt sighed, smirking as well now.
Mello looked up. "Didn't hear you complaining before."
"Who's complaining? It's the truth but not an unpleasant one."
"Ah. Told you I could top you one day."
Matt rolled his eyes. "I think these had a little something to do with your power over me," he said and lifted his wrists to let Mello hear the chains jingle and clink together.
Mello blinked at them and then waved away his lover's statement. "Ah, whatever."
Matt breathed a laugh and looked up at the ceiling as Mello lay his head back down on his chest. He tried to remember something… some idea that had flashed in the seconds before his orgasm. Finally, he blinked and looked down at the blond hair staring up at him. "Mello! Mello!" he wailed, thrashing around in the covers that surrounded the two. "Hey!"
"W-What!" Mello shouted, shaking along with the bed. He looked up again. "What is it?"
"I thought of something while we were screwing and I just remembered!" Matt seemed oddly excited.
"Um. Okay. What was it?"
"See, I was having this brain-block on my game that I've been playing the past two days. I got to the second-to-last boss and couldn't find a way to defeat him," Matt explained, green eyes glistening with fevered pleasure, "but something clicked in me about five minutes ago and I realized that if I used a super potion right as he is recovering from a full-on attack then I would be able to-"
"What?" Mello shrieked, eyes wide. "You were thinking about beating a boss while making love to me?"
Matt blinked. He put on a thoughtful face. "Well, actually, it's more like an extra boss. But don't worry, with the medal I get from defeating him, I can trade it in to the shopkeeper and get to the final-"
"MATT! You jerk!" Mello punched the redhead in the stomach and climbed down from the bed, still completely naked, standing in front of the nightstand in a rage. "I don't wanna hear that shit!"
"But - wait -" Matt said, squinting from the pain of the blow Mello had dealt him. "I didn't mean-"
"You can stay handcuffed the rest of the night for all I care!"
"What? No! Mello, the game, I have to play-"
Mello began to storm out of the room and continued to hear Matt's pleads and mewling from the bedroom. He popped his blond head back inside the room and he and Matt stared at each other for almost a full minute before Mello chucked the DS onto the bed and it landed in between Matt's bare legs. Matt's eye shown. "Oh thank you, babe, I - Wait… Mello, I can't reach!" He tried to pick it up but the handcuffs kept both his hands about two inches away. He looked up to see Mello's vindictive blue eyes piercing through the dim-lit room. "Mello, please help!"
Mello walked away.
A/N: XD Don't ask, I have no idea. How about dropping a review?