Disclaimer: I, Artsysmiles, do not own Naruto, or the Phantom Stallion, of which this is based off of. But, unknown to practically everyone, I do own Itachi! ...Yeah, I was kidding. That is all. Or is it? No, seriously. That is all.

Well, this is it! My 7th fanfic! I hope you all like it! But of you don't like western themed stories, then you might want to click the back button. Also, if you are wondering why I suddenly wanted to write a western Naruto fic, my dad and brothers were having a Daniel Boone, Comanche Moon, and other western themed shows week while I was reading Naruto. So, yeah. Now, enjoy!

I think it's evident that I don't own any music used throughout this fic.

Onyx eyes blinked at the dusty terrain. A scowl worked its way onto the teen's face.

"This is it?" he said with disgust. Kakashi frowned and nodded, pulling out an Icha Icha Paradise book all the while. "There's just dust!"

"Yeah. You're in a desert, on a ranch. There's gonna be dust. What were you expecting? A five star hotel?" asked Kakashi, absentmindedly turning a page in his book. The scowling teen glared at the ground as he silently admitted yes. "Wow. Well, Sasuke, let's go meet the ranchers who you'll be living with the next few months."


Music could be heard from a distance. Yet again, Sasuke frowned. He wasn't a big fan of pop music.

I'm talkin bout love

All my girls stand in a circle and clap your hands this is for you

Ups and downs highs and lows no matter what you see me through

My boyfriend he don't answer on the telephone

I don't even know where the hell he goes

But all my girls we're in a circle and nobody's gonna break through

"Sakura! Are you in there?" called Kakashi. The music switched off, and a loud yes was heard echoing back to the two males. "Sasuke, that was Sakura, Tsunadae's niece. They were kind enough to take you in after military school didn't work."

Sasuke smirked. "Hn," he said happily. Those were the days. "So, now what?" There was an edge to his voice, one of anger, annoyance, and boredom.

"You could meet Sakura and Tsunadae." Sasuke waited. Another page was turned, followed by a giggle.


Kakashi looked up from his book, confusion on his face. "Oh! Right!" he said sheepishly. "Sakura! Tsunadae! The perp wants to meet you!" Sasuke sweat dropped. Perp?

The crunching of gravel brought him out of his thoughts as he saw a very busty blonde woman; she looked fairly young but looks can be deceiving.

"This him?" she growled, obviously annoyed. Kakashi nodded as the woman got a closer look at Sasuke. "He needs to earn his keep. If this young," she paused, doing a quick once over, "boy wants to leave here as quickly as I want him to, then he better learn how to and quick."

Sasuke kept his mask in place, but inside he was furious. Of course he wanted to leave! Who wouldn't?

"So Sakura will show him the ropes?" asked Kakashi, bringing Sasuke back to the conversation.

"Yep. OI! SAKURA! GET YOUR LAZY ASS OVER HERE!" bellowed Tsunadae. She didn't receive a reply, but a young, pink haired girl approached the three.

She wore faded blue jeans, a brown stetson, and a white camisole under a red checkered shirt.

"What?" she said. Tsunadae gestured to Sasuke and Kakashi. "Oh, right. Another member to H.A.R.P., right?" Tsunadae nodded.

"As I'm sure you know, this is Sasuke, your client; I'm Kakashi, I'll be staying with Jiraiya," said Kakashi. Sasuke just stared straight ahead, avoiding making eye contact with the two women. "Can Sakura show him to his room?"

"Yeah," she said. "Come on chicken butt." Sasuke bristeled, but left to follow her anyway. They made it about three steps when Sakura turned to face him. "Where's your luggage?" she asked. Sasuke pointed to where Kakashi and Tsunadae were, and Sakura sighed.

"What?" he asked, clearly annoyed at being thought so little of.

"Sasuke, here at Hime's Ranch, we all earn our keep. That means that we all do our fair share of the work." She spoke slowly, as though he were a first grader.

"I know what that means." Again she sighed.

"Then go get your bags." Sasuke started to go back to Kakashi when Sakura called to him. "Have you ever ridden a horse before?" she asked. He shook his head no. An evil smile appeared on her face.

"Well then. This should be fun."

Sakura led him to a bunkhouse, the kind where ranch hands lived. Sasuke crinkled his nose in disgust, but knew better than two say anything.

"You'll be staying here with the other H.A.R.P. members." She opened a door to a room that held two other boys. "The blonde one is Uzumaki Naruto, and the pinnaple head one is Nara Shikamaru," she said.


"Guys, this is Uchiha Sasuke. Make him feel welcome." Sakura smirked and walked away, her long pink hair swaying silently.

Cerulean eyes met onyx ones as Naruto prepared to make the first move.

"What are you in here for?" he asked.

"Shoplifting, fights, and weapon possession," he said simply. "What about you?"

"I have anger problems. Beat up my teacher a couple times. Shikamaru-he goes to my school-is in here for master thievery," said Naruto as though he was telling the weather.

"...Why would they send him here? Couldn't he just design a way to escape?" asked Sasuke. Naruto laughted, and said something about Sasuke being so naive.

"I forgot! You're new here, so you haven't seen Sakura or Tsunadae mad, have you?" laughed Naruto. Sasuke shook his head, causing Naruto to laugh even more.

"Shut up, baka," growled Sasuke. Instantly the laughter stopped.

"What. Did. You. Call. Me?" he said slowly.

"You heard me: baka," smirked Sasuke.


Naruto charged at Sasuke, punching him in the face with his fist. Sasuke countered with a fist of his own, and pretty soon they were in an all out fist fight.


"Care to tell me what is going on in here?" The boys stopped fighting to see Sakura glaring at them. Naruto stopped attacking Sasuke and backed up against the wall.

"We were fighting, duh," smirked Sasuke. "And you're just a girl. What are you going to do about it?" a vein appeared on Sakura's head, causing Naruto to grab Shikamaru and run out the door.


"Is it over?" asked Naruto. Shikamaru was standing next to him, muttering something about women being troublesome.

"Yep. Supper will be ready in an hour!" said Sakura cheerfully. The two walked in to find a battered and bruised Sasuke lying on the gorund.

"You could have warned me," he growled. Naruto leaned down till his face was just inches away from Sasuke's.

"I did. Welcome to H.A.R.P. You're in Hell now."

End of the first chapter! I hope you all liked it! But, before I update again-no you don't need to review a certain amount-I need to update Chemistry and Celestial Maiden. See you next update!