Until The Last Black Rose Dies Chapter 1
Yuzu walked nexted to her new sensei as they headed to the training grounds.
"So, uh, Yuzu."
"What?" She said harshly. He sighed and shook his head. It was a little unnerving knowing that his fourth student was a vampire.
Yuzu looked around the village in digust. Everyone here smelled so digusting. Even the animals smelled better than them. They soon walked into an open area in the woods and she looked around and saw a boy with blonde hair, a raven haired boy, and some girl with pink hair. She shivered in delight at how good they smelled. At least they smelled better than Kakashi-sensei.
"Everyone, I'd like you to meet your new teammate, Yuzu Ireane."
"Hi! I'm Naruto Uzumaki!"
She backed away a little when she smelled the ramen on him. It was quite obvious that he wasn't the one that smelled good. The girl came up and attempted to shake her hand. Yuzu shook it and smiled fakely.
"Hi, I'm Yuzu."
"Hi Yuzu! I'm Sakura Haruno."
The raven haired boy sighed and stood up straight.
"Sasuke Uchiha."
Yuzu raised her eyebrow and smirked. She remembered the Uchiha massacre quite well. As a matter of fact, she used to be friends with the Uchiha clan until she left the village. Yuzu chuckled under her breath; she had probably seen his mother, grandmother, great grandmother, and great great grandmother, and probably a couple other generations, being born.
Kakashi-sensei smiled lightly and looked to his genin team.
"I want you all to get to know each other so no training today."
Naruto jumped up excitedly and Sakura smiled at Yuzu. Sasuke sighed and began walking. Only when he began walking, he walked into a giant hole.
"What the hell Naruto?"
"Shut up Sasuke-teme it wasn't me!"
Yuzu chuckled and then walked to hole. She sat down at the edge and her teammates watched her curiously.
"Wow, you really are like your grandmother. Hmmm, you've also got a little of your great grandmother in you too."
Sakura and Naruto's eyes got wide while Sasuke's narrowed.
"How do you know my grandmother and great grandmother?"
"Well, seeing as I've been alive for more than three hundred years, word get around."
"What the hell do you mean by three hundred years?"
"I'm a vampire Sasuke-teme."
Naruto burst out into laughter and now Sasuke's eyes widened but then they quickly went back to their normal size.
"I don't believe in vampires."
Yuzu smirked.
"Well, you better start because you'll see one every day for the rest of your life."
She flashed her fangs and made the ground rise up so he was now standing on level ground. Yuzu sat up and smiled again.
"How about we go and get to know each other now hmm?"
Everyone nodded and headed for the ramen bar. Yuzu sat inbetween Sakura and Naruto which she later decided was a mistake because he splashed ramen on her alot.
Yuzu was sitting quietly listening to everyones life story when suddenly she was pulled by the neck. She choked for a minute as she fell to the ground and then she looked up with her eyes wide. Yuzu immediately stood up straight and bowed low.
"I'm sorry Yuu-sensei. I didn't mean to leave you. Please forgive me but I'm a genin here now."
Yuuji sighed angrily and looked away from his ex-student. He could never stay angry at her for long and it was really irratating. (sp?) He sighed lightly and she smiled at him. It wasn't the fake smile she showed to her team and Hokage, it was a genuine smile.
Sasuke felt a pang in his heart when he saw her smile like that to this Yuu guy. Even though he hated her, he didn't know why he suddenly felt jealous. He got up and was about to leave when a hand pulled him back. He looked up to see Yuzu looking at him and smiling.
"Sasuke-teme, you have yet to meet my vampire sensei. You should stay." Sasuke's eyes narrowed and he jerked away his arm and headed for his home. Yuzu sighed and turned her attention back to Yuuji and her other teammates.
"Yuuji-sensei, these are my teammates Sakura Haruno and Naruto Uzumaki. Sakura and Naruto, this is my sensei Yuuji Ireane."
Sakura's eyes got wide, "You mean he's related to you?"
Yuzu nodded and then pointed with her thumb to Yuuji.
"This here is my last brother, the old anbu captain of our old and first village, which we refer to as the Village Hidden in Blood, and the assassin know as Jack in the Box for his sudden and fast appearances. He is known to only take 5 seconds to kill and he works for village leaders as basically a rogue ninja."
Yuuji bowed and decided to introduce his sister the same way.
"This is my last sister, the old anbu co-captain of our old and first village, and the assassin know as the Black Rose Illusionist because of her beauty and killing methods. She is also a rogue ninja and I'm her sensei. I've taught her everything she knows and even though I'm her sensei, she is immensely stronger than me."
Naruto was the first to speak up.
"Um, what exactly are her killing methods?"
"No one knows. The only reason she got called that was because some guy, her first kill, was still alive when they found him and he was murmuring something about it was just an illusion."
Yuzu smirked and looked at her watch. She looked to Yuzu and he nodded. She turned around and waved over her shoulder with Yuuji coming up from behind.
"I have to show Yuuji the way to my new apartment. See you guys later!"
Sakura looked at her watch; it read 8:15.
So what do you guys think of my first vampire fanfic? R&R flames are okay but just don't burn me!