Junior 8: (hic) Confession (hic)!

A raven beauty opened the confines of her pearl black orbs as she let the sight in front behold her.

Gasping hurriedly she sprang out of her bed the very first thought springing inside her mind..

"MI-CHANNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!"- She cried aloud.


"Sit down foolish girl!"- Coldly the concerned order came from the Ice Queen.

Hoshi relaxed a little and looked up facing her speakers.

She blinked when her eyes came in contact with sapphire blue orbs..

"Ruka!"- the blonde teen said with a smile.

Hoshi felt too tired to smile so she gave a nod and looked at the bed beside her.

Instantly her heart leapt with joy on seeing the fallen brunette resting silently..

"Mikan"- Hoshi whispered as she sat beside Mikan..

No one interrupted her… No one said a word.. Silence filled the entire atmosphere.

Grasping hold of the brunette's petite hands Hoshi squeezed them gently feeling her known tears slowly tumbling down..

"I-m sorry"- Was all the raven-head could say.

"BAKA!"- That melodious and warm voice drifted in the air breaking the lonesome threads of silence…

Hoshi lifted her head her watery eyes scanning the awakened girl before her..

"It's all right like I said and will say always…"- Mikan said giving a smile.

"Ai!"- Hoshi said nodding her head vigourously.

"Now that you two drama queens are over Hoshi you need to know something"- Hotaru said although sounded stoic but held great relief.

Hoshi looked straight ahead and blushed on seeing Youchii.

Mikan on the other hand felt erratically heart-beaten on seeing Natsume staring blandly at her.

"Ok, Hoshi you're sister has been taken care of… Persona and Yuka have her under control so don't worry… And there's some guy who's been asking for you since ages.."- Hotaru said smirking as she felt Youchii's anger infiltrating all over.


"Jeffery is it?"- Hoshi asked getting everyone's attention.

"AND YOU ARE NOT GOING OUT WITH HIM!"- Youchii growled at her.

Hoshi's turn to get angry..


Before any one of them could start their fight Jeffrey rushed inside the hospital panting..

"H-Hoshi!!"- He said in between sharp breaths.

"HOW COULD YOU FORGET OUR DATE??!!!"- He yelled at her.

Hoshi's eyes darkened as she stood up and walked over to the teen.

Raising her hands she gave him a tight smack before throwing him outta the hospital.

Grinning wildly she said- "I wanted to do that actually!"

Mikan chuckled at this…

"So I guess no fashion show huh?"- She asked.

Hotaru shook her head signifying a no…

"Oh well doesn't matter… its Hoshi's b'day tomorrow and"- Mikan gave a giggle on seeing the dark blush appearing on Youchii's cheeks..

"VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"- Mikan yelped when Natsume smacked her on the head.

"Making too much noise BAKA!"- Natsume smirked at her.

Hoshi rolled her eyes thinking to herself- 'Those two will never learn.. I guess I should get them together…'

"I'm leaving"- Hotaru announced pulling Ruka along with her.

"AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH (hic)"- Hoshi covered her mouth her eyes widened.

"WOW! A yawn with a hiccup"- Mikan giggled.

"Hic! Oh! Hic…"- Hoshi groaned.

"And that's what you get for being a baka"- Natsume said smirking.

"DAR(hic)N it…! (hic)"- Hoshi grumbled and felt her temper rise since the two hot guys gave a smirk.

"Oh poor little kittens got hiccups"!- Youchii taunted.

Natsume stood giving a sign to leave and walked out..

"NATSUME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! APOLOGISE TO HOSHI!"- Mikan screamed.

Jumping out she ran after him at top speed ready to topple the black cat down…

"(hic) Ha!(hic) Hee Hee(hic)"- Hoshi looked at Youchii who was busy staring at her..

'Should I tell her?.. Maybe'- His thought were interrupted when he felt someone tugging his sleeve.

"Youchii those two(hic) need to be(hic)(hic) together"- Hoshi said making her eyes innocent.

Youchii looked away afraid from blushing too much.

"I know"- he mumbled.

"THEN WHY NOT GET THEM TOGETHER (hic hic hic)( HIC)"- Giving a moan she fell in bed awaiting Youchii's answer.

"Sure why not"- He said giving a grin.

"He he he (hic)"- Hoshi really didn't get why she had to get hiccups…

A brunette and a raven-head walked carelessly down the school halls…

Why can't we (hic) get rid of these (hic) hiccups- Hoshi said rubbing her head.

From the morning Hoshi had been trying to find a way to get rid of her hiccups..

Making a list of cures she had gone through the bizarre methods for stopping her hiccup but to no avail…From scaring each other to choking one another… Nothing worked!

"Hoshi??"- Mikan inquired as she saw her junior searching for someone…

"Huh (hic)"- Hoshi gave a smile but in fact her mind was reeling with a brilliant plan..

"Um.. Mi-Chan I gotta go see ya!"- With that she ran before Mikan could even stop her…

Hoshi's POV..

I hate hiccups… Thank God no hiccups in a POV!

Anyways I've devised a plan perfect enough to get Natsume and Mikan together..

I mean c'mon.. they're made for each other..!

Youchii… Where is he?????..

End of POV

"Hey!"- Hoshi called out to the spirit manipulator.

"Did ya do it?"- She asked earnestly.

Youchii rolled his eyes and gave a nod.

"GOOD!" - Hoshi said her eyes shining with anticipation…

"Are you sure that this'll work?"- Youchii asked

"Hell (hic) YEAH!"- Hoshi persisted with a smile.

Natsume POV

I was walking down the path of the Sakura Trees…

Nothing worrying my mind except for her.. Mikan..

I really can't stop thinking about her… I have to tell her my feelings but how??

The year's gonna end and we'll graduate soon and be on our way..

I have to hurry up or I'll lose her..

But how?…

End of POV

Natsume stretched lightly when the sudden gusts of winds brought something to strike against his face…

He looked up catching hold of the thing and saw a neatly tied envelope…

Blinking he was about to throw it away when his name which was embedded beautifully on it caught his attention.

Becoming curious he opened it wanting to read the content…

Dear Natsume,

I guess no one told you but I'm leaving soon..

Its no joke.. By the time u get this letter maybe I'll be gone…

Since my mother is here now, I'll be moving out with her…

I just wanted to tell you my feeling before it's too late..

Natsume Hyuuga, I love you.. always have and always will….

Please be happy..

Mikan…- Your polka dots

Natsume felt his heart squeeze at the last word..

'Mikan.. She's leaving.??? No one told me… what the hell!


Without thinking he got up and ran in search for the love of his life…

Mikan was humming as well as hiccupping as she made her way to her room

The moment she reached there her gaze fell upon a little package on the bed…

Furrowing her brows she went up to it and picked it up..

'I wonder'- She thought.

Getting excited she quickly opened up the package to find a huge box of fluff puffs in it…

With it there lay a piece of paper…

"Polka Dots,"- It read and Mikan instantly knew the writer.

I'm gonna be leaving this academy since my training has been increased..

Persona, I and Hoshi together we'll be going away soon..

Hoshi must've got the news right now so…

Anyways.. I just wanted to say one thing to u before leaving…

I love you Mikan… Will always..

Natsume- Your Black Cat…

Mikan had large tears dropping down her cheeks as she quickly made her way to find her love…

On the way she bumped into Hoshi who seemed to be looking distressed..

"Hoshi is it?"- Her answer was given the moment Hoshi gave a nod..

Giving a sob she ran and ran until she came to the Sakura Trees…

There a dark figure caught her eye and without any second thought she ran and embraced the boy..

"NATSUME!!!!!!!!"- She cried and found herself being hugged tightly against a hard chest.

"Mikan…"- Natsume gave a sigh of relief..

Turning the crying brunette he did what came into his mind first…

He kissed her.. A sweet and passionate kiss as though he never wanted to let her go..

Never wanted to part from her..

Mikan her heart bursting with happiness clung to him further deepening the kiss..

Finally it came out at last…

Their kiss ended but that's when it started… Their love..

"I love you polka dots.. Don't even think of leaving me!"- Natsume said huskily not able to handle his emotions..

Mikan could practically feel herself soaring higher and higher..

"Me too..!!! Me too!!!! "– She said forgetting about her hiccups which were long gone..

Staring into his crimson orbs and drowning inside of the was all that she needed…

Just being and having the little angel beside him always was what he alone wanted…

And that exactly what was happening until..

"Don't leave me here Natsume.."- Mikan whispered.

Jerking his head in confusion Natsume raised her chin demanding to look at him- "Aren't u leaving with your mother?"

Mikan widened her eyes-"WHAT??!! NO!"

Suddenly realization hit them as they both growled out- "THOSE TWO!!!!!!!!"

Chuckling Mikan rested her head against Natsume's lean hard chest- "For once we owe them"

"Yeah! But now let's just forget about the rest don't ya think strawberry?"- Natsume gave a smirk when Mikan huffed with annoyance and jumped on the boy lunging effortless attacks on him..

That Night:-

A very painfully irritated raven-head walked sleepily to the homeroom kitchen..

"I(hic) hate (hic) my (hic hic) my life!"- Groaning since those hiccups hadn't still left her she forgot to switch on the light..

Feeling extremely thirsty she decided to make cook up some hot chocolate…

After what seemed hours to this raven-head at last she took in the mind curling scent of the chocolate drink..

"Mmmm…..(hic)"- Giving a sighful smile she contemplated over the happenings of the day..

Everything had turned out the way she had planned.. Making both her seniors think that each one was leaving not only had the plan caused Mikan and Natsume to realize their true feelings but also were they now a couple..

'Idiots!'- She thought..

"Thanks Youchii"- she whispered and was just about to take a sip of her drink when someone grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close..

Feeling the hot contact of a muscular back she squeaked only to feel her heart-beat quicken the moment he spoke- "So hiccups keeping you awake?"

"Y-Youchii what are u"- She got no time to finish since her cup of hot chocolate was snatched away from her..

"HEY (hic)"- She grumbled out.

"We'll have to fix that don't you think?"- Youchii whispered near her ears…

Making the girl feel all fluttered as her knees gave away in a swift he turned her..

Himself taking a large sip of the hot chocolate he kept his eyes fixed on hers and suddenly plunged a whirling kiss upon her lips..

Taking away her breath, Hoshi could do naught but moan as he slipped his skillful tongue inside tasting and coating her cavern with his sweet chocolaty essence.

A feeling like no other could Hoshi experience as her whole body was alit with fire…

Deepening the kiss to such a point where the girl was left nothing to think about, he kissed her one last time before departing..

The moment the two broke apart the clock struck 12…

"Happy Birthday Hoshi!"- Youchii whispered as spine tingling sensations ricocheted throughout the girl's body leaving a trace of the sweet and drunken intoxication of the chocolate …. Actually the kiss..!

"Will you be my valentine?"- Youchii asked as she gasped in his hold.

Giving a grin he brought her closer to himself not wanting to let her go….

Hoshi couldn't help but laugh…

"YES!!!!!!!"- She squealed back to him when he swooped her for another kiss.

The End