Summer Snowflake
By x.Nanako-chan.x
xxx Information xxx
Anime: Naruto - Bleach crossover
Main Character: Hinata
Warnings: Mild swearing, OOC in Hiashi and Hanabi (first chapter only)
Pairings: Undecided.
xxx Author Note xxx
Well, here it is. New fic :3. I know, I know, I should be updating my other fics right? Well, they can wait. I love this idea so much. This is a prologue so it's pretty short. The chapters get longer later on.
Disclaimer: I do not own NARUTO or BLEACH
xxx EndA/N xxx
I feel… cold, alone… Isolated, for the lack of better word. It's strange though… In fact I feel more alive than before. Odd… so very odd, it is.
I remember the feeling of falling, declining into the pitch blackness… I remember the pain, the sharp sting that overtook my body… the color?
Oh yes, red… That was it. For a single second, only a second, maybe less, my world had been coated in a scarlet flood. It was freezing… in fact, it still is though not much so. Familiar warmth overtook my body. I could feel my fingers now. They seemed to thaw out from the numbness that held me, and I found myself flexing them, as well as my toes. I tried sitting up, a throbbing pain shot through my head. I clutched it in bewilderment.
As I willed myself to open my eyes, I found myself in a forest, the wet grass dampening my clothes. Thick moisture hung in the air. I was no longer my usual training outfit: a thick jacket holding the Hyuuga emblem, navy blue pants and blue nin shoes. Instead, I was wearing a kimono: Pure white, ending at my knees.
I looked around. The air was warm but I still couldn't rid the feeling of emptiness pitting deep in my stomach. It was a clearing in a forest, melting, wet snow scattered on the ground, while deep green, thick, lush, leafy trees surrounded me. A hallow, rather thick, fallen log lay beside me in the middle of the forest. I furrowed my brow and another sharp pain overtook me and I found myself falling again. Before unconsciousness overtook me, I willed myself to find out what on earth had happened… and I could've sworn a heard a voice echoing to me:
"So, you are my other half, hmm?"
"You are not a Hyuuga! You're pathetic! Worthless! A disgrace! A waste!"
His voice boomed through the rather empty dojo. Hiashi raved at Hinata. His face wasn't its usual pale. Instead, it was rather flushed with anger, annoyance. His eyes held contempt, disappointment, anger. Behind him was his daughter, leaning casually against the paper door, with a rather cocky smirk plastered on her face. Her head was held high relatively triumphantly, and her grin grew wider at her elder sister's pitiful state.
It had been happening quite frequently now. The calls to her father's office just to be scorned at, happened on numerous occasions these days. The training sessions were harder, as well. Instead of the usual spar with her sister or him, it was full-blown, out of rage and anger.
Perhaps, it was because she had failed the chuunin exams again. It really wasn't Hinata's fault. Her father had been 'training' her rather excessively over the past few weeks. Finally, when it finally came to the actual exam, it wasn't met with a hearty, 'good luck,' or 'do your best' passed from a parent to a child. Instead she was met with a mental berating and threat if she lost. Her mind and her body weren't well that day. In the end, she had lost by over exhaustion and the over-use of chakra.
She had earned a good hard slap that night. No one ever slapped a Hyuuga. They could be punched, slashed, kicked, but to slap a Hyuuga was the ultimate sign of disrespect. And her self-doubt had been elevated ten-fold that night.
Soon, the beatings had become frequent, her father had been scheduling more and more sessions, just at the chance to beat her. His rage grew day after day when she willed herself not to fight him nor her sister. To Hinata, they were still her family. She carried their blood in her veins.
Every empathetic glance her teammates and teacher passed on to her was waved off with a mutter of, 'I-I'm sorry I made y-you w-worry. D-demo, h-hontoni, I'm a-alright. I-It was my f-fault."
At the age of fourteen Hinata had finally become a chuunin – it was her third exam and her father could never have shown more disapproval. His training sessions had become harsher, crueler, even to the Hyuuga nurse who healed her after each session. He became stricter as well. He isolated her – she didn't see her teammates or sensei for a long, long time. Hinata's training lasted for a couple of months at least, and her fifteenth birthday passed without a glance.
It was around Hanabi's birthday that everything changed. Her father never spared her a glance but when he did, his gaze was harsh. It was different from the others, so full of contempt and loathing it chilled her to the very marrow of her bones.
'Kaa-san,' she whispered, 'I wished you were here…'
It was that day. Hinata wanted to go visit her mother's grave but Hiashi held her from going back.
'Hinata,' he said, 'If you want to see your mother, you must beat Hanabi.'
She just couldn't do it. Hanabi was her little sister; she had the strength to beat her yes, but the cruelty? Oh no. Hinata was never one to be cruel. And if she did need to beat her sister, it wouldn't be with the Jyuuken. Hinata developed her own style, training by water. And from countless hours of studying, she learned how to work with seals. It was her specialty. But if she showed this to anyone in the eyes of the Hyuuga, she would be scorned at. She would be 'tainting' their family's proud name by 'playing' in water when really, it was water manipulation.
But even after all of those hateful glances, Hinata was kind. She hated fighting without a cause.
But here in the Hyuuga manor, everything was different. Her family's morals and her own clashed like darkness and light.
'Hinata get up.'
No response.
'You worthless piece of shit, GET UP!'
His eyes were harsher than ever before, so full of loathing and disgust. He was angry. Oh, how he was angry. He grabbed a fistful of Hinata's ink-blue hair and sent a chakra filled punch on to her jaw. She didn't have time to deflect it. He just came so fast.
The impact was horrendous. He was, after all, an ANBU level clan leader. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply, trying to go back to his impassive state. He tore his hateful gaze towards his younger daughter.
'Hanabi,' he said, 'kill your sister.'
Hinata's eyes snapped open. Was her father crazy? Was he really ready to just wipe her off the face of the planet? To kill her?
'T-tou-san!?' Hanabi screeched.
'You heard me,' his voice grew louder, 'KILL HER.'
Hanabi looked back at him, eyes wide in shock.
Killing was whole new matter than simply beating her sister to a pulp. She had never done it. And she was sure as heck she didn't want to do it before she became a jounin.
'You heard me,' his voiced echoed, 'you heard what I said, or… perhaps, you're just as stupid as her, hmm?'
'I-I can't!' she stuttered.
'Ugh,' he let out a disgusted groan. 'Do it NOW, or else you will end up in the same state as her.'
Quiet footfalls neared Hinata's body. Before she knew it, her sister was standing in front of her. Hinata looked up, and saw her sister's tears glossy and reluctant.
She looked away from her elder sister's innocent eyes and let out a throaty, 'Gomenasai,' before light taps filled with chakra were touched on Hinata's vital organs.
One last tap was felt on Hinata's heart before the whole world flashed red and everything surrounding her turn black.
xxx Next Chapter xxx
:Chapter 1: Hollows:
He placed the sheet over my body and walked out of the room giving the body once last glance before he turned off the light.
I sat there in the dark room for an hour. What was I supposed to do now? Haunt the place? Yeah right.
I walked out of the room and wandered aimlessly through the forest when a shrill roar was heard outside of the gates. I ran off and I saw a huge creature – it looked like a demon.
xxx A/N xxx
Neji and Sasuke: ….
Nanako: … shut up.