Such Movement

Rating: T

Warnings of Bob/Bart and attempted murder.

The Simpsons belongs to FOX and its related companies and I am only taking Bob & Bart out of context just a little…

"But why are you doing this to me then?!"

"Bart! Don't you understand anything?! You fool!"

And the knife in Bob's hand was moving closer.

Plunk … Plunk … Plunk

Each stab it made into the wooden floor of this … place they were in, made it sound like a hammer was driving a nail into the board that Bart was sitting on.

In the little corner he had shrouded himself into.

Bob still had that homicidal maniac look on his face–but it was tenfold that now.

He was on his hands (minus one that gripped a knife) and knees.

Using his knife in a way, that was moving Bob closer and closer to the terrified boy.

"I need to kill off …"

"–Me?!" Bart's voice cracked a bit.

But he managed to cough in disgust–at himself.

"Earlier you were just … telling me that you … wanted me!"

Then Bob's face grew angrier.

"That's why."

It had to be the lowest and darkest voice Bart had ever heard from Bob.

"You are a CHILD, Bart! That's …"

Bob turned away and dropped himself to sit atop his ankles.

"… A child … a man … cannot …"

Bart starred at him. He was talking in that monotonic voice again; like he had lost it. Well … if he hadn't already.

Bob seemed to be having an argument with himself. It was the exact same thing that happened earlier: When Bob had told Bart that he not only wanted him dead but wanted his body as well.

That he liked him that way.

Cautiously, Bart crawled to the conflicted man, fully aware that there was a knife clamped in one of Bob's hands.

For a moment he thought on returning to the somewhat safe corner he was in.

But, Bob.



Bart was almost directly behind Bob's back … but fear kept him from getting any closer.

The boy thought over his next words–quickly.


"Bart, Bart, Bart!" Bob swirled around and stared down at the boy now in front of him … and found that he didn't flinch. His eyes softened on Bart.

Bob's voice lowered.

"I have an obsession for you–which is obvious–but there was … something else." Bob's eyes dodged from Bart's for a moment then returned…

"One doesn't devote so much time to a boy… And I can say it just became evident that I had begun thinking about you differently and this did not make me pleased."

Bob lifted the knife and brought it up to Bart's face while both were trapped in the others eyes.

Bart didn't flinch when it tapped lightly against his cheek.

"It's not as if I wanted you dead," Bob wasn't even thinking anymore; words left his lips like lines from a Shakespearean play, " …more like I wanted to kill the lust that came whenever I saw you. That feeling that grabs me and forces me to see you as a possible lover…"

This time Bart's eyes dodged away for a moment.

When he stared back at Bob, he nervously asked, "Since when did you see me that way?"

A smile creased through Bob's face.

"Not since I first laid eyes on you." He let out a soft chuckle, not even noticing he was lowering the blade to the floor. "After some failed attempts to end your life–that answer should suffice."

Bob's look hardened as he reached down to grasp the blade again to bring it next to Bart's head.

He turned his gaze to roam the boy's face.

As Bart's mind began panicking he found that his muscles couldn't find the strength to move and all he could do was plead with his eyes and voice.


He voice was ceased when Bob's own mouth came down to his.

Bob pulled his face slowly away as he pressed the blade against Bart's ear.

"That's why I do this to you."

A/N: Hope you liked it... Don't know if I should do a sequel... I won't lie... I've been thinking about it.