Ok, first a general note: for those of you who haven't read 'Chino', go read that first. This is the sequel, so you'll miss a whole lot of references.

Now, for those of you who've stayed with me: Oh God, I'm so nervous posting this. I feel like this story has a totally different vibe than 'Chino' (though, that could just be me). So I hope you all like it, and please don't judge me too harshly…

P.S. – again, I guess I should warn that this story is rated M for a reason.


"A stalker and a crazy hotel owner?" Sandy chuckled. Kirsten grinned into her glass of wine.

"All in my first hour. Chino is majorly scary," Taylor nodded, taking a huge bite of food. "Oh. No offense," she looked sheepishly at Ryan, who just smiled.

"It's cool. Chino isn't the easiest place to live." Ryan stabbed at a noodle helplessly. The night had turned into a huge discussion of Taylor's stay in Chino, and the Cohens were ecstatic to have some insight into Ryan's pre-Newport life. When Ryan finally looked up, it was to see Seth's reaction.

The boy was grinning, almost ear to ear. And he was just staring at Ryan. Grinning.

"What?" Ryan growled.

"Nothing, I just love these stories," Seth tried to control his smile, toning it down a bit. "Tell us more," he demanded, turning back to Taylor.

She was glad the Cohens liked her. When Ryan had invited her over for dinner, she had been a bit wary. Kirsten, if not the others, knew her mother. She very much hoped Kirsten wouldn't hold it against her, and the woman hadn't. In fact, as the night went on, Taylor kept wishing Kirsten was her mom. And Sandy? It would be awesome to have a father like that.

"Well, I talked to one of his ex-girlfriends," she began and Ryan choked on a piece of chicken.

"Taylor…" his tone was warning, but the girl was too eager to tell the story.

"...and she showed me this picture…"

Ryan stood up, the sound of the chair scraping back stopping them all. He grabbed Taylor's hand, and pulled her out through the kitchen and into the living room.

Seth and Sandy waited till they were out of hearing before bursting into laughter.

"I really want to hear the end of that story," Kirsten remarked, hiding her own smile.

"I wonder if it has something to do with a naked baby Ryan…" Seth mused, harking back to the picture comment.

"You know, for a guy, you sure have a weird fascination with naked Ryan," Taylor observed, entering the room again and dragging Ryan behind her.

"Well, I see grumpy bear decided to come back," Seth spoke, ignoring Taylor's comment. Ryan just glared, trying to split the look between Seth and Taylor.

"Now, Taylor dear, please continue," Sandy invited, grinning.

"Are you really mad at me?" Taylor stared at Ryan's back. She was nervously standing at the pool house door, having just entered. After dinner, he had stormed off to his room.

He turned around, trying to hold his angry look, but failing. His shoulders slumped. "No." She gave him a million watt smile, and skipped over to him, throwing her arms around his neck.

"Good. Cause you're no fun when you're mad," she leaned up to kiss him, and he gave up any pretense of being even slightly annoyed.

He was just about to throw her onto his bed when the pool house door opened.

"Whoa. I do not need to see that," Seth made an exaggerated point of looking away and gagging. Ryan broke the kiss, and turned angrily to his friend.

"What do you want Seth," he said through clenched teeth, making it painfully obvious that he wanted to be alone with Taylor.

"Oh, the rents want to know if you're ok. They're all afraid that inviting your girlfriend over this soon was 'encroaching on your life' too much." He made air quotes, something he seemed to have picked up from Summer.

"I thought you invited me over?" Taylor's arms fell away from him, and she stepped back to get a better angle on his face.

"Sorry, dude, didn't know it was a secret," Seth muttered, backing out of the door. "I'll just leave you two alone…"

When he was gone, Ryan stopped glaring, and looked back at Taylor. "I did invite you. Sandy and Kirsten just… gave me the idea."She folded her arms over her stomach and lifted one eyebrow. "I wasn't sure if you wanted to meet the people who adopted me." She continued her stare. "I… thought you'd be overwhelmed?" He just wanted her to stop that look.

"No, you were afraid, because that's what you do. I lived with you for a month and a half, and you kicked me out when you thought I might stay." She rolled her eyes, and spun to sit on his bed wearily. "I swear, Ryan, you're going to have to get over the whole 'fear of commitment' thing sometime. Because I don't know how many times I'm going to keep letting it slide."

Ryan had no idea how to stop this train wreck. This happened all the time. Girls in Newport were so dramatic. They got upset over everything. He flashed back to the time right before school when Marissa would suddenly get angry for no apparent reason. He just needed to know what to say to make her feel better. Maybe he should buy her flowers. Did girls in Newport consider flowers romantic, or would he have to spring for a diamond or something?

"Ryan? Hello?" He looked up at her. "You spaced out there for a little."

That couldn't be good, he thought, closing his eyes. "Look, Taylor…" he opened them again, and stopped short. She was lying on his bed, propped up on the pillows with a smile on her face. "Um…"

"Well, it's nice that you feel so guilty all the time…" she caught his attention when she ran her hands down her stomach, "but are you done? Cause I wanted to test out your bed."

He swallowed hard. "That sounds good."

Taylor giggled, blushing a little as he stared. "Ryan, take off your pants and get on the bed," she ordered, pulling her shirt over her head and throwing it somewhere. He found himself obligingly popping the button of his jeans open, and undoing the zipper. Taylor smiled happily and sighed as he stripped in front of her.

"Ryan, sweetie, are you ok?" Kirsten at least had the manners to knock, unlike her son. Still, Ryan had to resist the urge to scream. He pulled his pants back up hurriedly as Taylor scrambled to find her discarded shirt. "Ryan?" Kirsten's voice was worried, and she knocked again. Ryan swore, and looked over his shoulder where Taylor nodded at him. He opened the door.

"Hey, Kirsten." He tried to block the door as much as possible to hide Taylor, who was still smoothing her hair down.

Kirsten wasn't stupid though. She flushed a bright red, said "oh," and mumbled some excuse before walking back to the house.

Ryan let his head clunk against the door, and he groaned. Great, Kirsten was going to be weird around him, and think he was some sort of pervert.

He noticed that Taylor was giggling behind him, and he looked over his shoulder at her. "This isn't funny. That's my adoptive mother," he groaned as it really sank in. For some reason, getting caught by Kirsten was a million times worse than if they had ever been caught by Dawn.

"Come on Ryan… you just know Seth and Sandy are going to find out…" she trailed off, consumed by laughter.

"You don't seem too upset," he scowled.

"Well, they're not my family," she told him. "And it's not me they'll be disappointed in. See, I'm just a helpless girl that you've been preying upon, you dirty fiend," she grinned wickedly at him.

"'Dirty fiend'? I'll give you 'dirty fiend'," he muttered, stalking toward her. She gave a little scream and jumped over the bed, trying to get away from him. He growled and sprang over the bed after her.

Kirsten glanced at her husband in horror as they heard a scream from the pool house. "Oh God," she whispered as Sandy began to chuckle.

"Well, at least the boy has a healthy sex drive," Sandy grinned as Kirsten slammed her glass down and began pacing the kitchen.

"Sandy," she whispered as if Ryan could hear her, "when we took him in, I did not expect this!" She looked nervously out the window as another playful scream tore from Ryan's residence.

"The boy is sixteen, Kirsten. And Taylor is a good looking girl, can you blame him?" Kirsten smiled at her husband, not able to be angry at his remark. She had to admit Taylor was beautiful.

"I know, but does he have to be sixteen so loudly? It's disturbing. What if Seth…"

"What if Seth?" Sandy asked, grinning. "I hear he and that Summer Roberts are somewhat-maybe-kind-of seeing each other."

Kirsten dropped her head into her hands and began pacing again. "You have to talk to him," she said. "Give him the talk. I'm sure his mother never talked to him about this. I can only imagine what he picked up in Chino…"

"Kirsten, you say that like people in Newport aren't sexual deviants. Look at Julie Cooper," he jerked his head in the direction of their next door neighbors, but Kirsten only looked at him pleadingly. He sighed, "fine. I'll talk to him, ok? Tomorrow morning, because I am not going in there now." His eyebrows shot up at the thought, and he walked away, shaking his head.

Taylor was shaking from her orgasm, and Ryan smiled smugly as he made his way up her body. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in close. "You shouldn't mess with me," he told the top of her head.

"If you're trying to get me to stop arguing with you by making me have awesome orgasms, I think your classical conditioning approach is a little off," she grinned into his t-shirt.

"Well, maybe my real intention is to make you incredibly horny every time you're mad at me. That way, you'll never be able to win an argument," he slid his hand down the curve of her back.

She looked up at him, eyes smoldering. "How do you know I'm not already horny every time we fight?"

Ryan stared at her for a second. "Fantastic," he breathed, closing the distance between their lips.

Review please!