So, wanna hear something funny? I also post this fic on my LJ, and as an April Fools joke I posted a fake chapter, and since most of the people that read my LJ are Addek, they were not impressed by the sudden non-Addek ending. I actually thought it was a pretty good ending. In fact, if you are sick of this fic and don't mind a MerDer/AddyGeoff ending then feel free to disregard this chapter and just go read that one (kedda.).

Anyway, this is a 'season finale' type ending. I figured that I'd get bored this summer and need something to write and I currently have no other fic ideas so I might as well just continue with this. I can still do stuff with them… maybe the characters can explore space, or get shipwrecked… time travel could be fun. I bet Addison would look cute as a cave woman. Maybe Addison could be transformed into Catherine the Great and Derek, Geoff, Mark, Alex and whoever could be her harem of lovers. Or Derek could be Henry the VIII and instead of waffling between Addison and Meredith he could just behead one and be done with it. Or behead them both and give Callie some lovin'.




Derek paced back and forth across the bridge. His plan was to intercept Addison on her way to the locker room. They needed to talk. He stared out the window, his hands on his hips absent-mindedly adjusting his belt and straightening his shirt. He ran a hand over his hair, it had looked okay in the locker room when he was changing and cleaning up –– and he was slightly embarrassed that he believed that she would be more likely to talk to him if he was well groomed and not wearing scrubs and a lab coat, but at this point he wasn't taking any chances. He had no proof but he was pretty sure that she had secret exit's for the OR's, a decoy for her NICU and some sort of tracking system that let her know when he was in the cafeteria, locker room, nurses station, coffee shop, parking lot or anywhere else within a 5 mile radius of the hospital.

He was gripping the railing staring out over the parking lot, his knuckles turning white, when he heard a familiar staccato clicking of heels on hospital tile. He turned quickly and glanced quickly at the hallways at either end of the bridge. Nothing. Briskly he strode to the other side of the bridge and scanned the floor below. There she was. She'd thwarted his plans and was heading out the front door.

Without thinking he bound down the steps two at a time, and jogged after her. Catching up to her at her car he slipped into the passenger side just as she was reaching behind her to put her briefcase in the back.

She stared at him hard for a second then faced the front like he wasn't even there.

"You've been avoiding me."



"Because this," she waved a finger between them, "Is a bad idea."

"Well, let's at least talk about it."


"Do you even care what I have to say about this?"

"No," she replied honestly, resting her head against the head rest and slowly turning to look at him.

He turned in his seat and stared at her closely, then leaned in to kiss her.

She met him half way and was the one to flick her tongue against his lower lip.

His hand cupped her jaw, lightly running his thumb over her cheek and tucking some hair behind her ear.

She leaned in further, claiming more from the kiss, then gripped his side and pulled him closer to her side of the car before dropping her hand down to toy pensively with his belt buckle.

He groaned and dragged the knuckle of two fingers along the outline of her breast.

She pulled away, panting slightly and turned to face the front of the car again as she turned the ignition, "Buckle up."


She drove towards downtown Seattle, frequently checking the cars around her to see if it was someone she recognized from work. She glanced over at Derek and smiled at him, reaching over and running her hand though his hair and resting her hand at the nape of his neck as she drove, He turned his head and kissed her palm.

She turned into a hotel and stopped by the front entrance.

"I'll park the car at the parking center down the block," she nodded down the street, "Page me with the room number and I'll be right back."

"Promise?" He asked, leaning in and kissing her.

She grinned and pecked him on the lips, "Promise."


Addison let her eyes slide over the raised numbers on the unlatched door before resting her palm lightly in the middle and pressing slowly. She took in the room little by little as the door swung open: small table with a vase of flowers just inside the door, large mirror reflecting part of an abstract print, beige wallpaper with a non-discript hotel pattern, TV showing a forecast of the weather for the next week (rain), Derek's shoes in the middle of the floor, fireplace in the corner, two armchairs, a small table with more flowers in front of the window, and a big bed with way to many pillows.

She stepped into the room and smiled shyly at Derek who was sitting cross legged in the middle of the bed with the remote; crossing the room she put her purse on the table under the window and glanced at the fireplace as she slipped out of her shoes.

"Was the fireplace really necessary?" she asked with an amused smile as she knelt on the edge of the bed and crawled over to him. She pressed her hand to his cheek and kissed him slowly before lowering herself onto her side beside him.

"It was either this or the one that had the whirlpool and the sauna."

She leaned away, "That sounds like fun."

He chuckled and turned off the TV, tossing the remote off the bed, "Maybe next time."

"Next time?" she teased as she moved back onto her knees and knelt at his side, "So this is going to happen again?"

"I hope so," he grinned. He leaned in and pressed his lips against hers, his arm slipping around her waist and tugging her closer.

She smiled against his lips and leaned in, one arm snaking around his neck, the other tracing around the seams of his shirt and toying with the buttons of his shirt, tugging on each one but not undoing them. He grunted impatiently against her mouth, gripping her harder and pulling her to rest in front of him, pulling away as she laughed and twisted awkwardly as she re-situated herself and straddled his lap.

They kissed again, slowly, tracing the lines of each others bodies. Addison rubbed her palms in small circles over his chest, tracing the outline of his nipples through his shirt, sighing softly as his fingertips tickled up her sides, across her stomach and along the swell of her breasts. He grinned as she inhaled sharply at his teasing and pulled away; she loosening his belt and unbuttoning his pants before attacking the buttons of his shirt impatiently before just pulling it over his head and tossing it behind her.

He wrapped his hands around her forearms as she moved to touch him and pinned them back against her sides, his lips outlining her jaw and the line of her neck, tracing the thin skin above her vocal cords with his teeth and feeling the low vibrations as she moaned. She slowly rotated her shoulders, encouraging him, and freeing her arms from his grasp so he could concentrate on getting her out of her shirt and she could deal with his socks –– sex in socks not being her idea of sexy. She clumsily felt her way down his legs, still crossed beneath her, and blindly –– her eyes were still closed and her head thrown back –– tugged his socks off his feet. She ran her nails along the arches of his feet around his ankles and back, gasping in surprise as he, in one smooth motion, pushed her blouse over her shoulders and pushed her down on to her back –– a low growl springing from the back of his throat as her hair spilled out over the foot of the bed. She laughed as his mouth went directly for her cleavage, the stubble on his chin scrapping against her skin.

"Careful," she warned, breathlessly.

He nodded again her chest then moved down to her tummy, tracing any line he could find with the tip of his tongue and his lips –– faint veins, the definition of muscles, patterns of freckles –– listening to her softly sighing as she ran her nails over his arms, scraping over his palms and kneading his shoulders and the back of his neck.

Hooking his finger under the waist of her skirt he dragged it across her stomach searching for the zipper, not finding it he dragged his finger back across to her other hip as he nibbled his way around her belly button. He pulled away and sat back on his heels –– the zipper was on the back. He glanced up at her face, she smirked and raised an eyebrow as he contemplated the situation.

"Roll over," he instructed.

She chuckled as she watched him impatiently squirm out of his pants before she drew her legs up and rolled over on to her stomach, stretching back out with a moan as his palms ran up the back of her calves, thighs ––tracing the line of her stockings, but leaving them in place –– and around to her hips before repeating the process in reverse as he pulled her skirt down her legs. She could feels his breath hot on her skin as he pressed his lips to the back of her knee, the top of her thigh, her hip, the small of her back, then the sharp SNAP as he snapped the elastic of her panties hard against her bottom. She squealed, gasped and laughed –– still giggling as she raised her hips and he slid off her panties.

She closed her eyes –– smile still on her face –– and breathed deeply as his body covered hers, pressing her gently into the mattress. Parting her legs slightly she grasped the hands that were tickling and stroking up and down her sides and linking their fingers together she drew their hands up over her head so every inch of her was stretched out under every inch of him. Tilting her head far to the side she pouted and whimpered, until he nuzzled against her neck and pressed wet kisses around the shell of her ear, the lobe, down her jaw, small kisses across her cheeks before finally settling on the corner of her lips.

He untangled one of his hands and smoothed it across her back and unclasped her bra, leaning away so she could raise herself up onto her elbows and side it off. His hands slipped under her, cupping her breasts and kneading them tenderly, his face buried between her shoulders –– kissing and sucking gently.

She panted, squirming against him and pressing her hips up against his pelvis. Groaning with relief, she lifted her hips as he wrapped an arm under her and angled her hips up off the mattress. Spreading her legs apart more she buried her face in the comforter and tilted herself towards him. She sucked in a breath as he rubbed himself against her –– teasing her –– back and forth, around, up and down, doing everything except what she wanted him too.

"Derek," she hissed breathlessly, "Quit that."

He chucked and carefully pushed inside of her, just barely, before pulling back out. Her fist balled up and hit the mattress in frustration.


He pushed himself in a little further, thrusting shallowly, his hand snaking down between her legs and rubbing her hard.

She arched up against him trying to pull him deeper only to be denied every time. She twisted a leg around his holding him close and tried to meet his thrusts only to find he was holding her too tightly. She buried her face in the bed, defeated, her free leg thumping against the bed in aggravation as the orgasm burning hot in her belly refusing to ignite.

He continued to tease her, ignoring her whimpers and tremors and shudders. Her skin was covered in a thin sheen of sweat and she was emitting high pitch cries into the sheets as she begged him just to let her come. He pulled away completely, ignoring her loud groan of protested and turned her limp frame onto her back. He rubbed the palm of his hand over her tummy for a moment then dipped his head between her legs and sucked gently on her clit until her whole body stiffened, then spasmed hard and she jerked away from him.

He slid back up the bed and kissed her jaw lightly as he pushed back inside her, resuming his shallow thrusts as her muscles clenched him tightly.

"Damnit," she panted, "Derek. That was the cruelest, meanest, cruel…" she pushed him off her completely and kept pushing until his head rested on the pillows. She crawled towards him pushing the rumpled blankets and sheets out of the way, "Mean and cruelest thing…" she dragged her nails hard down his legs leaving red marks in their wake, "That you have ever done to me," she lowered her head and bit the skin just below his navel, "And that is saying a lot."

She wrapped her lips around his tip and sucked hard, alternating between sucking and lightly dragging her teeth along his length until he was writhing and squirming beneath her –– pulling on her shoulder, grasping the back of her head, begging, moaning and pleading –– but she simply pinched the skin behind his knee, hard, every time she felt him getting to close.

"See," she murmured crawling over him, "Not so fun when you're on the other end is it?"

"Sorry," he breathed heavily, pulling her against him and kissing her hard, "I'll never do it again."

She smirked, a smile spreading across her face, "You better not." Balancing herself on her knees she mimicked his earlier antics, rubbing herself against him but evading his attempts to thrust inside of her. He groaned her name loudly, pressing his head back into the pillow. She lowered herself slightly, barely taking him in, then resumed teasing him.

She dragged her nails down his chest, leaning forward and kissing along his jaw and down his neck, her eyelashes tickling the skin on the underside of his jaw. Her fingers brushed lightly over his cheeks and kissed them lightly, occasionally drifting down to his lips or over to his ear. His breathing was ragged and heavy and his fingers drug into her hips as he tried to control her movements but she simply dragged her fingertip and nails along the thin skin of his forearms and the inside of his elbow until his muscles weakened and his arms went limp.

Smirking she cupped his cheeks in her hands and lightly kissed the tip of his nose before pressing their lips together, gently, kissing him long and slow before trailing the kiss back down his neck and across his chest. She teased one nipple with her tongue before dragging her teeth over it then repeating the teasing the other one in reverse –– biting gently then soothing with her tongue.

"Addison. Christ," he moaned, "I'm sorry. Sorry, sorry."

"Mmmm," she murmured, accepting his apology, and lowered herself completely onto him, "Ohhhhhhh," she moaned.

His hips thrust up into her with abandon. Unable to decide between gripping her hips, rubbing her clit or fondling her breasts, he sat up and flipped her over onto her back and dove back into her, thrusting as hard as he could, his fingers toying with her clit and his mouth attacking her breasts.

Her fingers pressed hard into his back and neck, her body curling into his as her breath was forced from her lungs with every thrust. Her orgasm coiled tightly around her body, tighter and tighter, until suddenly it sprung apart, tearing though her veins and clamping her body violently around his. He gripped her tighter, trying to ride out her orgasm, but it was too powerful and dragged him along with her as his entire being erupted in white hot heat.

They clung to each other for a long moment, unable to find the strength to separate. Her thighs gripped his hips and she slipped her arms under his and hugged him tight.

"Get off of me," she groaned finally, kissing his collarbone and pushing against his stomach.

He moved to her side and lay facing her.

Addison's eyes drifted closed for a moment, then back open as she fought the weariness.

"Tired?" he questioned gently, his fingers tracing circles on her stomach.

She nodded, "I work long hours," she said like the thought was just occurring to her. Her hand reached up to brush some hair out of her face and fell back down to rest against his chest, "What time is it?"

Derek rolled over onto his back and checked the clock by the bed, "6:37."

"Mmmm," she rolled over and cuddled into his chest, "Guess I missed supper."

"By 6:30?"

"Geoffrey had to be on hand for a game tonight," she yawned and buried her face against his chest, "Oh well." She raked her fingers though the hair on his chest, "How are we doing this?"

"What do you mean?" he asked absently, measuring the distance between her ribs and hip with his hand.

"Do you want to do this the same as before? At the trailer? Fake book clubs and gym memberships?" Her attention drifted to the hair around his navel, "Or do you just want to page whenever we feel up too it? Nothing definite, 'cause this spontaneous hotel thing has promise. Apparently there are whirlpools and saunas."

He chuckled but his face remained serious, "Before," he chose his words carefully, "We were thinking of making some changes."

"Yeah," she agreed, tracing her way back up his sternum, "But that was a long time ago. Our… situations have changed," she leaned her body close to his, winding her leg around one of his and resting her cheek above his heart, "I'm getting married and you and Meredith –– you were starting a family…"

Derek felt as if a large weight had been dropped on his chest.

"We shouldn't even be doing this, but if we are," she continued, "Our 'relationship' should reflect the other relationships we have. You know what I mean?"

He blinked hard against the slight uneasiness he felt. He no longer really heard what she was saying, his head was swimming. Her arm against his chest felt like it weighted a literal ton.

"… It's not that I don't trust you, because I do… in a way. I just don't think we are what each other needs… and I'm not sure why we keep doing this, I just feel like if we don't I'll combust…"

"Addison," he growled gruffly, pushing her roughly off his chest, "Get off."

She stared at him in stunned silence as he struggled to sit up, "What's wrong?"

"You were just heavy," he replied, turning away from her and swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, flexing his arm as he waited for the pressure on his chest to lessen.

"Derek?" she moved over, kneeling next to him, "What…" she touched his back, he had broken out into a fresh sweat. Panic flashed across her face, "Derek? Derek, what's wrong? What's happening?"

"Nothing," he groaned, "I just… my chest…and my arm… "

"Your chest?" her fingers groped for his pulse, "Your chest or your heart?" she demanded, forcing herself to stay calm.

"I don't… I'm fine."

"You're not fine," she snapped, noticing for the first time the way he was gripping his arm. She stumbled from the bed and grabbed her purse, the contents immediately spilling all over the floor. She swore and sank to her knees digging though random bits of purse junk searching for Aspirin, "Take these," she walked over on her knees and pressed the pills into his palm before pulling herself to her feet and tripping towards the mini-fridge for water, her hand trembling.

Derek meekly did as he was told, now visibly shaking, as she reached for the phone and calmly called 9-1-1.

The room was silent for a long moment after she hung up the phone, "Fuck Derek," she swore, something she never did, tears starting to pour down her cheeks.

"Addison," he ignored the overwhelming dizziness and reached for her.

She pulled away and grabbed his pants off the floor, "Damn it, Derek," she wiped the tears off her face frantically, "You drag me into bed and as soon as I want to talk you have a god damn heart attack. You are such a guy sometimes," she brushed away more tears and knelt at his feet and gently eased his legs into his pants, "Stand up," she ordered harshly but tenderly leaning towards him so he could put his weight on her, and slid the pants up to his hips and buckled them.

She took him by the arm and was about to help him back onto the bed when his arms wrapped heavily around her shoulders and hugged her tight. She hesitated a moment and wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face in his neck, his skin was white and clammy under her fingers and he was trembling in her arms.

"Don't die," she whispered into his neck, "Promise me."

They held each other tighter for a moment, then she eased him back onto the bed, propping him up against the pillows.

Sirens rang out in the distance, quickly coming closer.

"You should get dressed," he grimaced, his eyes closing tightly against the pain.

She glanced around the room, absently pulling his dress shirt over her shoulders before sitting on the edge of the bed and running her hands over his sweaty face.

They heard the ambulance pull to a stop in front of the hotel, his eyes flickered open to look at her.

His skin was ashy, his lips now void of colour, "Call Mark," he said softly, his breathing short and ragged, "Get him to come get you and take you home, ask him to call Meredith," his breathing became shallower again, "Don't let them take me to Seattle Grace."

She nodded, fresh tears pooling in her eyes, "Don't forget," she kissed his knuckles as the manger's keycard opened the door and the paramedics bustled in, "No dying. You promised me."

She was instantly pushed aside, no longer able to touch or even see him. She instantly felt tears running down her cheeks. Pushing the fear away she began arguing with the closest paramedic, telling him what to do, how to do it and what hospital he should be going to.

"Seattle Grace is only 5 minutes from here Mam."

"I know where it is," she argued, "You just can't take him there. He works there. I work there."

"Then you know that it's the best in the…"

"I know that. You think that I would be fighting this if I didn't have a good reason? His girlfriend works there. Is at work there right now. Please," she pleaded, "Just, take him to Mercy. Please, just… please," she wiped tears from her face, "Having the deal with that hospital now would probably kill him."

The paramedic glanced at Derek on the bed –– Derek's eyes were trained on Addison, always on her –– "Okay. We'll take him to Mercy."

Within minutes they had hooked Derek up to a portable heart monitor and an IV and were wheeling him out of the room without a second glance at Addison.

She stared dumbly at the door as it slowly swung shut, leaving her alone in the sudden silence. Her legs gave out slowly and she sank gradually to the floor. Her fingers reached out and retrieved her phone from her spilt purse contents, her hand shaking as she dialed.


"Alex?" she choked.

Then she began to sob.



But awwwww. She called Alex. They are so cute, I love the friendship they have.

But ya.

Review and let me know how you enjoyed this section and what (if anything) you want to see in the future.