Nothing But Love

Chapter 1- if only

2nd year:


Ever since we were little Fred has been the older bolder one. I like it like that. I have always been the little emotional one who always needed protecting.

Fred would always give me that protection. Like today.

I had been walking back to the common rooms when some Slytherins cornered me. They started calling me names that I never want to repeat.

And then the leader of the Slytherin pack gave me a hard punch in the gut. And then the rest started on me. They pinned me to the wall and gave me a kick in the groin. I yelled out in pain.

And then Fred was there, pulling the Slytherins off one by one, giving them a taste of their own medicine. And they ran. Fred turned to me, his muscles glistening in the sunshine. I quickly covered the growing area in my trousers pretending that it was still hurt.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, now that you're here"

"Damn Slytherins"

"Yeah I know"

He helped me up and walked me back to the common room. And then I said it. I couldn't help it. It just slipped out.

"I love you"

"Ha, I love you too"

But of course he didn't mean it in the way I did. No, of course not.

God, I wish I had him.

It was nighttime. I slipped past everyone's bed unnoticed. I crept into the bathroom. I couldn't believe the dream I just had.

"G-George" a moan

" Like it?"

"H- harder" a moan

He does like it. I run my hand down his front. A moan. And I lift out.

We are both breathing fast and hard.

"Amazing" He stands up to go to the bathroom. He's limping.

But of course this was wrong. The feelings, the thoughts I had about him. Not just that he was of the same sex. Also, he was my brother, my twin. But I couldn't help it. Never could.

" George?"

I turned around to see Fred standing in the bathroom door in only boxers. His entire body shining. I felt my knees buckle but I caught myself.

"Hey, do you mind if I take a shower?"

I can't deprive him of a shower.

"Oh, yeah. Go ahead." I start to leave when-

"You can finish up"

"Oh, yeah, okay"

And I turn back to the sink and splash some water on my face. I turn to see him. His boxers completely off and him stepping into the shower. I quickly leave the bathroom, trying to hide my slowly tightening pants.

God I wish I had him.