A/N: This story is actually a current roleplay I'm involved in with one of my online friends on DeviantArt. We also have it posted there under her account (her name on DA is Wishewing, and mine there is Crazysparkles06. I know, my screenames vary so much:P).Thus far, it has gotten amazing reviews! It also comes with pictures of the characters, which unfortunately I cannot add links to. (However you can note me if you would like to see them.)

It's a long one, so get comfy!

Kindred Spirits

Chapter 1: The Beauty, The Beast, and The Recluse

Aiden walked beneath the swaying limbs of a wide old oak. Deep within his forest threshold, he was safe from all beings, and all forms of predators. No horses had wandered through his domain for more than a year, and it had been twice that since he had even uttered a vocal word.

Being a stallion in his prime, he did feel the primordial urges to find companionship. However, no mare parted the branches to call to him. No swaying tails encouraged him to prance with masculinity. So for now, he managed to quell the longing gripping his lonely heart. The forest called to him, and as of now, that was all the Appaloosa needed.

A short distance away, an attractively marked mare was grazing within the forest walls. The grass was so fresh here, and the quietness and solitude was all she needed.

Siana was often wondering why she was here, no one to talk to or no one to just socialize with. She had so much to offer.

Bolting her head upright, still in mid chew, she scented a stallion. A big one from the smell of him. She curiously sauntered towards the scent, her four hooves nestling in the wet forest floor.

The stallion wandered around his favorite forest entity. A large, stretching pine tree that was nearly as round, as it was tall. The summit of the great old tree had been pressed many times by his gentle footsteps, and he had worn a trail, his path of wonder, in a perfect circle around the pine he loved.

When no other had been near, the tree had sheltered him. When deep snow fell and glistened under every other branch, he did not feel its cold breath under the emerald boughs. No other horse understood quite as deeply his love for the deep, dark wood. And he figured he would spend his life in awe of this wonderful creation, utterly alone.

Suddenly a twig snapped clean not even one-hundred yards from where he stood. The fur on the back of his neck prickled, and his ears strained with every pained muscle to discern the approaching sound. A soft four-beat gait reached his senses, and with shock he backed his white, glistening body into the trunk of the great pine. Another horse was approaching his hiding place, and he did not know whether to stand and fight or flee into the dappled silence.

Siana was aware she had given her presence away now. She bit her lip as she knew the stallion sensed her.

She watched intently as the stallion wandered around the great tree - he obviously cared greatly, and Siana was amazed. All the other stallions she had met were only interested in one thing - mating and then leaving without so much as a smile.

This stallion, no, he was different - he was infatuated by a tree - this left Siana feeling more comfortable being in his presence.

She quietly stepped forward, the sieved sunlight dappling her glossy brown pelt. Her luxurious blonde hair sliding over her face - she greeted the stallion as politely as she could.

"Hi there, I dont mean to intrude on you - I can tell your occupied" She chimed, her tone unsettled.

The stallion swiveled his head to the approaching voice, his eyes shining white with wild fear. Then all of a sudden, the frightening sensation stopped sending the adrenaline to his veins, and his mood was replaced with an instinct even older that flight.

Much to Aiden's amazement, the approaching horse was a mare. Curious, yet unsettled he looked over his shoulder making sure they, he and the mare, were the only breathing beings in the wood. Satisfied that his nostrils scented no other individual, he took a cautious step forward, lowering his head and gazing at her with one, liquid brown eye.

"Why do you wander through this wood so alone young mare?" he managed to rasp from his nearly frozen vocal chords. Just that one sentence made his throat hurt, but it didn't matter. He now had someone to talk to. "Where is your guardian? These are bad times, no filly should wander alone so far from her herd." The Appaloosa's voice piped with a protective tone, but he was sure the mare interpreted it as something condescending.

He knew mares could hold their own when it came to any kind of battle, especially when it came to their young ones, but she was so lithe, so finely-boned. When she stepped grace emanated from her being. Aiden feared to even breath on her for fear she would break. Had a more perfect creature ever wandered across his path? It was hard for him to remember a finer example or a female equine, than this chocolatey mare standing before him.

As the leaves parted where she walked, she understood that this was a very dense forest. It would be strange for a lone stallion to wander by himself. It was unheard of in her homeland for any horse to travel alone.

Her delicate hooves embedded in the thick moss and undergrowth, she ruffled the grassy verges that stood between them. Each of four legs working like clockwork, she sauntered down the knoll that she had appeared on.

The damp grass made her uneasy on her feet, and she slid slightly down the green. Her blonde banner flowing in the gentle breeze, she eased her walk towards the stallion.

She noted he was curious as to who would be following her, and she gave him a knowing look. Her bright blue eyes piercing his warm chocolaty orbs. How they twinkled in the dappled shade - she could stare at them forever.

He was finely crafted, a prime example of a stallion. His greyish pelt glowing in the warm sunlight, with attractive splashes of chestnut - he was an unusual marked stallion. His fine, auburn hair rippled so softly in the dancing breeze, it seemed to caress his thick, arched neck. She had often wondered whether she would see a stallion such as himself, with all the sheer masculinity just standing out.

She faced the stallion, her body tensing at his tone.

"I come alone, stallion" She murmured gently. She gave a weak smile, as not to reveal too much about why.

Noticing his gruff voice, she pondered why it was so. He sounded as if he had not spoken for a long while, but when he did, it sent shivers down her spine.

"I have no guardian, well, not anymore. I have been alone for at least a month. A long and lonely month" She whispered, her voice emitted sadly.

Siana's gaze turned to the vast tree that lay behind the stallion. She simply stared in awe at it's majesty. The bark seemed to twist round the tree, hugging it tightly and manipulating it's many branches.

She dropped her gaze once again to the stallion, and shot him a questioning look.

"And you, what's the deal? You seem to be in solitude also ..." She trailed off at the end, not knowing his name to finish the question.

Aiden nodded, his wild chestnut mane falling around his face. He noticed her inquisitive look at the pine, and nodded with understanding. It was odd, for a stallion of his age, to be wandering alone also. The Appaloosa turned from her, his hide catching the dapples of sunlight allowed to filter from the forest canopy.

"I am not suited for herd society. Stallions are so brutal, so raw and merciless. They only have one thing on their minds, constantly, and I do not wish to live a life like that," he turned a brown orb towards her as he rested his forehead upon the trunk of the great tree.

The mare had approached him, even as he knew she sensed his fear. What a wonder that was to him, that she would care enough to continue her decent into his leafy home just to greet him. Still, the thought of her wandering alone unsettled him. No mare in this land, especially one so beautiful, would come without a testosterone-filled stalker.

"I'm sorry," he quickly whispered, turning towards her and bowing with grey head with apology. "It has been so long since I have greeted another, I have forgotten the formalities. If I may be honored enough to know it, what is your namesake beautiful one?"

She loved how his untamed chestnut hair seemed to dance around his face. She was fascinated with him.

"I understand. As a mare I have had my fair share of unworthy stallions strutting around like they owned me." She sighed. Her voice rather melancholy at the thought of her past. A particular part of her past made her shudder, her whole body quivered at the flash back.

Readjusting her self towards the new stallion, she put a brave smile on. She saw something different in this one, a kind of relaxing atmosphere that surrounded him. His voice was so gentle, and caring.

She admired the fact he was so gracious towards her. She didnt expect it off a lone stallion, but it was a welcome surprise.

"Its Siana," She began, her tone light and sweet. She began to walk closer towards him, her flowing mane sweeping across her neck, her forelock dancing in the breeze. Her dainty hooves much smaller than his masculine dished shaped ones.

"...And you, what's your calling?" She asked quietly. The midday sun just emerging through the wood's many crevices and gaps. A particular sun ray seemed to illuminate both of them, in a bolt of warm sun.

She felt warm when he had complimented her, her chest seemed to flutter, a feeling she had not experienced for a long time.

Aiden smiled as she spoke her name, feeling the meaning seep deep into his bones. 'God is Gracious' he thought to himself, nodding his head with agreement at the meaning of her name. He certainly was when he created this sublime creature sharing the same breath as he. The curves that dove in and out of her frame tickled his eye, and without trying, he often found himself staring as the soft pool of sunlight glimmered upon her brown coat. There could not be a more perfect name for this mare.

"It is my pleasure then, Siana, to invite you into my dwelling place," he closed his eyes and nodded to her again, displaying the utmost respect for the female. "I cannot say I have a name as divine as yours, but you may call me Aiden."

Swishing his long tail he turned from her, beckoning the mare with a head-toss to follow his lead. "You will be safe here Siana, and may stay as long as you please. The forest is very protective of her gentle inhabitants."

She shyly smiled as she revealed her name. She did not generally just let her calling be known very often these days. Her gaze turned from him to herself, noticing how he was admiring her shape.

"Its not that bad is it?" She laughed sweetly. Her round blue eyes drifting across to his. Cocking her head, she grinned.

"Thankyou for your kindness, Aiden. You have a beautiful home" She chimed, her eyes darting around the canopy, to see an array of sieved sunlight, the branches whistling in the breeze and the many different kinds of bird that inhabited the vast trees. She then realized he was beckoning her to follow. She reacted the way any mare would - with a polite nod.

Walking behind the handsome stallion, she wondered where he was taking her to.

"What other horses don't realize," Aiden began, circling the great pine tree. "Is how beautiful the woods are. They can provide us with everything. Shade, warmth, water, wonderful grazing." He smiled fondly, closing his eyes with feeling. "Speaking of, I bet your hungry."

Turning slowly, the stallion began to walk down a well-worn path. Many hoofprints, all the same size and shape faced north and south, marking the path well with equine use. Ferns on either side bent as the chestnut-splashed legs of the stallion passed them. How many times had he sauntered back and forth from the meadow to the great oak?

Following a sharp turn, the forest became sparse as a hidden meadow filled in the gaps. Flowers of all shapes, lavender and clover, claimed their place amongst all the tall shoots of grass. Smiling at his well hidden secret, the stallion bent his head and cropped a large mouthful of the rich tender shoots. This place indeed was beautiful, but as the mare followed him into the sunlight, it held no grasp on her form. Not even nature itself could compare to Siana.

Siana listened intently at his speech. His passion for the woodland he lived in was so strong, she could see it in his very soul. It made her put her faith in the stallion kind.

"Indeed they do, many a night I found myself dreaming under a mighty conifer, staring up at the stars and wondering who and what was out there." She replied, slightly distant in the majesty of the forest.

Siana stepped daintily along the worn down path, noting the countless trails, many of which matched Aiden's own tracks. This gave her some hints as to what was going on with him. The ferns brushed against her delicate pins, the dew from morning sliding into her fur.

Coming into the clearing, Siana could see a vast meadow, the lush green grass looked so inviting . Biting her lip, she calmly followed Aiden's lead and also began to graze. The green refreshed her mouth, as she chewed in the midday sun.

She took a sneaky glance at Aiden, perhaps shy if he should catch her looking at him. She smiled to herself, and turned away, delving into the tasty longer grass.

Aiden grinned merrily as the mare dropped her head to graze with him. Maybe she would stay, even if it was only for a while. He flicked his brown orbs up and down from the ground to her frame, slowly inching his way closer to her form. Across the meadow a small doe and her fawn leapt into the clearing, and Aiden started with surprise. Hopefully, she didn't see him balk.

By the time the sun hung high over them, directing their shadows right under their growing bellies, Aiden was inches from her. Their two long, billowing tails swept the ground in unison, ushering flies from their glossy backs with deadly accuracy. A soft wind blew, and Aiden leaned his side into the gust, softly brushing against her shoulder. A bolt of warmth gathered on his side where he had touched her, and he shuddered with the newfound feeling. If only he didn't have fur, his cheeks would be inflamed with a light, blushing red.

Siana self-consciously diverted her eyes from him, knowing he had spotted her. The warm flush overtook her, leaving her tingly inside. Hearing a sound in the thicket, she also shot up, and realized how stupid she looked.

She happened to see the stallion do the same, and rolled her eyes playfully, giggling slightly.

Indeed. She had noticed he was slowly edging towards her.

In the late afternoon, when her hunger had been sated, she knew the stallion was mere inches away from her. Siana smiled to herself, a feeling of youth surged through her.

Her banner was wrapped around his, in a bizzare way of nature.

The drafty wind had got up, and must have moved him into her shoulder.

The feeling of his warm silky pelt brushing against hers made her stomach flutter. His beautifully soft fur felt so right next to hers.

She brought her head up, her blonde forelock over one blue eye. She smiled shyly, and shot him another one of her understanding looks.

Aiden looked into the distance, watching the doe gracefully wander along the skirt of the other neck of wood. Smiling softly, his eyelids slowly closing, he looked at her. "How far have you come mare? What led you to this place?" The Appaloosa quickly changed the subject. The feelings that were arising deep within his chest and loins frightened him, and he did not want to become one of those typical, hormone-enraged stallions.

The sun played lightly upon the fronds and leaves that shaded the grass where they ate. A soft wind smelling of fresh, decaying undergrowth hit his nostrils, and he nodded with pleasure. Spring was coming, and along with it a new strain of life. Just like the fawn, young plants and trees were also sprouting their limbs to add to the lush canopy.

The stallions eyebrows furrowed, how many summers had he seen pass? Six, Seven? What did he have to show for all the years he had spent alone? A vast knowledge of the forest and its habitat? How much true progress had he actually made? A slight shudder coursed through his veins. In mere hours, the mare had begun to undo, what he had spent years doing for himself.

Siana knew he was desperate to change the circumstances. She watched as he diverted his attention totally onto her.

Quickly responding, she walked up beside him, her four feet pacing gracefully.

"I come from near the border of a Great Lake, where the evergreens always sway in the breeze. Where the foals always prance and where nothing bad happens.

Except for snow drifts. A vile blizzard was set upon my land, and took away most of my herd mates. I was only two summers old then, but I can remember the numbness I felt on discovering the awful truth that had befallen my herd."

Siana felt the same numbness once again- she felt the stallion become so hostile towards her. That little ray of sunshine those previous minutes had lightened her - now it was all gone.

She didnt want to press him, so she simply gazed into the sky, her expression a lowly vacant stare.

"So a blizzard has sent you here?" he inquired, his eyes wispy and full of pain. "Where is the stallion that led your harem? Why did he not force you to stay?"

Aiden had lived far from any herd life, but he knew the outlaying structure of a band. One stallion, half a dozen mares, and their offspring. Some stallions would even kill a youngster that was not their own. His expression became pained. The thoughts had awoken a very dark memory within him, and he quickly pushed it away.

"Didnt send, just gave me a push in the right direction. My leader was not the sort I associate with" She replied vacantly, but with malice as she spoke of her lead stallion. No, after the blizzard she had spent an awful three days wandering for a safe haven. The forest had looked inviting, as the only snow was on top of the tallest trees.

The blizzard took its effect on her, as her hooves were in a terrible condition and her mane was all matted. She thought her time was up; until the blizzard began to clear.

"And you Aiden, where are your mares and young ones? Is there more to you than meets the eye?" She inquired suspiciously. She could tell in his warm brown eyes, that he was not giving away some information. The sudden wash of pain on his face confirmed the fact that she naive to think a stallion, such as Aiden, would wander alone for so long.

"Aiden, Im a good listener" She whispered gently. Her eyes searching his for a sign of leeway.

She shyly nuzzled his thick neck, and held back afterwards.

She turned away and began to walk towards a quiet patch of the meadow, where the grass brushed over her fetlocks.

"I'll be over here if you want to talk..." She finished, her voice slightly optimistic. With a quick smile, she continued to the area.

Aiden watched the young mare wander from him with an air of uncertainty. She had been truthful to him about her wanderings to this place, did he too not owe her the same truth? Nodding his head as the grass swayed beneath his hooves, he slowly approached her, his mind made up.

"The land where I was born is very far from here," he began, his eyes taking on a wispy, distant hue. "I was the first child my mother ever foaled, and she could not of been more pleased. My father was delighted as well for she was his favorite mare, and he would watch over me almost as much as the rest of the band. I was his favorite" Aiden chuckled, the memories of his dam and sire sending flits of happiness through his veins.

Slowly his eyebrows furrowed. "And then, there was a fire. I was no more than four months old at the time, and my sire tried his best to usher us to safety, but it was too late. The fire was too hot, and the wind too strong. He died trying to lead the other mares to freedom, and the rest of my band perished."

The Appaloosa hung his head, closing his eyes fiercely to hold back his tears. The glade seemed to hold its breath as he retold the story of his life, for even the doe and fawn made no sound. "My dam and I wandered for many suns. After some time we got used to not living in a band, and even though all my foalhood friends had also perished, my mother always found the time to play with me. That was until, another rouge stallion happened upon us."

"He was merciless, cold-hearted, and had only breeding on his mind. If I was not so young, I would of fought for my mother, but there was nothing I could do but stand and watch. He raped her many times, many...many times, and when she did not come into foal, he turned his attentions towards me."

Aiden walked in a large circle, the pain hanging on his heart echoing in his careful footsteps. "He wanted to kill me. I could see it in his eyes as he came barreling for me that one dark night, but my mother stopped him. She fought him as hard as any stallion, and during the scuffle told me to run and never look back. I'll never forget the fear in her eyes that night, and although I wanted to be with her, I did what I was told. I ran until I could not run anymore."

"And that," he smiled half-heartedly. "Is how I came upon this wood. When no other horse could shelter and protect me, the forest did. The great pine kept me warm in the winter, and nourished me with bark when there was nothing else to forage."

The Appaloosa paused, his misty eyes looking deep into hers. "About a year after I left my mothers side, I returned to the last place I saw her, and my worst fears were confirmed. The brute had killed her for disobeying him, and left her corpse bloodied and cold in the meadow. Of course when I got there, she had nearly been taken back into the Earth, but I knew it was my mother. You never forget the scent of your dam, Siana."

With a heavy heart he looked into the distance, his nostrils fluttering. A slight wind stirred and lifted his forelock from his eyes, and he closed them gently, hoping that maybe his pain could be washed away with the breeze. "That is how I came to be here, and why I do not have a herd."

Siana could see him approach her. She turned around, her banner flicking in the breeze. She was ready for what he was about to tell her. Maybe it would help her decipher what was going on with this unusual stallion.

With her full attention on him, her ears fixed and listening intently, she took all his heartfelt information in.

It wasn't hard for her mood to change from curiosity to plain sympathy. She couldn't beleive he had opened up all these feelings he had locked away for so many years. To her especially. What made her so special that he should confess. She felt mad with herself, it obviously caused him much pain to get it off his chest.

"Aiden, I don't know what to say, I shouldn't have pressed you... I.. Im..." She stuttered, trying to find the right words for this situation.

She had a whole new respect for the stallion. Her history was bad, but his was something to be caught up about. Hanging her head in shame, her blonde mane tousled downwards, over her shoulders and resting at the top of her knees.

"Not all stallions are like the brute that fowled your life, and tinged you pain." She whispered. The whole meadow seemed to relax, the trees swayed gently - the clouds clearing with the afternoon sun gaping past the thick forestry.

"Your not like that," She continued, her voice airy and soft. She glanced at him, the blueness in her eyes pierced his.

"I am not like that, because I live as a recluse Siana," he smiled softly with pain. "If I was near females in heat constantly, then what would I be? A hormone-crazy stallion, just like the stud that killed my mother."

The Appaloosa walked towards her, his eyes gleaming with kindness. "You did not press me to say anything. I'm not the kind of horse that just speaks for attention. I listened to your story, don't I owe you the same courtesy, to tell you mine?"

A slight blind blew in the glade, cascading his coat with golden dapples. For a long moment they looked into each other's eyes, just sharing the emptiness and pain they had both lived through. Aiden felt for the mare, for he knew what it was like to grieve a great loss.

She brought her head towards his.

"Well, have you ever... you know?" She inquired. Most of her previous stallion friends had never had the opportunity, as the lead stallion would have no-one, but no-one touch the mares.

She knew that stallion like urges pushed them, but they obeyed the rules.

She was relieved at the point he made, a weight lifted off her shoulders. She knew it was true, but she was glad he felt the same.

"We both have had a truly awful time. There is no denying that. But, Aiden, there is nothing wrong in trusting yourself not to become that way." She said softly, sharing the moment that came between them.

Aiden turned his grey head away, his chestnut mane falling against his shoulder. What the mare asked him was nothing unusual. Of course she wanted to know, all mares did. He smiled sweetly, his eyelids closing as he soaked up the warm sun.

"I have never bred a mare, if that's what you're asking me," he paused, shaking his long slender neck. He wasn't sure how she would react to his next statement, but pressed it none-the-less. After all, what did he have to loose? "I'm saving myself for her," he whispered, his eyebrows furrowing with intensity. "Just one mare. My only one."

The Appaloosa plodded towards a small stream that ran through the peaceful meadow, taking a long drag of the crisp, cool water. Lifting his head, water dribbling from his lips, he looked at her intently. "Is it odd to you, that a stallion would only want one mate?"

She turned her thoughtful eyes upon his turned head. She felt as though she was pressing him again, and listened with open ears.

"Yes, it is strange." She said softly, staring into the horizon. She could hear the interrupted water, and his form shifting towards her.

"In a good way. Its not common a stallion saves himself. Your one of a kind, Aiden. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Any mare would be lucky to have you..." She gleamed in the sunlight. The rays as gentle as her voice.

Aiden edged closer to her, his eyes holding her gaze. The mare entranced him, and he couldn't deny that he was curious about her also. Would asking her be too rude? Hid eyes shifted for a moment, then grazed her stare again.

"What about you Siana?"

The Appaloosa let the question hang, hoping she would get the point. Although the subject matter was somewhat raw, he didn't feel awkward at all discussing mating with her. When he took the time to think about it, he realized actually, that he had never spoken to anyone about it. The realization caught him off guard, but did not surprise him. Something was...different about this mare.

She gave a little nod.

"Yes, I have experienced it. It didn't mean much, he wasn't the type who really made it feel special. It was a let down, on my first time." She gave her reply a heartfelt tone.

In an awkward way, she glanced at his stare, wanting to know what he was thinking.

"Whats on your mind Aiden?" She asked, her tone now nonchalant with the awkwardness over.

"I must be the only six-year-old virgin stallion," he chuckled, his forelock dancing with his shaking head. The Appaloosa shook his head, eyeing her with a playful glance. "I think about a lot of things all the time Siana. But right now, I'm just thinking about you."

Aiden gave her a heart-warming smile and dipped his head into the lush grass. He had forgotten how much sweeter grass tasted when you had someone to share it with. Politely he lifted his head, a lush bushel of intertwining blades leaning from each side of his lips. Laying his chestnut-tipped ears back, he pressed his muzzle close to hers, offering her a delicious bite from what he had cropped.

She tittered at his joke, but felt for him. It must be a touchy subject with him, but he seemed to laugh it off quite easily.

Then, she listened to his answer. A wash of total unexpectedness came over her. She brought her head backwards, and cocked it slightly. His comment had made her aware of how she oblivious she had been to his personality.

As he picked up the grass, and came closer to her, she lifted her head up with a big grin spreading over own muzzle. She arched her neck towards his offer, and gently took a small portion of his present.

She breathed in his scent as she was close to him. It was as if he was the forest - the fresh tree's scent must have been caught on his coat; Siana loved the new smell, breathing it in deeply.

With approval Aiden nodded his head, quickly devouring the rest of the green forage. With nothing less than pleasure, he dipped his head and began to graze again. Could this day get anymore perfect? Ripping blades with gusto, he protectively grazed in a circle around her, watching closely for any signs of danger. Chestnut forelock falling over his eyes, he wondered, what she thought of him.

Suddenly with newfound spirit, Aiden reared upwards, raking the air with his flawless hooves. This newfound feeling rising within his chest, sent shivers of lightning down his legs and there was no other cure, than to run. He leapt forward, squealing with delight and galloping in a quick circle around the little meadow. Happiness radiated from his form as he swept by her, tail neatly arched and proud. Prancing to and fro he nickered happily to her, his jaw set in a breath-taking smile.

Smiling in recognition, she craned her head towards the ground, and continued grazing. Out of the corner of her azure eyes, she watched as he seemed to eat around her.

Siana was beginning to feel like she wanted to be near him, always.

Interrupting her thoughts, she jerked her head up in time to see him rear, his strong forelegs pawing the breeze. She watched wide eyed as the stallion looked like he was but a year old. His boisterous spirit taking over, his strong form pacing around her.

She laughed, her head arching to the side. Her blonde forelock covering one eye, she watched with other as a smile crept across his face.

He has the most gorgeous smile She thought to herself.

Then, with a whinny, she seemed to bounce on the terra, all four legs pacing in a flamboyant trot. She gave the occasional small rear, as if trying to top his incredible display.

She halted in front of him, her eyes half shut, the lashes resting gently.

"Impressive" She said neatly, a sultry smile placed upon her face.

Aiden nickered, his eyes softening as the sun silhouetted his face. The glade was alight with all the beauty of the afternoon. A small, purple butterfly flitted past them, and he watched its areal dance with simple interest. Nothing could be more perfect, then these moments spent with his beautiful companion.

Suddenly, a loud crashing came from the forest behind her. Aiden's mouth dropped with fear, and quickly without thinking he pushed Siana behind him, waiting without a breath to face the intruder. Twigs and underbrush moaned and cracked with a heavy weight, and Aiden flattened his ears. This beast had no respect for the life of the forest.

A few moments later, a burly silhouette entered the meadow. He was tall, and gleaming with a fresh, glistening sweat, and had obviously been running for many miles. Aiden snorted, catching the beast off-guard; he did not appreciate the destruction of his patch of woods.

"What is it you want, stallion?" Aiden growled, trying to hide the ferocity in his tone. "This is my home, and I do not want trouble." A slight tinge of fear ran its course along the Appaloosa's back. Without even asking he knew what the brute wanted, and it was standing behind him trembling with fear. However much Aiden wanted to ignore it, he knew the truth of the situation. It was Siana's time, and every stallion that had scented her on her travels here, knew it too.

Siana admired the beautiful settings - and how she longed it would stay like that forever. Everything just seemed perfect.

Perfect. My that word had not entered her mind for many years.

Her ears flicked towards the heavy crashing that came from behind her, and in a flash she had been put backwards, Aiden's strong head pushing her.

Siana's eyes became wide, the whites showing clearly.

The huge brute that stood before Aiden was unlike anything she had seen before. His sweat ridden body gleamed, showing every muscle that could be so easily turned against them.

Quivering with fear, she slinked closer behind him, huddling against his body.

Siana shivered with the concept of been taken from Aiden, and into the beast's clutches.

The bay stallion froze, his nostrils testing the wind. The mare he had been following for days was here, standing behind ugly, chestnut smeared stallion. He snorted with distaste, his regal head jutting high into the air. "You seem to have found my mare," he smiled maliciously, his masculinity dropping from his sheath with anticipation. "I thankyou. Come mare," he beckoned with authority. "Our lovers chase has gone on long enough."

Aiden narrowed his eyes as the stallion spoke, his head slightly cocking to the side. He did not trust the bay, and the way he spoke to Siana was very inappropriate. However, if this stallion was truly the mate she had chosen, who was he to stand in the way? His stomach dropped. Aiden had become very close to the mare in these past few hours, and did not want to loose her, but regardless, this matter was her choice.

"Is what he says true?" Aiden whispered hesitantly to Siana. "Are you his?"

Siana was disgusted with the Bay's tone. How dare he speak like that to her?! Never in her life had she met such a disgrace to the stallion's name.

"Excuse me, but I have no idea who you are. You probably dont even know my name!" She squealed, a sudden confidence over taking the fear. She paced towards the stallion with a fuming expression, her nostrils flaring.

"Please, say my name.." Siana retorted slyly. She knew that he wasnt going to say her name - maybe he wouldnt attempt it.

She turned her back to the stallion, and began walking to Aiden. She shook her head in response to his answer, and all she wanted was for the brute to leave.

Somehow, she didnt think that would happen.

Aiden took the mares angry outburst as his cue. "I see," Aiden growled, his eyes widening with rage. "You have no place here, the mare wishes not to go with you," he bellowed, his nostrils flaring. He agreed with Siana, the stallion had no right to speak to her like she was a piece of flesh. "Please take your leave and go."

The space between the two stallions was mere yards, but Aiden felt closer than he ever wanted to be. A heaviness clung around the small group, laced with anticipation of the stallions decision. Would he turn and go without a fight? Aiden's ears flicked back and forth with hesitation, he highly doubt any stallion, even himself, would give up the mare without a battle.

Taking his eyes off the stallion for a moment, Aiden turned to his gaze to the chocolate mare. A halo of soft sunlight danced off her coat, and he sighed with pleasure knowing that she would not abandon him. A soft breeze lifted her forelock from her sapphire eyes, and he nickered softly. "It will be alright Siana. Don't fret." He dipped his chestnut dappled head, and a smile played hesitantly upon his lips. A tense nervousness settled upon his sinews, and a fear gripped his heart. He had never fought before.

She gave a sigh of relief. She walked back to her place behind Aiden, nodding with thanks as she passed his face.

'Thankyou' she mouthed, out of sight of the brute.

She couldn't explain how it felt for a stallion to stand up for her like that. Her smile had a tinge of anxiousness - would Aiden even defend her physically? The Bay was a good few inches taller than him, and what he lacked in manners, he made up for with viciousness.

Siana glanced at the Bay, wondering what his next move was - she flicked her gaze at Aiden, poised should anything arise.

Without warning the stallion charged, his eyes white and rolling with heightened testosterone. Aiden ushered Siana away with a strong push on her shoulder, right as the bay hit him head on. The Appaloosa tumbled in the weeds, his legs playing as he rolled over and over again. A large, green grass burn ran lengthwise along his shoulder, and he grimaced as he stood, noticing the large muddy slide he had created in the Earth.

As soon as Aiden had gained his footing, the stallion charged again, this time smashing his large, dished fore-hooves right into the Appaloosa's back. Aiden groaned as he stumbled to his knees once again, closing his eyes with painful effort. The bay pranced on his back legs shrieking with the challenge, watching with victory as Aiden struggled to breathe.

Siana neighed as Aiden was knocked to ground, her eyes welling with tears. She couldnt stand to see him be flung about like that for her.

The second hit made her frantic, her eyes wide as she watched him struggle with the force of the blow upon his back.

The Bay trumpeting on his sick victory made Siana furious. With a squeal, she bolted towards him, and flung all of her weight into his form, mid rear. Determined to make him feel the pain Aiden had sacrificed for her, she pivoted around, pounding him with her rear legs - each blow more and more vicious.

Aiden quickly stood, his eyes wild with fright. Siana had come to his rescue, but he would not be able to stand it if the bay injured her. Quickly he reared up, intervening the stallions aim for Siana and taking it on himself. The sickening sound of hoof thudding upon flesh echoed around the tiny meadow.

When the two gladiators had landed, Aiden quickly lurched forward, his muscles tensing ad he latched his jaw upon the bay's bony poll. The darker stallion screeched with pain, the force of Aiden's blow knocking him to his knees. The Appaloosa released his grip, rich, red blood dripping from his muzzle. His white body double-barreled, and he kicked the intruder hard in the side, cracking his ribs.

The grass rustled as the bay struggled to find his legs. With a tightly tucked tail, he limped towards the edge of the forest, wanting nothing more to do with the mare and wild, thrashing hooves of Aiden. The white stallion, his ears pressed back, galloped after the looser, nipping him hard in the flank. If the bay stallion had any thoughts of returning, they quickly vanished. The forest-dwelling stallion, although smaller, had proven his point.

She watched as Aiden finally caught the stallion in the ribs - that eerie sound of them cracking made Siana freeze.

With the last blow upon the Bay, she glanced at him as he limped away, his form slowly disappearing into the vast woodland.

Her whole body quivering, her legs shaking with adrenaline, she panted hard. Her nostrils flared, she began to slowly breathe, her heart rate loosening.

"Aiden - I think you made your point loud and clear." She congratulated him, with a broad smile on her face. She was distracted by the red blood that hung from his muzzle.

At least that is not his blood She mused.

"My hero" She sighed, her smile turning upwards at the corners.

Aiden smirked as he limped towards her, spitting the last of the red, frothy liquid from his lips. "Let's just hope you didn't attract anymore of those" he smiled, the pain vanishing from his face. Before he knew what he was doing, Aiden had his neck wrapped tightly around hers. With gentleness he pulled her close, pushing her long slender muzzle into his chest.

"Never in my life, did I ever expect to fight for a mare," he rumbled, his tone soothing her. The grass all around them rippled in a soft wind, and for a moment their manes entwined. Closing his eyes Aiden sighed with happniess, glad that Siana was still standing there beside him. "Then again, I never thought my heart would feel in my life, like it does now." His nostrils fluttered as he exhaled, warming her shoulder with sweet-smelling breath.

"You have changed me Siana."

His strong neck around his, she sighed as her muzzle nestled into his chest. His warm, forestry scent tingled her nostrils. His velvet fur sweeping against her cheeks, she breathed softly into his form.

"You and me both" She smiled. Indeed, she would not want any beast to tear her away from Aiden. She simply would not want it.

She listened to his speech, her heart warming at the thought his pain was finally releasing him from the grip. The grip that clearly had a hold on his life.

She slowly brought her head up, her mane tousled round her shoulders. Her blonde forelock concealed one eye, and her visible eye searched his.

She was over whelmed - no stallion had ever said that about her. The moment he said it she became all weak and felt as light as air.

The sun was just beginning to set, it's orangey tones seemed so soothing in the quietness of the meadow. Siana's mane highlighted in a warm gold, her fur tinged mahogany.

"Aiden, I... I dont kno..." She stuttered, her voice soft but confused.

"I dont know what to say" Her mind didn't know what to offer to him, but her heart did. It just wasn't coming out how she wanted to. Word's couldn't describe what those little musings meant to her.

The closeness she and Aiden were sharing felt so right.

"Aiden..." She began, not totally knowing what her next few words would be.

"Some things are better left unsaid," he smiled, his eyes glittering in the twilight. With hesitation he unwrapped his neck from her own, staring very softly at her.

All around them creatures of the night began to emerge. Bursts of gentle, yellow light danced in the distance, and flickered around the eloquent head of his dark companion. From below their hooves, a cricket called for it mate, its high-pitched melody beckoning the moon to rise. The wind grew colder, and Aiden pressed his shoulder against it, creating a barrier of warmth for the mare.

"Nothing in the world, is more beautiful than the coming of night," he mused, turning his head to glance at the first, twinkling star. With a deep sigh he began to walk forward, his legs creating whispers in the grass. His long forelock fell as he turned to her, partly closing his eyes with concern. "We should make our way back to the pine Siana, for the dark is beautiful, but at the same time, viciously dangerous."